What Should You Take into Consideration before Taking on a Cell Tower Lease?

Post on 21-Jul-2015

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What Should You Take into Consideration before Taking on a Cell Tower Lease?

Becoming a cell tower landlord can be a lucrative endeavor, but there are several considerations

you must make before you sign a lease. Understanding the basics of cell tower leasing will help

you make the right choice about whether or not you should lease your property to a cell phone

service provider. Once you cover these points, you will be able to make an informed decision

about signing a cell tower lease.

Compare Offers

If your property is in an area that cell phone providers want to offer more coverage in, you may

be able to negotiate a contract by comparing offers from different companies. Remember that the

biggest names in the cell phone industry will be willing to pay top dollar if they are looking to

expand into your market. Don't settle for a low offer; shop around and get the most out of renting

your space.

Understand the Value of Your Real Estate

Cell phone leases can range from $3,000 to $60,000, though you may be able to get even more

than this depending on where your property is located. Before you sign any lease or rental

agreement, do some research to see what other towers in your area are going for so you get the

best deal. Once you have signed your lease, you may want to consider selling cell tower lease

agreements through Wireless Capital Partners so you can receive the full value of your lease

upfront instead of waiting on a monthly income stream.

Consider Aesthetics

It's no secret that cell towers aren't the most attractive pieces of equipment, and your other

tenants may have concerns about the aesthetics of your new cell tower. Be sure to talk to your

other tenants to let them understand why your cell tower lease benefits them. Their customers

will have better cell coverage when they shop, which is always a benefit for a business.

Local Zoning Ordinances

There may be some restrictions in your area when it comes to zoning for cell towers. You can

appear before the city council to request permission to become a cell tower landlord. It is

important that you stress the benefit that you will be offering to the community in the form of

better cell phone service. In many cases, the city or town council will be willing to make an

exception or re-zone your property if there is a significant benefit to the community. You can

partner with your cell tower tenant to provide information about the improvement of service once

the tower is installed.

As a cell tower lease holder, you will be able to maximize profits for your commercial real

estate. If you own land in an area that is in high demand, you can command a significant profit

for installing a single cell tower. Before signing a lease, however, you should take these

considerations to heart. Knowing all the facts will help you to make an informed decision about

your financial future as a cell tower landlord that will bring you an extra revenue stream for your

property investment.

Description: Knowing the facts before you decide to become a cell tower landlord can save you

significant headaches down the road. There is a significant amount of red tape involved with

becoming a cell tower lease holder and it is important to ensure that you are going about the

process in the most efficient way possible.

Bio: Wireless Capital Partners has been providing assistance with cell site leases since 2001. We

have the industry background to be able to keep your best interests in mind at all times. We will

purchase your cell site lease typically for 10 years and provide you with a lump sum payment

which is preferred by many of our customers.