WHEN CHRISTIANS GET IT WRONG Christians and Politics.

Post on 17-Jan-2016

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Transcript of WHEN CHRISTIANS GET IT WRONG Christians and Politics.



When you discuss politics with others, would they know that you are a Christian?

The author says that when it comes to politics, some Christians say and do things in the name of God that are in contrast or opposite to the Gospel.

How do you feel about this statement?

Do you know anyone who regularly profess their strong Christian commitments but have a blind spot when it comes to how they react to views and opinions of those with whom they differ?

There is a lot of talk in today’s politics about the fundamentalist far right in politics.

How do you feel about this group?

Do you believe that this group is representative of the majority of Christians in America?

Have you ever gotten one of the those email “forwards” that spoke disparagingly of a politician?

Did you forward that email along to others?

Did you bother to check to see if there was any truth behind that email?

How do you feel when you receive these emails?

Not trying to burst anyone’s bubble, but just because you get something in an email or read it on the internet does NOT mean it is true.

Most of the stuff you get is taken from some incident and modified to meet the author’s agenda. You at least need to check it out with SNOPES or URBAN LEGENDS to see what validity it has.

Do you believe it is a Christian’s moral and spiritual responsibility to forward emails that are possibility slanderous and inflammatory about the opposing party and its candidates?

Read Ephesians 4:29-32

According to the author, Christians get it wrong when they too closely associate their faith with a political party, or they lay aside Christian ethics and Christ’s call to love their enemies, and engage in slander and mean spirited partisan politics.

How do you feel about this statement?

The author also says that Christians get it right when they work for justice, and when grace, truth, and love mark their political activities.

How do you feel about this statement?

I think the main thing we need to keep in mind is whether or not others will know that we are Christians when we engage in political discussions and activities.