What Would da Vinci Do?

Post on 21-Apr-2017

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Transcript of What Would da Vinci Do?


What Would !Da Vinci Do?!


Lessons on Life, Teaching, and Learning from the Artists



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What’s “Historyteachers”?

What’s “Historyteachers”?

me, !sketching!


never say…


aren’t we all?

caves at chauvet!32-30,000 BP

venus of willendorf!28-25,000

Instagram Art

we have learned! nothing - Picasso

what can we!learn from!

great artists?

impressionist mvmt !and mobile learning

once revolution

now ubiquitous


“go with me”!


appreciate the fleeting!

…and the era in which you live

Monet, 1877

Manet, 1882

Renoir, 1880s



go mobile


get messy !and real


not reactive


embrace the tech of the day



tools inform technique!

break your bubble

new perspective


get a posse !+ collaborate


get connected


own your criticism- !wear it like a badge

Monet, Impression, Sunrise 1872

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what’s your fav creative tool?!!

how do your students collaborate globally?


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rise above !your roots

move on…and up

stay curious +!sharpen senses

negative !capability

I have the answers to the questions they never ask

- Gwen Burvall

build broad knowledge!


who you know !will help you grow

make thinking !visible

creativity is…

connecting dots…

inspiration!takes no!vacation


your mind race !needs a space


sometimes good enough…!is just perfect

don’t be afraid to!trash your treasures

find strength!in a smile

don’t feed the trolls!

keep it clean - !ignore the mean

reputation is like glass -!don’t be an ***

charm will !get you !


light others’ !candles

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where do you store and share thoughts?!!how do your students make their thinking visible?!!what does inquiry look like in your classroom?


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make disciplines!dance together

work beyond your will


mastery comes !with muscle

pursue patience !

think bigger…!…and differently

do the unexpected

see the angel in the marble!!

edit around your vision



whitespace is powerful

make your work public

tell stories!


ancora imparo!Live to Learn !


be biographical material… !…while you’re still biological material

leave a…

don’t wait to appreciate !(give shoutouts)

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give a shout out to a person!you admire..or better yet a student!


in what ways are you “still learning”?


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bricolage is best…!…be resourceful !

find beauty in the broken!

find a homebase!

understand your umwelt

open up and observe

people matter

“At last I don’t !know how to draw”

I have always been a pencil

aim to archive

make work easily sharable

!737 canvas 5084 posters 275 watercolours 363 prints ceramics, etc

be prolific

making trumps thinking

bad health can result in mental wealth

work through !struggles!

bolster your buddies

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where is your favourite place to work?!or!what strange or flawed thing do you!feel is beautiful?!or!how do you or students share !your work? #wwdvd

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The Wow and the Wonder

“We are surrounded !by poetry on all sides”

“admire as much as you can…!most people do not!

admire enough”

“It is looking at things for a long time !that ripens you!

and gives you a deeper meaning”

“…in the poorest !cottages !

and in the !dirtiest corners…”

power in the detail…!push for the best work…!revise and make beautiful


Be you - no compromises

“normality is a paved road…!it’s comfortable to walk!

but no flowers grow on it”

“do not quench your!inspiration and !

your !imagination”

Creative Courage

Expression !Trumps !


“just slap anything on !when you see a blank canvas !staring at you in the face…”

“break the spell of ‘you can’t’”

Know the risk…!but take it

“…a series of small things!brought together”

Do … to Learn

Take up my pencil…!…go on with my drawing

Leave a Legacy

“Wheat is Wheat…!even if people think it is grass!

in the beginning”

Strive for Empathy !and !


Make something !GOOD!

every day

!What have you persevered through in your teaching career?!

!How can we help students be resilient?!

!How can we help build communities that boost creative confidence?!

!What have you learned recently or are learning?!

! #wwdvd

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cultivate !a constellation of creatives


to know what you’re going to draw!you have to begin drawing!

work backwards

Inspiration exists…!but it has to find you working

love your work!

simple is sublime!

Apple training

change it up - !don’t be one trick pony

make like Madonna


explore new paths!

find a muse



look to the past to look forward

“learn the rules !like a pro…!

…so you can !break them !

like an artist”

“art washes away from the soul!the dust of everyday life”

get in !a creative habit

channel BAD!into RAD

embrace the youthful artist !within you

“It takes a long time!to grow young”

stand for something!

use the platform!you are given

brain > brawn


painting is not done to !decorate apartments…!!

…it is an instrument of war

“computers are useless…!they can only give you answers”

live in the “why not?”!

find your gift…!…then give it away

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post a “why not?”!!

what have you done lately to “change it up”?!!

how can the power of art be used in your course?


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seek serendipity!flaunt the fails !marvel at mistakes

treasure your past !

curate cleverly!

be awed by the ordinary

You need to let the! little things that would !ordinarily bore you !suddenly thrill you.

tinker, try, and test!

make it a!

think in themes

keep making

find your niche!

make your own movement

appropriate to create -!re-contextualize!

see things in new ways

you don’t have to explain yourself

cultivate a creative space..!!

find your “Factory”!build your “woodshed”

\find something to like in everyone!

the “little times” are often big!

live !lightheartedly

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how do you and students curate? !or!

what 3 things make a creative classroom space?!


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paint what you like! and die happy

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what thing do you want to do more of !next school year - that you enjoy !and don’t get to do enough of..!

OR !how to give students more choice?



with biggest takeaway

