What parts of stories do you know?. Plot Map Exposition: Introduces characters and setting; sets up...

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Transcript of What parts of stories do you know?. Plot Map Exposition: Introduces characters and setting; sets up...

What parts of stories do you know?

Plot Map

Exposition: Introduces characters and setting; sets up or hints at conflict.

Rising Action: shows how the conflict becomes more difficult; builds suspense.

Climax: Most exciting part and a turning point! Makes the outcome of the conflict clear.

Falling Action: Eases the tension; shows how the main character resolves conflict

Resolution: Reveals how everything turns out; sometimes ends with a twist.


• If the exposition introduces the characters or setting and hints at the conflict, where could we find it in “Boar Out There”?


• Lines 1-15: We are introduced to the characters, setting, and conflict.

Characters: Jenny, boar

Setting: Glen Morgan, Miller farm


Rising Action

• If the rising action shows how the conflict becomes more difficult or builds suspense, can you think of some events from the story that would be rising actions?

Rising Action

• Lines 16-20: Jenny decides to go find the boar

• Lines 21-34: Details that build the suspense


• If the climax is the turning point or the event that makes the outcome of the conflict clear, what event would this be from the story?


• Line 36: Jenny sees the boar face to face.

Falling Action

• If the falling action eases the tension or shows how the main character resolves conflict, what would the falling action of “Boar Out There” be?

Falling Action

• The boar sees Jenny and runs away.

• How has her attitude change toward the boar?


• If the resolution of the story reveals how everything turns out and sometimes ends with a twist, what would the resolution of “Boar Out There” be?


• Jenny knows the boar is afraid of bluejays and little girls while Glen Morgan is afraid of the boar.