What We Have Learned From the Pandemicways. We saw the online worship used by more people than ever...

Post on 05-Aug-2020

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Transcript of What We Have Learned From the Pandemicways. We saw the online worship used by more people than ever...

12345 West Main St., An 1

I recently had an online conversation with an extended family

member about the value of mask wearing. We both agreed that

your point of view depends on where you get your information.

What are the facts? And once we think we have the facts, are

they subject to change with new information? While we

continue to feel our way through this pandemic, trusting or not

trusting those who call the shots, we can trust certain truths

that are unquestionable. Yes, there are truths that we have

learned, or relearned during this Pandemic that we can totally

rely on.

These truths are likely not new to us now. They are truths that

the Lord has taught us over thousands of years of teaching

which he has spread to the earth through his Apostles and

Prophets and through the Church by his Holy Word. But the

Pandemic has given us cause to pause and take to heart these

truths underscored by the Pandemic. These are truths we have

needed to hear and that have brought clarity to many hearts in

the past months.

#1 Our trust is in God alone.

Our heavenly Father created all that is and sustains all that is

according to his holy unchangeable will. He has given wisdom

to the wise to understand viruses and seek out ways to combat

deadly viruses. For those gifts we thank him, but make no

mistake, they are gifts from the Father. Even though such gifts

exist, sinful humanity with power struggles and vain pride often

hinder helping humanity with their knowledge. Have no fear,

our heavenly Father overrides sin and sees to the needs of his

children and sends his sustaining power over all the earth. We

have seen again the need to trust him fully. When God’s

children once went to humanity for their help rather than God,

the Lord said this: “But the Egyptians are mere mortals and not

God; their horses are flesh and not spirit. When the Lord

stretches out his hand, those who help will stumble, those who

are helped will fall; all will perish together” (Isaiah 31:3).

#2 God’s Word will never pass away.

When the effort to stop the spread of the virus shut down our

worship services, we saw the Word of the Lord spread in other

ways. We saw the online worship used by more people than

ever before, we saw households take it upon themselves to

read the Word and worship--that’s a really good thing! We saw

the reality that the way we worship the way we receive the

Word of the Lord may have to change, but the Word remains

even when all else is lost. “Heaven and earth will pass away,

but my words will never pass away” (Matthew 24:35).

#3 Hope in the Lord is High.

The stay at home (safer at home) mandates brought

depression and a halt to life as usual. It caused some of our

dynamic and needed ministries to the aging to almost cease.

Yet it turned many of us back to the promises of God. It caused

us to put our hope in the right place once again, elevating our

hope even higher. “Those who hope in the Lord will renew their

strength. They will soar on wings as eagles. They will run and

not grow weary. They will walk and not be faint” (Isaiah 40:31).

#4 Nothing separates us from the love of God.

This coronavirus, the SARS-CoV-2 virus, is nasty. I was seeing

how it can attack many different parts of the body, not just the

lungs. It seems most deadly when it attacks the lungs because

it cuts off our oxygen. Nevertheless, I have yet to see a study

that shows how the virus can cut off our souls from God. On

the contrary, seeking out God’s certainty in these uncertain

times only brings us closer to him. We say with the Apostle

Paul, “Nothing in all creation can separate us from the love of

God in Christ Jesus our Lord” (Romans 8:39).

These aren’t all the things we have learned from the Word of

God, just a few. And they are not new since they have been

around for thousands of years, but they are new to us every

time we take them to heart. What a blessing that at a time of

universal uncertainty we have certain hope in truth that never


August 2020




What We Have Learned From the Pandemic - By: Pastor Kurt Loescher


Happy Birthday Seniors!

Rino Dippmann (8/4) Walter Gutermann (8/8) Anita Eulert (8/9) Richard Oestreich (8/9) Gwenith Kuske (8/13) Chris Schmidt (8/22) Lillian Hollmann (8/25)

Randy & Karla Matter 37 years

Dave & Von Martin 62 years

Jay & Tanya Anderson 29 years

Below is the list of those couples that signed up to put flowers on the altar to celebrate their wedding anniversaries in August. Please keep them in your prayers. If you would like your wedding anniversary published in the Good News, please call or email the church office (church@davidsstar.org).


Mission Festival will be held the weekend of August 29/30. Pastor Richard Krause will be our guest speaker. Pastor Krause, from Christ Lutheran in Pewaukee, serves as the chairman of the South Asia Misson Committee for WELS. We will use the hill on the north side of the church for worship. The council decided not to host any form of luncheon or meal, due to the concerns related to COVID-19.

12345 West Main St., An 3


At a special meeting held Sunday, July 12, the voters unanimously passed the council recommendation to

make Colleen Loeffler’s call full time. It was noted at the meeting that she has already been putting in full-time

hours, even before the expected increase of students who will benefit from being served by our Extended

Learning Center program.

Dear Members of David’s Star,

Thank you for your support and prayers as we continue to teach and preach God’s Word in these difficult days. It

is a privilege to teach in the Extended Learning Center and provide release time for Mr. Gustafson in the

afternoon. I am blessed to work with the children and families at David’s Star. I humbly accept the call to teach

full-time at David’s Star. I am honored to have the opportunity to continue to serve our Savior and educate

God’s precious lambs. I ask that you continue to pray for the teachers, students and staff at David’s Star as we

continue to proclaim God’s message.

Serving our Savior,

Colleen Loeffler


It’s official. There will be no David’s Star golf outing this year. The committee

determined that there were too many restrictions in place at the course to hold

an enjoyable fellowship event. Over the years, the David’s Star golf outing has

raised funds for special items at our school. This year golf outing money was used

to purchase Chromebooks for students, and to supplement the funds we had to

increase school security. Many thanks to Glenn Rusch and the golf committee for

their faithful efforts to organize this event year after year, and to all those who

have supported the golf outing in the past!


We are thankful for the eight people who plan to teach Teen and Children’s Bible

Study on Sunday mornings from 9 to 10. We are looking for six more, so we can share

the teaching responsibilities in each room, with two teachers taking turns on alternate

dates. Please consider using your time and talents with grades 1&2 (need two), grades

3&4, grades 5&6, grades 7&8, and teens as a teacher or as a substitute. Please contact

Pastor Woldt.



God willing, We will start our 2020-2021 school year with five days a week face-to-face instruction beginning on

Wednesday, August 26. Below is David’s Star Return School Plan that has been reviewed and supported by the

faculty and Board of Education. Please take a few minutes to read through the plan, but keep in mind that some of

these details will probably change in the next six weeks. If that is the case, I will keep you updated. If you have any

questions or concerns, please email me at tgustafson@davidsstar.org.

Mr. Gustafson

Return to School Plan 2020-2021

**All policies and procedures are subject to review and change due to circumstances.**

Health Expectations

1) It is critical that students remain at home if they are sick. This pertains to COVID-19, regular flu, stomach flu,

severe cold, etc.

2) We are asking families to keep their child at home if they (or a member of their household) has a fever.

Students need to be fever free for 24 hours without the aid of medication. Please do not give them medicine

at 6:00 AM to make them fever free and then send them to school. For the safety of everyone, we need to

be as cautious as possible.

3) Each morning there will be temperature checks of the faculty.

4) Students will have their temperature taken at the door each morning and around lunch time.

5) If a student or faculty member has a temperature greater than 100.4, they will be sent home immediately.

6) Students or faculty members cannot attend school or school related activities if they have had medication for a

fever in the past 24 hrs. You must be fever free for at least 24 hours before returning to school.

Risk Mitigation

1) Wearing of masks is optional for students. If a family would like their child to wear a mask at school, that is

acceptable. We encourage children with underlying health issues to wear masks at school whenever possible.

2) Wearing of masks is optional for faculty members. They can wear a mask if they have concerns or have

underlying health issues.

3) Older students may be asked to wear masks for a short time in the hallways or if social distancing cannot be

done in a classroom due to combined grades for a class.

4) Sanitation-

a) Classrooms will be cleaned by the classroom teacher after school each day. They will clean high-touch

surfaces like desks/tables, chairs, door handles, pencil sharpeners, etc.

b) For cleaning, we will use EPA approved disinfectants that are safe for humans and the environment.

c) Strong emphasis will be placed on regular handwashing and/or use of hand sanitizer. There are hand

sanitizer stations in each classroom and concession area.

d) As in the past, the building will be cleaned daily.

e) After school hours, a UV sanitizer may be used. (A UV sanitizer may be purchased by a donor, but it would

not be available at the beginning of the school year because of high demand.)

5) Keep in mind that we will try to apply the idea of social distancing, but in many instances, it becomes difficult to

apply the 6ft rule. In the classrooms and elsewhere, the teachers will do the best job they can to apply some

distancing, (3ft.-6ft.).

12345 West Main St., An 5

6) When possible, the teachers will reduce the amount of contact with other grades. Examples of this are:

A) When classes are taught by a different teacher, the teachers will move to the classroom and the students

will stay in their home room.

B) Student Cohort Groups will be created to limit contact with other students in the building.

The groups are:

i) 3K/4K Preschool

ii) Kindergarten-2nd grade

iii) Grades 3-4

iv) Grades 5-6

v) Grade 7

vi) Grade 8

C) For the most part, recess times will remain the same, but whenever possible contact with classrooms out

side of their group will be limited.

D) Lunchtime

i) K-2 will eat lunch in their classrooms on Monday & Tuesday (cold lunch days).

On Wednesday-Friday, grades K-2 will eat hot lunch in the lunchroom.

i) Grades 3-8 will eat lunch in their classrooms Monday-Friday. On hot lunch days they will get their

meal and bring it back to the room.

7) The 5th & 6th grade classroom will move to the Multi-purpose room so the desks can be spread out.

8) Students must bring their own water bottle to school. Drinking fountains will be shut off, but the bottle fillers will

be available for refilling water bottles.

Quarantine Procedures

1) Students or Teachers who have COVID-19 symptoms should be tested.

2) If a student, parent, or sibling tests positive for COVID-19, then the student and siblings must quarantine at

home for 10 days plus 3 days in a row of being symptom free. The classroom would continue to hold classes as


3) If a student is quarantined at home, then the home room teacher will work with that family to provide


4) If a student is confirmed to have been in contact with a COVID-19 positive person outside of school, the school

office must be notified immediately. Depending on the circumstances, that student may need to self-quarantine

at home for two weeks.

5) If a teacher tests positive for COVID-19, they will need to quarantine at home for the 10 days plus 3 days in a

row of system free. A substitute teacher will be placed in the classroom while the classroom teacher is out.

6) At this point there is no set guideline for shutting down school. The principal in consultation with the faculty,

pastors, and Board of Education will make that determination when/if it is necessary.

7) If school is closed, we will switch over to Virtual Learning immediately, and then return to face- to-face

instruction as soon as possible.


Tryouts for the 2021 Jr Charger U9 and U10 baseball teams will take place on

Monday, August 3 and/or Saturday, August 8 for both age groups.

Monday, August 3, 6-8pm (Rain Date: Thursday, August 6th, 6-8pm)


Saturday, August 8, 3-5pm (Rain Date: Monday, August 10th, 6-8pm)

In order for us to plan tryout accommodations properly, visit http://www.tinyurl.com/2021chargers to let us know

your tryout date preference. It is anticipated all of this year's players will tryout for next year's squad. If players

meet the appropriate age deadline, they may tryout for both teams (but will only participate full-time on one


Please let me know if you have any questions and please pass these dates along to anyone that you know that

would be interested in joining Jr Charger Baseball next year.

Thank you,

David Zarling, Jr Charger Baseball Coordinator



Dropoff & Pickup Procedures and Expectations

1) Dropoff Procedures

a) 3K-5K parents may bring students in the building, but the other grades (1-8), parents should drop off their

children at the school door.

b) Temperature checks will be done at the main entrance, so parents should wait to see if their child passes the

temperature check before leaving.

c) Bus students will still be dropped off at the front door, but if they fail the temperature check then parents will

be contacted right away, so the student can be sent home.

d) Morning Childcare- Temperatures will be taken on arrival so parents should bring their child to the Childcare


2) Pickup Procedures

a) Parent Pick-up- Students will be grouped by family, so some distancing can be maintained and limit the

contact with other students.

b) Bus students- They will still be dismissed at the front door, and students will need to be spread out as they

wait for the busses to arrive.

Closing Thoughts

• The above procedures have been put into place so we can begin with face-to-face instruction, keep the

students and staff safe, and hopefully prevent the spread of the COVID-19 virus.

• Some families may feel we did not go far enough, or we went too far, but please understand, that the

teachers are trying to do what we feel is workable and safe for the students.

• Finally, these procedures are being put into place in July, but as we know, things will change quite rapidly.

Please be patient and willing to work with us as we move into an interesting school year.

David’s Star Faculty & Board of Education

12345 West Main St., An 7

Membership Report (Pastor Woldt)

Incoming: Schmidt, Ryan & Deb; Lucas, Payton (Transfer from St. John’s, Lannon, WI) Schmidt, Pastor (Emeritus) Russell & Heidi (Transfer from Bethlehem, Menomonee Falls, WI) Woody, Erin; Vesper, Brooks (Transfer from Garden Homes, Milwaukee, WI) Joers, Andy & Alison; Josephine, Jayne (Profession of faith) Kobylarczyk, Jason & Shannon; Jackson, Jaykob (Adult Confirmation) Froland, Ben & Christina; Aiden, Severin (Transfer from Bethel, Menasha, WI)

Outgoing: Debroux, Rod (Release)

Pastor’s Report (Pastor Woldt) The pastors, together with the elders, continue to monitor comments regarding

worship and services during this time. No major changes are planned for next month. We are hoping to be able

to resume in person Bible classes with appropriate precautions following Labor Day. As may be brought up in the

Bd of Ed report, the multipurpose room will serve as a classroom for the 5 & 6 grade this year, so all adult Bible

classes will be held in either the church or the gathering space outside the church.

Buildings and Grounds (Brian Lee) Work continues on new coat room for Kindergarten; New Blinds and window repair for 1st grade classroom underway; The frames for the classroom doors have been installed. Thank you John Wagie Jr for the masonry work. The bricks and frames will be painted this week thank Jeff Wenzel. Doors will be arriving in a few weeks. The ceiling and tile work will be completed in the coming weeks; The logger is done in the woods. Clean up will start in the fall; Received quote for $3,900 to replace two windows in the Loescher Parsonage. Will be accepting the quote. Money will come from the $8,000 budgeted for in the 2020 budget; Will be repairing a portion of the tiles on the first floor of the school. The tile is coming off at the 2 expansion joints. This is a trip hazard. Doing this will also expand the life of the tile for a couple of years until replacement can be planned and budgeted for; The Gym floor has been refinished; Pastor Woldt’s roof leak might be fixed. Will not know for sure until the next strong storm from the east. House and chimney needs tuck pointing will be getting estimates. The chimney might have to be repaired yet this budget year. Board of Education (Jason Walz) - Amy Schrap and Colleen Loeffler are in the final stages for Synod certification, only one class left. Planning to work on 4th grade teacher call for the 2021-22 school year. School is scheduled to start on August 26th. Starting January 2021 female teachers will be eligible to declare housing allowance, which may determine if individual is considered self-employed. Favorable court ruling regarding teachers teaching religion, court will not get involved with church doctrine. 16 choice students, 13 are David’s Star members.

Elders (Dan Bolha) Mission Festival August 30th. Plan to use hill outside church for service. October 18th is Pastor Woldt’s 40th year in the ministry. Memorial service for Beth Wagie to be held 7/19. Food will be wrapped and no chairs, just tables. Question regarding use of gym and grounds for practices and camps. Unless school related, no use of building by outside groups for the immediate future. Currently using Washington and Ozaukee county health department guidelines.

Old Business - Ministry Fair—Looking to target 1st weekend after Labor Day pending ongoing COVID concerns. Looking to connect people to David’s Star. Consider using digital means to accomplish connections. CARES Act PPP - Program extended to 24 weeks to use monies (October 26th). Decision not needed until after that date (30 or 60 days). We qualify for full forgiveness of the loan. Looking for a recommendation for the voters.



New Business - Mission Festival meal (canceled this year?) We do not see our typical buffet style meal for this event. Should we encourage a “tailgate” gathering instead? Usually see about 40 or so members for “tailgate” meal event in the past. Council suggests not to plan food or beverages following the event. Treasurer Report (Josh Boeldt) - 2020 June Operating Budget Financial Update - Thanks be to God! The total offerings for June were 0.02% higher than the budgeted offerings, with a total of $60,537. The total income for the month was 0.7% higher than budget and is 9.5% higher for the year to date. The actual expenses for June were 16% higher than the budgeted amount for the month (mostly due to paying pension liabilities one month early) and are 0.8% lower than budget for the year to date. The overall fund balance at the end of June shows a surplus of $33,609.

2020 June Ministries Beyond our Congregation Financial Update - The remittances in June for the WELS mission were 0.4% lower than budgeted, while the KMLHS operating mission remittances were 4.75% higher than budget. The KML Joyful Noise remittances were 20% higher than the amount budgeted for. The total amount remitted for all missions was about 0.9% higher than the amount budgeted for June and 5.0% lower for the year to date.

2020 June Building/Dedicated Fund Update - The mortgage loan balance at the end of June is $736,403. The council’s objective is to maintain a $100,000 cushion in the building fund debt account—our balance at 6/30/20 was $37,977. This balance is down about 10.9% from last month. Special Voter’s Meeting Highlights - A motion was made and seconded that voter’s recommend to extend Colleen Loeffler’s call from ¾ time call to full-time call. Colleen has already has been working more time than originally planned. Also, Colleen will have additional students needing assistance starting Fall, 2020. Discussion from some parents that have utilized the extended learning program that Colleen has offered and this has been a tremendous blessing to all involved. Motion carried.


The Faces of David’s Star program is still waiting to hear from some of you. Thanks to all those who sent

information to Jen Mueller (dsca1@davidsstar.org). Just a reminder, we have decided to share this information

only via email to those on our list. We do not post these pictures or this information on social media.



Normally we would be sending out the save the date, but . . .After prayerful consideration, the Women's Retreat

Committee has decided to cancel our annual retreat for this year. With all the uncertainty and health concerns right

now, we thought this best. So now we are going to look ahead to 2021 and God willing, the David's Star Women's

Retreat will be held on Saturday, November 13, 2021.

Until then - stay healthy and in God's Word!

The David's Star Women's Retreat committee

12345 West Main St., An 9


“Responding in Faith to Abuse” by Michelle Markgraf

Approximately one out of three women and one out of THREE men experience severe intimate relationship

physical violence (IRV). This statistic does not include verbal or emotional abuse, which are harder to quantify. A

popular myth is that abuse occurs less frequently in Christian homes; the reality is far different. Christians do not

enjoy a special exemption from this sin, yet it is rarely addressed in faith circles.

Michelle Markgraf currently works for Kingdom Workers and lives in New Ulm, MN with her husband. She is a

graduate of Martin Luther College, and spent several years as a teacher in WELS classrooms. She also has years of

experience in a rape and domestic abuse crisis center and became an adjunct professor for the University of South

Dakota, teaching a Family Violence class.

WKW has asked Michelle to develop and then offer a seminar about family violence to our WELS congregations.

This seminar is highly interactive, weaving in activities, videos and group discussion throughout the day. The topic

is a difficult one, but so important for the church to address. Research shows that survivors who have support from

their church have more feelings of well-being and are less likely to return to an abusive relationship.

Galatians 6:10 tells us to “do good to all people, especially to those who belong to the family of believers.” Attend

and find out how you can help someone who is suffering from abuse! Learn how to extend God’s grace to the

survivor while assisting him/her on the journey to safety and healing.

Our pastors and parish nurses would like to host this seminar for our members and for folks from neighboring

WELS congregations. More information will be made available as our plans firm up.

Your sister in Christ,

Sue Bolha RN

David’s Star Parish Nurse


2020 Blood Pressure Screenings

Screenings will resume when we can

all gather together again.



July, 2020

It has been a strange, and difficult few months for both our staff and patients in Malawi, as well as for the

leadership of our team in the U.S. Yet, God continues to show his love and protection for us through the

struggles the Lutheran Mobile Clinic has been facing. “God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in

trouble.” (Ps 46:1) The pandemic continues to affect lives and circumstances on both sides of the Atlantic. It is

spreading quickly now in Malawi, to 1742 cases and 19 deaths in early July. The cases have been imported from

people returning from countries such as South Africa, and are also being transmitted locally throughout mainly

urban areas. Kamuzu International Airport in Lilongwe has been closed to commercial air traffic. The relatively

low death rate is most probably due to the young average age of the population (19 years) and the lifestyle of

people being mainly out of doors. We are thankful that all of our staff has remained well and are following

preventive measures such as staying at home, washing hands, wearing masks and social distancing. God has

blessed Malawi with a fair and peaceful presidential electoral process, where Lazarus Chakwera, a former pastor,

defeated the incumbent Peter Mutharika in a rerun election June 23rd by winning 59% of the vote. He was

inaugurated on Malawian Independence Day in a scaled down ceremony with social distancing and mask-

wearing following the COVID19 guidelines. He will have a five-year term as president of a nation of 18 million

people. We pray for strong leadership and God’s guidance in a time of a poor economy, corruption in

government and a spreading pandemic. Gary and I have been in Wisconsin since April 1 due to the start of

coronavirus and having to close the mobile clinic operation to safeguard both our staff and our patients in the

villages. We have had regular communication with our staff in Malawi and Zambia, have been watching the

development of cases in both countries, and are learning all we can about this virus, treatment of complications,

and how to prevent its transmission. I am working to find out where to obtain PPE in Malawi and stateside, and

making plans to be well supplied when we restart our work. We will be meeting with the CAMM committee and

speaking with clinic staff this month to make decisions regarding the safe reopening of the clinics. We feel the

virus will be in Malawi for some time, but know that our brothers and sisters in Christ have had to suffer from

other illnesses and conditions without our medical care so we are eager to help them again. Pray that flights

resume and we will be able to continue our work in Malawi soon. On another note, we just want to praise God

for what is now the 50th anniversary of the Lutheran Mobile Clinic in Malawi. The medical work was started in

1970 near Salima, close to Lake Malawi. It’s amazing how the Lord has used this clinic, providing countless

Malawian children with vaccines and nutritional support, pregnant women with antenatal care, the sick with

needed healthcare and medicine, and they all hear of Jesus, their Savior. God has prompted many of you to give

of your time, finances and prayers to sustain this medical mission. Thank you so very much!

Your sister in Christ,

Beth Evans – Nurse in Charge

To learn more about CAMM or how you can get involved contact Linda Liesener at cammcontact@charter.net or 262.677.3844

12345 West Main St., An 11

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday


5:00 PM Worship

Service w/ Holy

Communion #9


7:45 AM Worship Service w/

Holy Communion #1

9:30 AM Outdoor Worship

Service #8 (weather



8:00 AM Walking

Group (Weather


4 5 6

6:00 PM - 8:00

PM Small Group




7 8

5:00 PM Worship

Service w/ Holy

Communion #3


7:45 AM Worship Service w/

Holy Communion #4

9:30 AM Outdoor Worship

Service #2 (weather



8:00 AM Walking

Group (Weather



7:00 PM




12 13

6:00 PM - 8:00

PM Small Group




14 15

5:00 PM Worship

Service w/ Holy

Communion #5


7:45 AM Worship Service w/

Holy Communion #6

9:30 AM Outdoor Worship

Service #7 (weather



8:00 AM Walking

Group (Weather


18 19 20

5:00 PM Steinbrenner/Barrett Wedding


6:00 PM - 8:00

PM Small Group





3:30 PM Steinbrenner/Barrett


6:00 PM Lee Wedding



2:00 PM Lee


5:00 PM Worship

Service w/ Holy

Communion #8


7:45 AM Worship Service w/

Holy Communion #9

9:30 AM Outdoor Worship

Service #1 (weather



8:00 AM Walking

Group (Weather



6:30 PM





8:30 AM




6:00 PM - 8:00

PM Small Group




28 29

5:00 PM Worship

Service w/ Holy

Communion #4


NO 7:45 Service

9:30 AM Mission Festival

Service #3 (North lawn next

to church; weather permitting)


8:00 AM Walking

Group (Weather



Pastor Kurt W. Loescher

Pastor Michael A. Woldt

Worship Schedule

Please visit our website

www.davidsstar.org for updates.

Also Available

David’s Star Lutheran School

K3 Preschool - Grade 8

Principal: Mr. Timothy Gustafson


David’s Star Evangelical Lutheran Church 2740 David’s Star Drive

Jackson, WI 53037

(262) 677-2412 www.davidsstar.org

Mission Statement David’s Star Evangelical Lutheran Church

This congregation shall strive to proclaim the Law and Gospel; to lead sinners to repentance and faith in Christ Jesus for life and salvation; to strengthen believers in faith and sanctification through the Means of Grace; to equip believers as disciples, stewards, and witnesses for sharing the Gospel of Jesus with our fellowmen. The continuing purpose of this congregation, as a group of Christians, and ultimate objective, is to serve all people in God’s world with his Gospel. All members of this congregation shall strive to proclaim the joys of Christian life and to witness for Christ to the best of their individual abilities. (1 John 5:1-10)

A Publication of David’s Star Evangelical Lutheran Church