When the water disappears (6th B)

Post on 17-Aug-2015

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Transcript of When the water disappears (6th B)


Year 6B


Once upon a time, there were four villains in a far laboratory, who decided to destroy the Earth. These villains were: Sunmurai, Bathman, Firearrow and Blackhole.Sunmurai had an idea:- We can build a machine to rob all the water of the Earth.-Yes! It's a fantastic idea! - said Bathman.- I agree with you! - added Firearrow. - Let's go! Let's do the machine!- - proposed Blackhole.

After lots and lots of days making the machine, finally, it was ready! It was a wonderful machine, it was enormous, very sophisticated, with lots of special powers and very, very dangerous!One day, Bathman was in the lab looking at the amazing machine. He was touching different buttons, when suddenly a fly entered in the lab. -Oh, no! There's an annoying fly! It's very risky! It can destroy our machine! You are going to disappear as I am Bathman! Bathman chased the fly around the laboratory. At that moment, the fly was on the machine. Bathman hit the fly and...

- I've destroyed you! Oh my God! What I've done! The machine is broken. Oh, no! I've got a big problem!All of a sudden, Sunmurai, Firearrow and Blackhole entered in the lab.- Hello! You are splendid today! - exclaimed Bathman.But Blackhole asked very nervous:- What have you done Bathman?- I haven't done anything. The fly broke the machine. It's not my fault. I haven't destroyed the machine - muttered Bathman.

Suddenly, they listened a fly and Bathman shouted:- Oh no! It's you again! You are alive!After this, Firearrow caught the fly in a second and the fly died. - Here we go, we must build the machine again. Oh Bathman! You must pay attention the next time! - begged Sunmurai. - I'm really sorry. I can't understand what happened.

After this accident, they built the machine again during ... nine... long... weeks.The day to go to the Earth arrived again. The four villains and the fantastic machine were ready in the ship. The ship began to fly through the space very, very fast. And in one second they landed in Reus and concretly in the playground of Pare Manyanet school. Bathman was very excited: - I read that in Reus there are lots of modernist houses. I'm going to do a touristic tour around the city. - Bathman, please, we don't have time for touristic tours, we have come here to rob the water of the Earth! - grumbled Sunmurai.

The four villains went to Salou beach and when they saw the Mediterranean sea they couldn't believe what they were seeing. - I want to have a bath in the sea! - exclaimed Bathman. - No, Bathman! We have come here to rob the water of the Earth! - said the three villains at the same time.So, they put the machine near the sea, they switched on the machine and all the water from the sea disappeared. After this, the villains and the terrifying machine travelled to the Ebre river to rob all its water.

- Uffffff... I'm very hungry. - said Bathman- We can go to eat a paella all together!- Great idea Bathman!!! We are hungry too.And the four villains ate a delicious paella. After this, Bathman was very full and he had an idea:- Can I have a nap? I'm very full and tired....- No!!! Let's go to catch the water from Ebre river! - shouted Firearrow.

During the next days, the villains took all the water of the Earth except a drop, THE LAST DROP OF THE WORLD!This last drop of the world knew a legend about twenty-eight super heroes that were frozen in the Comenius planet and that could help the last drop.So, the drop evaporated and went to Comenius planet to explain to the super heroes what happened in the Earth. The drop blew the super heroes, they defrosted and all together went to the Earth to save all the seas, rivers, oceans and lakes. Super heroes fought against the villains and they recovered all the water of the Earth. RIIIIIIIIIIIING!!!Suddenly a bell rang. Oh, what's happening? I fell asleep! It was only a dream!