What Should You Eat To Increase Your Breast Size?

Post on 14-Apr-2017

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Transcript of What Should You Eat To Increase Your Breast Size?

Start Exercising

Once your doctor gives you the green light, start exercising as soon as you can. Regular

exercise will help you lose the weight gained during pregnancy (weight gain can also

contributes to sagging) and will improve muscle tone while you are still breastfeeding.

Stretching Start simple with exercises like walking, jogging, and swimming or even try your

hand at yoga. Losing the extra weight combined with improved muscle tone will help


During this time you will be exhausted because you are taking care of a baby all day so do

what you can when you can. Just be consistent with your workouts and give each session


In addition to giving each workout your all, add some type of strength training to your

routine. Muscle keeps everything (including breasts) in place.

As you exercise and start losing the pregnancy weight, make sure to drop the weight slowly.

In order to prevent the breasts from sagging you need to give skin time to adjust to all the

changes it has and will be experiencing. You went through 9 months of pregnancy, you are

now breastfeeding and will soon be dropping anywhere from 25-40 lbs., so take it slow.

Losing a considerable amount of weight too quickly can result in loose, sagging skin. This

happens because rapid weight loss can cause you to lose too much fat tissue in the breast

area that gives breasts their volume. So start with mild exercise and make the weight loss


Massage With Hot And Cold Water

While taking a shower, massage your breasts between hot and cold water. The hot water

improves blood circulation while the cold water helps with toning and tightening of the skin.

Always finish your shower with cold water. Alternatively, you can also massage your breasts

with a warm wet towel and then use ice cubes to massage breasts in circular motion for no

longer than a minute (to avoid numbness).

Wear A Good Supportive Bra

Good Supportive BraIn order to keep breasts perky while still breastfeeding the first thing

you must do is start wearing a bra all the time. Combating gravity is one of the best

prevention methods.

Nothing can be done about the size and weight of your breasts but ensuring that they are

constantly supported will help prevent unnecessary stretching of the ligaments that provide

the support. This means wearing a bra at all times, even when you sleep.

In addition, make sure that you are wearing quality nursing bras that are of the correct size

and offer the right support. It is recommended that you choose bras that have a supportive

band and with wider straps. If you can, schedule a professional bra fitting.

Have Good Breastfeeding Posture

Avoid leaning over the baby to nurse. Most mothers do this unknowingly while breastfeeding.

Instead, use a nursing pillow or some form of support to raise the baby to your breast’s level.

Avoid slouching, and avoid angling your breast down for it to reach the baby. Improving this

simple posture and positioning while nursing will help prevent your breasts from drooping.

Keep Them Moisturize

Raw Shea ButterYou also wants to keep skin moisturized while you are still nursing. Doing

so improves skin’s elasticity and keeps it supple. Apply vitamin E oil, shea butter or coca

butter to breasts at least 2 times a day. All three options deliver amazing benefits to the skin

including improved elasticity, tightening of the skin and reduce the appearance of stretch

marks that can develop on the breasts.

If you like to use essential oils, then use 2 drops of cypress oil, fennel oil, Carrot oil,

spearmint oil and lemongrass oil to massage your breasts. You can also create a simple

home remedy made with cucumber and egg yolk and apply to breasts.

Eat Right

Saggy breasts can also be prevented with the right diet. Following a clean diet rich in

complex carbs, protein and healthy fats will provide the body with the necessary nutrients it

needs to promote healthy skin and connective tissues.

Women who are breastfeeding should eat more fruits and vegetables rich in antioxidants as

well as foods high in vitamins like B and E to prevent sagging.

In addition, foods that contain some form of low saturated fat can also help you avoid saggy

breasts. That’s because your cells need at least 50% saturated fat to maintain their

firmness and elasticity. Therefore, mothers who starve themselves of saturated fat in their

diets are unconsciously causing their breasts to sag.