When Do You Need A Dental Bridge

Post on 14-Apr-2017

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Transcript of When Do You Need A Dental Bridge


A dental bridge is designed to replace teeth that are missing due to infections that have led to extractions or damages that have occurred to the teeth.

They can be used to replace one tooth or several. The bridge is often cemented in place so that it functions and has the strength of natural teeth.

A bridge can improve the appearance of the mouth so that there aren't any gaps between teeth.

It can also help with the alignment of the rest of the teeth as some of them might shift if gaps are left in place.

The bite can also be corrected with a bridge since there will be a full set of teeth in the mouth.

There are a few signs that you might need a bridge.

Your dentist can take x-rays to look at the structure of the jaw, remaining teeth and the overall condition of the mouth.

If he sees that a bridge is necessary or beneficial, then a mold will be taken of the mouth in order to create the appliance.

If you tend to NOT visit the dentist, you might find that there are cavities that could have been prevented.

If cavities become too large, they can lead to infections in the teeth.

This can cause severe pain or enough damage that the tooth breaks off or completely comes out of the mouth.

A bridge can help cover the tooth that comes out or that is extracted as a result of not properly caring for the teeth.

When you brush the teeth, you might notice bleeding from the gums or that they are swollen and tender. This could be a sign of gingivitis.

If the condition isn't treated with proper brushing and flossing, you might experience tooth loss.

In some cases, the condition could affect the bone in the jaw, which could result in cracking or the loss of some of the bone.

This is an ideal situation where a bridge is needed as the bridge will provide support for the other teeth in that area of the mouth.

Tooth pain is one of the signs that decay has made its way to the nerve.

The pressure from an infection can build to the point that there is an abscess.

The infection from the abscess can quickly get to the bloodstream and even reach the brain.

This is a dangerous situation and can be relieved only by antibiotics or extraction if there is enough damage to the tooth.

It's important to monitor the teeth that are in the same area of the mouth to determine if the infection spread.

Once the tooth is removed, then a bridge can be placed.

Teeth aren't supposed to move or shift.

Pay attention to any movement while brushing as this could be a sign of deterioration of the roots or bone.

Extensive gum disease is usually not corrected with a simple visit to the dentist or a change in the products used at home.

It usually requires the tooth to be removed, which can lead to a bridge to replace that tooth.

If you are seeking professional dental advice, it's time to call Shumway Dental Care.

Their Chandler dentists will ask you questions, examine you, and determine exactly what needs to be done to get you back to normal.

Call today for an appointment. Visit http://www.mychandlerdentists.com/

SHUMWAY DENTAL CARE3150 S Gilbert Rd Suite 1Chandler, AZ 85286(480) 659-7800shumwaydentalcare@gmail.com