What Smart CEOs know about Saving Headaches and Money Mobile

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Transcript of What Smart CEOs know about Saving Headaches and Money Mobile


App Lo c a t i o n S y s t em s I n c .

www.applocation.net info@applocation.net 250-220-7122


management with

integrity’ means

prompt service on

maintenance issues

Leonard Drimmer,

CEO TransGlobe

Technology in Logistics and Supply Chain —the jargon is every-

where. But it seems risky and expensive—how can you make the leap from

concept to action? Can you jump ahead of the competition and make

logistics part of your competitive advantage?

This is the story of how Leonard Drimmer, CEO of the largest privately

held residential and commercial property management firm in Canada

implemented logistics and wireless asset management technology to create

a competitive advantage and how he plans to expand the system to keep

the savings flowing and customers happy.

What Smart CEOs know about Saving Headaches and Money … Mobile Logistics Management


Case S tudy

C harlene was frustrated. The property manager for the

building in the west end of Toronto was

not pleased. Yes, she knew it was a water

pipe that had broken. Hadn’t she

contacted all the maintenance technicians

and asked them all to report in with their

location? She had checked the map, gotten

back to the manager promptly and sent

the closest technician with directions to the


Yet the property manager was still not satisfied.

Apparently, the tech she dispatched wasn’t a

plumber – his skill was carpentry – which didn’t

help the situation. Charlene was smart, and

competent, yet keeping ahead of scheduling,

dispatch, billing and inventory for such a diverse

national organization was a headache even for

a professional with years of experience.


C harlene worked in maintenance

dispatch for the largest

residential and commercial

property rental firm in the

nation. They achieved economies

of scale by using a nation

-wide central dispatch

with a cost effective fleet

of ‘Smart Cars’ to service

their properties in a

timely manner.

The CEO had been clear

in outlining the vision –

property management

with integrity means

prompt service on

maintenance calls. This

resulted in fewer com-

plaints from happier

tenants with fewer rea-

sons to move out. It was a

pretty simple formula—

good service means

fewer vacant suites and

increased profit.

Charlene sighed while

thinking about how she

was going explain the

headache of coordinat-

ing maintenance techni-

cians to maintenance jobs

to the CEO. As it turned

out, Charlene didn’t have

to explain the problem.

Leonard Drimmer, CEO of

TransGlobe Properties

understood the issue


What Smart CEOs know...Tracking Assets Wirelessly

MOBILE Fusion™ fast, seamless, affordable

The AppLocation Systems’ MOBILEFusion platform was used to track

the vehicles, integrate the database and the wireless handsets.

AppLocation chose handsets to auto-order inventory, run mobile

forms for timesheets linked to the enterprise resource planning

program (ERP) and locate workers on TransGlobe campuses.

A maintenance technician with the appropriate skill set is

dispatched by email or cell phone with

directions and work instructions. When the

work is complete, the technician logs hours

and parts used on a wireless handheld

device. The parts are automatically

re-ordered from a supplier.

“T he problem was more than just scheduling

skilled technicians to the right job.

I wanted a system that would integrate

mapping, tracking, scheduling, inventory

and non-vehicle centric locating of

workers on our large multi-facility

properties and do it seamlessly –

a challenge, I know! We found

AppLocation because of their ground break-

ing Location Based Services (LBS) work with

Microsoft on the 1-800-GOT-JUNK system.“

The use case for the TransGlobe system

includes GPS tracking of each individual

‘Smart Car’ to each TransGlobe property

with spatial and temporal geo-fencing. The

skill set of each maintenance technician is

part of the data field used in dispatch.

When Charlene receives a maintenance

call, she has a web-based map graphic

in front of her showing all the cars and

properties, in each city, nationwide.

As a Result

“The platform is flexible enough that I can

continue to optimize logistics by adding an

RFID component, for example or ‘optimum

trip routing’ software application. As soft-

ware and hardware applications become

mature, I know MOBILEFusion can handle

our growth needs.”

What do Smart CEOs know?

1. It is not about technology—it is about

operational improvements. Choose a

mobility vendor who knows operations

not just technology.

2. Integrated mobile logistic systems

save everyone in the company

headaches, time and improve

service which adds to the bottom line.

3. You can only manage what you can

see—you can only see what you track.

4. Build your infrastructure on an afford-

able, flexible wireless platform today

so that you can scale out and layer on

other applications tomorrow.

5. The data has to go somewhere. ERP

Integration is required—integrating

into the supply chain for automatic

re-ordering of parts is a value-add

that makes sense and adds to the ROI.

6. Mobility integration means appropri-

ate hardware—GPS, RFID, RTLS and

any software application, GIS, map-

ping, yard management, billing,

inventory linked to your ERP.

Tel: 250-220-7122 info@applocation.net
