What’s New with DPLA?

Post on 06-May-2015

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The presentation will provide an overview of DPLA, including the current partnership model and future plans for growth. The talk will also describe DPLA’s infrastructure and technologies, metadata model, open access and rights policies, as well as DPLA outreach and engagement programs.

Transcript of What’s New with DPLA?

Introduction and update WILS Peer Council, 2014

June 2014 Amy Rudersdorf

Assistant Director for Content amy@dp.la / @rudeamy


Partnership model: !

Where do the millions of records come from?



12 Content Hubs + 9 Service Hubs !

1,300 Partners

DPLA is . . .

a Portal for discovery

a Platform to build upon

an advocate for a strong Public option

a Portal for discovery

a Platform to build upon



an advocate for a strong public option

Wausau Public Library. ALA Archive, University of Illinois at Urbana–Champaign

Andrew Carnegie and wife. Photo by Leslie Jones. Copyright (c) Leslie Jones. CC BY-NC-ND.

Boston Public Library via the Digital Commonwealth

Benefits of participation

Increased access

Rudolph Volk and Martin Klein in an old automobile, east of St. Peter, Minnesota, 1907?. Nicollet County Historical Society via Minnesota Digital Library

Enhanced data

The New York Public Library

Increased visibility

“…The library’s holdings, which come from institutions ranging from the Smithsonian and the New York Public Library to the Minnesota Streetcar Museum and the Montana Memory Project, include items in more than 400 languages…” !

April 22, 2014, The New York Times ArtsBeat blog

Increased usage

Mountain West Digital Library reports that in the first eight months of participation in DPLA, the number of visits and the total number of visitors to their site have both increased by more than 100%; site visit lengths have increased to nearly three minutes per visit.

Minnesota Digital Library has seen a 55-percent increase in traffic to its repository site since April 2013

DPLA attracted over 1 million unique visitors to its website and over 9 million hits to its API (application programming interface) in the first year

Benefits of partnership … from their perspective



How can I participate?

1. Consider your Hub “type” (or consult with us) (http://dp.la/info/get-involved/partnerships/)

2. Find some partners!*

3. Contact us (content@dp.la)

4. Agree to open your metadata as public domain / CC0 determination

5. Sign the data exchange agreement

6. Map your data to our metadata application profile (we’ll help)

7. Provide a single endpoint (feed) so we can grab your data

8. Start sharing!

Cooper-Hewitt, National Design Museum Collection