When PPIG goes GUI PoP research pushing the boundaries of HCI

Post on 01-Feb-2016

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When PPIG goes GUI PoP research pushing the boundaries of HCI. Alan Blackwell University of Cambridge. Why did that seem like a good idea in the first place?. Vannevar Bush. Memex. J C R Licklider – man-computer symbiosis. Ivan Sutherland – demonstrating symbiosis. Sketchpad. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of When PPIG goes GUI PoP research pushing the boundaries of HCI

When PPIG goes GUIPoP research pushing the boundaries of HCI

Alan BlackwellUniversity of Cambridge

Why did that seem like a good idea

in the first place?

Vannevar Bush


J C R Licklider – man-computer symbiosis

Ivan Sutherland – demonstrating symbiosis


Doug Engelbart – the human augmentation project

NLS – oNLine System

Stanford Augmentation Research Center (ARC)

Alan Kay


David Canfield Smith

Pygmalion – symbiosis for the programmer

Card, Newman, Tesler, Moran and others

Xerox Star

Xerox Star

Jef Raskin

Apple Lisa

Apple Lisa

Apple Macintosh

If this is man-machine symbiosis,

why does

the man-half work?

Brenda Laurel and Joy Mountford

Lakoff and Johnson

Pursuing the “metaphor” metaphor – Magic Cap

The Magic Cap metaphor

The Microsoft Bob metaphor

The Task Gallery metaphor

The Task Gallery metaphor

The Task Gallery metaphor

The Virtual Reality metaphor

The Virtual Reality metaphor

Available theories for cognitive design

What is the difference

between education

and designing

a better customer?

Richard Mayer – metaphors for learning programming

Jack Carroll – varieties of metaphor and Lisa-learning

Cognitive theories of education – Bruner and Ausubel

Papert and Kay – educating the child genius?

De Souza – the “Designer’s Deputy”

We like our heroes


Negroponte’s Architecture Machine Group

SDMS “Dataland”

Command and control over Dataland

SDMS console

Engelbart at the NLS console






Bruno Latour – recruiting allies for theory

Who gets to be creative?

The designer?

Or the user?

Ted Nelson

Dealing with the death of the designer

Further reading

• Blackwell, A.F. (2001). Pictorial representation and metaphor in visual language design. Journal of Visual Languages and Computing,12(3), 223-252.

• Blackwell, A.F. (2006). The reification of metaphor as a design tool. Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction (TOCHI), 13(4), 490-530.

• http://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/~afb21