When you're working for yourself or running your own business, sometimes you'll find that your body...

Post on 27-Dec-2015

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Transcript of When you're working for yourself or running your own business, sometimes you'll find that your body...

When you're working for

yourself or running your own

business, sometimes you'll

find that your body is willing

but your motivation has taken

a vacation to Cancun for the

next 4 weeks (and it hasn't

been returning your calls,


Lacking motivation as an entrepreneur is

the same as having writers block - the

sense of frustration is palpable, but you

just can't seem to "shift" whatever it is

that has been sucking you dry of

motivation for the last number of days

or weeks.

Take a time-out and walk away from the problem.

You need to mentally and emotionally switch off from

whatever issue, task or project you're dealing with and

leave it be for a while.

How To 'Remove "You" From The Equation'

The longer you stare at something the

more you're committing that "something"

to your short-term, and then long-term

memory; once that happens, your mind

reaches a kind of 'mental plateau' where

your ability to resolve the "something"


How To 'Remove "You" From The Equation'

That's why you literally get off your ass if

you're sitting, or take a hike if you're not

- you need to walk away, and do

something else.

The more random that "something

else" is, the better it is for you. This will

clean your mental palette and give your

mind the ability to create the solution

you've been looking for subconsciously.

Try it.

Help Others

I know, I know.

How can helping others help you?

Well, as part of the "removing yourself"

from the issue you need to do something

else until your motivational problem

clears, but I've always found that helping

others is one of the best ways of

motivating myself.

When you put yourself in a position of

serving others through volunteer work, or

being charitable, you learn a lot of valuable

life lessons about yourself and the world

around you.

Even just sharing information - such as this

report - is a helping experience, and that

makes me feel good.

It's often when we're helping

others that we have those 'Eureka'

moments that drive us to achieve

great things in life and in business.

You can also improve the life of

another person or animal in the

process, so it's the most holistic

type of "Win-Win" you could wish


Accountability Coach

Sometimes, what we see as a lack of

motivation is partly a motivational

problem, and partly that we're just being

lazy, and basically need a kick in the rear

to get us going.

Accountability Coach

That's why an accountability coach can

be a very useful assistant to keep you

focused and moving forwards.

Accountability Coach

For this to work properly, you'll need

your "coach" to be one of your peers, or

at least somebody with a similar

background, job and experience level as

you - they need to be able to really talk

to you and their motivational steps will

come from understanding where you are

and what you're struggling with.

Accountability Coach

It also means they know how to get you

back on track and won't take any BS or

excuses from you.

Lacking motivation isn't something you'll

ever need to worry about if you put

these tips to work for you.
