What makes you gain weight

Post on 19-Jun-2015

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What are you gaining weight? What are the real reasons why you are putting on weight? This presentation shows you some of the main reason that makes you fat. From portion size to less moving and hidden elements like sugar, fat and salt. How all these factors can affect your health and lifestyle? Watch it now!

Transcript of What makes you gain weight

MyWeight Loss, Fitness, Bodybuilding, Health and Beauty

The real reasons you are gaining weight

and seven ways to fix it…

UK is the fattest nation in western Europe. The shocking truth is that around 26% of Britons are obese, compared with 2% back on 1970. Your Belly

Blasting List of Food

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The real reasons you are gaining weight - Overview




What are the real reasons we are gaining weight? UK is the fattest nation in western Europe. The shocking truth is that around 26% of Britons are obese, compared with 2% back on 1970.

£50bn is the estimated cost per year of obesity to the NHS by 2050. According to the UK Health and Social Care Information Centre the direct costs of obesity are estimated about £5.1billion per year. We have more than 3 million of diabetics as a consequence of the obesity. Did you know that being fat is illegal in Japan? Under a Japanese national law, companies and local government must measure the waistline of Japanese people between 40 and 74 years

old as part of their health annual check-up.

The Japanese government limits are: 33.5 inches for men and 35.4 inches for women.

These limits are based on International Diabetes Federation guidelines to identify health risks. What are the British government doing for this epidemic?

What are we doing different now in terms of lifestyle compared back with 70s? And how we can fix it?Let’s find out…

Reason 1: Portion SizeH



People often say “I only had a handful of crisps”, but research shows there can be huge variation in our perception of what that handful looks like. It is easy to overeat on a regular basis without realising you are doing it. Portion sizes have been creeping up over the past few decades.

Years ago, a scone provided around 200 calories, now a coffee shop style scone can easily contain 500 calories.

Back on 1970, portion sizes were moderate and fewer than 2% of adults in the UK were obese. Since the introduction of larger portion options has meant many of us don’t even though it may mean we are eating the equivalent of two regular size meals in terms of calories and fat. No coincidence that adult obesity figures have soared to 26%.

Try now:1. Plates size• Use small bowls or plates• Stick to the recommended serving sizes

detailed on packaging and weigh or measure portions.

For example, a standard portion of most breakfast cereals is 30g, but most breakfast bowls hold at least double.2. If you fancy a sweet or treat, eat just one

portion. 3. Cut that muffin or chocolate bar and share

it.4. Use measurements tool when prepare your

food5. Tip crisps or nut into a small dish.6. Read food labels.

Reason 1: Portion SizeH



The Diet Plate

Reason 2: Eating SpeedH



It takes 20 minutes for the body to register fullness. If you wolf down your food, there is a good chance you will eat more than you need before you get the message to stop.

A study by Otago University in New Zeland found middle age people who ate slowly were much less likely to be overweight or obese than those who ate faster.

Try now:1. Don’ t eat on the hop

Practice mindful eatingChew your food thoroughly until it is a liquid consistency (there are not taste buds in your

stomach), don’t waste the good flavours.2. Digestion starts in the mouth, the digestive

enzymes in saliva are released as you chew, so allowing time for these to work will aid digestion. If you feel bloated after a meal, maybe the cause is you are not chewing enough!

3. Put your cutlery down between each mouthful

or try chopsticks! Don’t reload your fork with food until you have chewed and swallowed what is already in your mouth.

Reason 2: Eating SpeedH



How to tell if you are speed feeding!www.weightlossworld.co.uk1. If you are talking with your mouth full 2. If you get hiccups3. If you ask for the bill before you have finished the cheesecake4. If you can’t remember what you had for lunch5. If you take a phone call during supper6. If your lunch hour lasts 12 min7. If you have a favourite flavour of Rennie

How not to eat (you know you are not engaging when…)www.weightlossworld.co.uk

1. The novel you are reading boasts thumb-prints of jam on page 32

2. The person on the other end of the phone says “are they salt & vinegar?

3. You shift your gum to one side of your mouth to eat a croissant.

4. You use 3 implements during supper: knife, fork and remote control.

Give Food Your undivided attention

Reason 3: StressH



Stress can make you better at storing fat.The body reacts to stress by releasing the hormones cortisol and adrenaline as part of the fight of flight response, these help us survive when faced with real response and one of the mechanisms for doing this to encourage and maintain fat storage.

Try now:1. Exercise regularly2. Increase your B Complex Vitamins intake:

these are important for good mood and high energy

3. Vitamin D helps improve mood and the body to absorb calcium and phosphorus.

4. Breathing: A common response to our hurried

and fragmented lives is physical tension in the body and shallow breathing through the chest. Simply making a conscious effort to breathe more deeply and slowly can lead to a relaxation response to counteract your automatic stress response. Try to set aside 5 minutes 3 times a day and just focus on inhalation and exhalation. In addition to your breathing session, it would be helpful if you could also include some aerobic activity, for instance walking, After 5 minutes walking, start to become aware of your breathing system pattern, and begin to synchronize your breathing with the steps you are taking.

Reason 4: Not getting enough sleepH



Lack of sleep is linked to weight gain. Cause? Our hormones!,

Lack of sleep increases hormone ghrelin, which stimulates appetite, and reduces leptin and serotine, which indicates satiety. So the less you sleep, the more hungry you are likely to be and more likely it is you will overeat and gain weight.

It is a vicious circle, because we need sleep to help produce hormones which reduce satiety.

20 years ago, people use to sleep longer hours.

Try now:

1. Stick with a regular rutine2. Some people’s bedrooms look like the

Starship Enterprise, lit up with TV screens,

PC, CD player, etc. Let your brain switch off (no facebook, IPod, TV, computer…)

3. Curb your caffeine intake, prefer to take infusions as valerian and chamomile.

4. Keep good temperature in the bedroom.5. Practice some yoga, meditation.6. Before prepare for sleep, gradually reduce

the pace of your activities is best done slowly rather than stop suddenly and lie down to sleep.

7. Moderate activity induces sleep8. Read a book or watch a movie with nice

themes: funny or romantic.

Reason 5: More unhealthy treats at the workplaces



TYAccording to a recent study, 64% of British office workers point the finger at co-workers for bringing in too many cakes and treats.

14% feel under constant peer pressure to join in when goodies are passed round.

24% cannot resist the unhealthy snacks brought in to celebrate birthdays and other events.

10.04am is the average time office workers will succumb to their first sweet snack.

427 the number of calories in the snacks stored in the average office worker’s desk drawer. According to an audit commissioned by juice producer PomeGreat.

20 years ago, people use to snack less and take only

main meals.

Try now:Get into a healthy routine

1. Use an online weight loss programme tool or smartphone app: slimming.com, fitium.com, amandahamilton.com to track your intakes.

2. Keep healthy options to hand for snacking3. Put your food on a plate - even the snacks, you

are more likely to register what you eat.

Reason 6: We joined the Jamie Drizzle!H



Don’t be Jamie Olive Oil!Jamie Oliver is a tireless crusader for healthy eating, but his often liberal use of oil isn’t something to mimic.

Little olive oil is good for heart health, use too much and it piles a huge calorie load.

Try measuring out 1 tbsp to drizzle next time this weighs 11g and contain 99Kcal.

20 years ago, people used 80% less oil to prepare their meal and due to smaller portions than we do currently.

Try now:

Measure the oil you use:Write the date on your bottle of oil, when is gone divide the amount the bottle holds by the number of days it lasted and people in your house to get a rough oil intake per person per day. Prepare to be surprised.

Science consultant Jen Green said: "The worst offender was the doner kebab. Doner kebab containing the equivalent of a wine glass full of cooking oil, and other fast food favourites are not far behind .

Reason 6: Less moving!H



The British Government’s target of 150 minutes’s exercise a week. It seems daunting!It makes a huge difference to our health when we embark on a new exercise regime, body adapts quickly, as its job is work out how to conserve as much energy as possible.

50% the reduction in risk of type 2 diabetes if you exercise for 150 min a week.30% the reduction in risk of womb cancer in women who exercise regularly.

20 years ago, people use to walk, cycle more!

Try now:

1. Keep surprising your body with variations on your exercises and you will get great results.

2. Exercise your way through the ads, put this time to healthy use, doing a set of triceps or cross training or lie on your back on the floor, then bicycle your legs in the air to tone your bottom

and thighs or use a mini exercise bike.

3. Walk more: Get off the bus a stop earlier.4. Make the stairs you new best friends.5. Team up with a dog: take your dog for walk and

gradually increase the distance you cover every time.

6. Press up is one must do exercise all trainers agree on. Do as many as you can in 1min, rest, 1min, repeat 4 times.

7. Jump to it: Skipping is fantastic total body workout, burning a total of 120cal per 10 min.


Reason 7: You don’t notice hidden fat, sugar and salt!




You may think you are eating a low fat diet, but are you always aware of the fat/sugar/salt content of snacks, condiments and convenience products?Food producers have doubled the sugar, fat and salt they add to foods in the last 30 years.

75% of salt in our diet is hidden, so read labels – even on products that seem an unlikely source of salt. Some labels only show sodium, the component of salt that increases blood pressure, although in the future manufacturers will have to give the salt value by law.

To convert sodium into slat, multiply the figure by 2.5.






TY5 Tips to Survive the

Snack Attacks




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