Where Americans Don't Lock Their Doors [Survey] | Eyewitness Surveillance

Post on 12-Apr-2017

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Transcript of Where Americans Don't Lock Their Doors [Survey] | Eyewitness Surveillance

Can you imagine leaving

your front door open

while you sleep?

We can’t—

But some do.

So, we surveyed

1,000 Americans

to get a sense of what

people think about feeling

secure in their living


Our results will shock you—

and make you double-check your locks.

A burglary occurs



in the United States

Given that the average person

reads about 300 words per minute,

by the time you finish reading this


3 More Homes

will have been


And yet…

Nearly 1 in 5 people surveyed said they

rarely ever—or never!—lock their doors

when they are home.

Where People

Rarely or Never

Lock their Doors

(by region)

18% of Respondents

If you’re one of

who leave a physical key

outside their homes, you

may hide it…

Inside a

Underneath a

Beside the

Within the By the

Did you know?

300% More Likely

to be Broken Into

Homes without security or alarm systems are up to

only solve13%of all reported burglaries on average

—and police

only solve13%of all reported burglaries on average

—and police

(… mostly due to a lack of witnesses or

physical evidence.)

So what is the average amount of

Stolen Property

from a

Burglarized Home


No Security

System =

$5,000.00In avoidable losses

With a Professional

Security System, though…

$3,000of average loss


That’s a40% reduction

in theft

attributable to



If you’d like

to learn more about the

Security Habits

of your fellow Americans…

Click Here to view the infographic in its entirety

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