What's Kate Spade Got To Do With It — Social Media at #sgelections 2011

Post on 05-Sep-2014

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The 2011 General Elections in Singapore were also known to some observers as a "watershed election". Adrianna Tan, who was the digital engagement team leader for the opposition party, the National Solidarity Party, shares a few stories, and the game plan for moving forward.This presentation was prepared for The New Media Asia 2011 conference, held on 12 May 2011 at Royale Bintang Kuala Lumpur.

Transcript of What's Kate Spade Got To Do With It — Social Media at #sgelections 2011

WHAT’S KATE SPADE GOT TO DO WITH IT?social media at #sgelections 2011

Who Am I?Adrianna Tan,

Digital Engagement Team Leader,National Solidarity Party


Prepared for The New Media Asia 2011 Conference, Royale Bintang Kuala Lumpur

When the ruling party announces a candidate...

Singaporeans usually don’t care. However, we looked them up on Facebook this year.

And we found this.

So we looked again, on YouTube. And found....

Thus several memes were born.

“don’t know what to say”, “sarah peiling”, “kate spade, kate spade!”, “foot stomp!”

2006 vs 2011Twitter and Facebook only used by early adopters

Blogs and audio podcasts were main sources of ‘alternative’ news

‘Internet advertising’ was banned during the campaign period

No 3G, no smart-phones

Top-down flow of information

Twitter and Facebook used by everyone and their dog

Blogs, news, Facebook notes, alternative news sites (all connected to Twitter and Facebook)

Political parties declared ‘internet advertising’, no restrictions for public

Live-stream, live-tweet rallies, signs of groundswell


watershed elections

nearly everybody got to vote, every constituency (except one) contested for first time in our history

multiple channels of communications, information flowed in many directions

bypass state media for first time


State-controlled media

Ranked below Iraq & Zimbabwe for press freedom

Climate of fear

Respect for elders and authority

Politics for the wise, the experienced, i.e. not for the people

#sgelections in hindsight

What and how was social media used at #sgelections?

How should it not be used?

What were the tools used (a) by parties (b) by voters (c) to measure sentiment during the elections?

What can we expect from social media in #sgelections2016?

EVERYONE’S ONLINEEvery political party had a Facebook and Twitter account

#what #twitter

#what #facebook

Every party, and nearly every candidate, had a Facebook page

Some administered more expertly than others

Some obviously run by n00bs

Some more viral than others

#how #twitter #facebookInform














made it easier to solve one of the biggest hurdles for opposition parties: access to manpower and resources

EVERYONE’S ONLINEHow did voters use Twitter and Facebook?

#how #voters

52.3% Facebook penetration rate in Singapore

72% smartphone penetration rate (5.2 million), 3rd highest

Voters went to rallies,

Voters went home to watch rallies they couldn’t be at,

Voters created their own hashtags like #NSPRally and discussed what they thought

Voters asked questions on Facebook and were called ‘asinine’,

Voters created — and trended — the #PAPsmear hashtag,

Voters created — and indulged — parody accounts,

Voters spotted astroturfing,

Voters wrote — and shared — hundreds of amateur political commentary posted on their Facebook notes, across the political spectrum,

Voters and social media ninjas reported dirty political “business”, prompting mainstream media to investigate,

Voters found out election results on Facebook and Twitter 3 hours before the announcements and were amused official media had nothing to report,

Voters made stars out of returning officers,

Voters made, and watched, funny DIY videos on YouTube,

WHAT’S THE ROI?Measurables

Results Alone

Ruling party won 81 out of 87 seats, despite having one of the worst social media execution

However, this imbalance comes from Singapore’s systemic shortcomings as a democracy — failures of our First Past The Post + Group Representation Constituency system

Social media showed serious kinks in the armour, voters’ mandate showed serious erosion to their vote share (all time low since independence)

Building Capacity


Access and reach

Social media shifts goalposts a bit more fairly, for alternative parties

The More Things Change

Political parties and candidates have learned they cannot ignore social media

Those who had no online presence suffered

Those who had a good online strategy were helped by it, but needed more than Facebook popularity

How should political parties engage?

Run a coherent campaign

Social media people must be in sync with leadership and candidates

Being patronizing hurts your image

Engage an agency with ‘buy in’, or find volunteers who are politically savvy AND social media savvy. Cannot have one without the other

USE THE RIGHT TOOLS+10000 XP for trying, though

and for...

MeasurementYour regular social media tracking tools

3rd party sentiment analysis tools sprung out

3rd party news tracking and aggregation tools appeared

That’s what happens when tech-savvy population and politically minded devs come together at a “social media elections”






For all parties

Use social media platforms, established during GE 2011, to build capabilities within our organizations

Recruit and maintain volunteer base

Update and inform of activities happening between 2011 - 2016

Constantly innovate, upgrade to latest tools

Get the best people to work on branding, media, social media alongside recruiting new candidates

For voters

Continue the conversation that was started

Reach out to all political parties through social media

Inform ministers of your thoughts and opinions

Read more political commentary and news across all sources, mainstream and alternative and through social media links

Reach out and volunteer to play active role in local politics

Likes =/ Votes

Yet Facebook and Twitter have provided valuable link to voters

50% of it is ‘noise’, but you better listen carefully to the other 50%

There are lots of people who want to, and can, help

Deploy comprehensive media strategy: cultivate mainstream and alternative press relations, be genuine on social media, constantly update, create various digital assets that link up properly, have one central point of command for all digital assets

Social Media in 2016

Will be ‘faster, better, cheaper’

Needs to be cultivated NOW

You can’t get away without it, but you NEED to do it well

Social media didn’t exactly translate to votes in 2011, but it did propel many candidates across the political spectrum into the spotlight — and grant popularity, or create negative publicity

Role played by social media WILL get bigger, and it starts now