What is the role of the STF…. In implementation of each of the Four Pillars As a member of the...

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Transcript of What is the role of the STF…. In implementation of each of the Four Pillars As a member of the...

What is the role of the STF….

In implementation of each of the Four Pillars

As a member of the school teamAs a member of the TDS team

In the Diplomas Now partnershipAs a facilitator of change processes

In building capacity of others

Welcome to Talent Development and Diplomas Now!

What is the data saying?

• On your table, there is a copy of a research finding. On your note card…

What is the data showing us?

Why does this matter to your school?

Why does this matter to you?


• Participants will be able to meet and work with other new STFs

• Participants will be able to experience and discuss the four pillars of the Talent Development model

• Participants will be able to meet and work with returning STFs

Our Core Belief:

All students have gifts and talents and can learn at high

levels given adequate resources and support.

DataStudent data and implementation


TDS Model

Team structure for


Ongoing Research and Development

Students with just one of these indicators

10-20%chance of graduating on time




Ccourse failure in math or English

have a

ComponentLevel of Implementation Notes1 2 3 4

Pillar I: Teacher Teams and Small Learning Communities

• Distributed Leadership

Teacher Teams and Small Learning Communities

Curriculum, Instruction, and

Professional Development

Tiered Student Supports

Can do Climate for Students and


TDS Instructional Facilitator


TDS Instructional Facilitator ELA/SS

TDS S4 Facilitator


Field Manager/ Regional Director

The Work of School Transformation and


Johns Hopkins University Talent Development Secondary

• Created in 1994 as a partnership between researchers at Johns Hopkins and practitioners in Baltimore and Philadelphia

• US Dept. of Education-approved turnaround and transformation provider

TDS Works

• Talent Development model received second-highest rating as an effective dropout prevention program– In 2007, What Works Clearinghouse, U.S.

Department of Education

• Talent Development produced “substantial gains” in attendance, promotion rates and course credits earned for ninth grade students– Third party evaluator, MDRC, findings in


Diplomas Now

• TD, CIS and CY begin partnership with Philadelphia Education Fund to pilot Diplomas Now in Philadelphia - 2007

• DN expands to 10 schools in 4 additional cities - 2009

• DN receives $30million i3 award/ Pepsi commits $6 million to further expand model and build capacity– 4th largest I3 award overall, and the most for

secondary turnaround work

TDS & Diplomas Now Footprint 2012-2013 Students



Los Angeles


San Antonio


Baton Rouge2037


Washington, DC





New York City4130



40,000 students

Guam 2 schools








Adams City 1695

TDS & Diplomas Now Footprint 2012-2013 Schools

Seattle 2


Los Angeles 5 schools

San Antonio 2


Baton Rouge

3 schoolsMiami

6 schools

Washington, DC

3 schools

Chicago3 schools

Detroit3 schools

Columbus3 schools

Boston3 schools

New York City

4-5 schoolsPhiladelph

ia 6 schools

53 schools

Guam 2 schools

Baltimore3 schools

Peoria1 school

BPN3 schoolsEast

Detroit1 school

Bridgeton1 school

Portland1 school

The TDS/DN Four Pillars

• Describe your experiences with the components that you have encountered.

• Which pillar will need to be the biggest focus for the upcoming year?

• How prepared do you feel you are to support this pillar?

• Life lines (people and resources)

TDS Team


ELA/ SS Facilitator

Math/ Science


S4 Facilitator

Regional Director/Field


Talent Development School #1

Talent Development School #2

Talent Development School #3

Talent Development School #4


ELA/ SS Facilitators

Math/ Science


S4 Facilitators

Regional Director/Field



ELA/ SS Division

Math/ Science Division

S4 Division





Working with your TDS team• Facilitators ( S4, ELA/SS, Math/Science)

– Instructional and organizational expertise to support school staff with implementation

• Instructional Coaches– On-Site instructional experts to provide coaching

and guidance to teachers

• TA visits– Support visits by Facilitators to help move the

school forward with implementation

• SVRs (Site Visit Reports)– Completed by Facilitators after each TA visit

Making Implementation Happen

• Short Term: Your 1st task is to determine the short term action for each individual on the team – for the next TA visit

• Long Term: Your 2nd task is to determine any longer term actions (future visits) that may take multiple visits to accomplish

School Transformation Facilitator Session

Sunday, July 7th

Queenie Sellers-DalcoeShell Nichols, Robyn McCracken, Josh Johnson

How would you describe your feeling right now into a weather forecast? What would the weather be and why?

Sunny Cloudy Chance of Precipitation Overcast Rainy Foggy Muggy Hot Cold

Use index cards or sticky notes to respond…


• What are you expecting from DN Institute? STF training?

• What is one major anxiety you have as to the DN Institute, STF training?

• What is one thing you are excited about as to the DN Institute? STF training?

Share with 2 others. Volunteers to share out to entire group

Real Life Experiences

• Scenario 1: - “Working with Your DN Partners”- Shell Nichols, Columbus, Ohio

• Scenario 2: “Teamwork Makes the Dream Work” -Robyn McCracken, Peoria, Illinois

• Scenario 3: “ Leaning on the Partners to Create a Solution” -Josh Johnson, Columbus, Ohio

A look at the past, present, and future: Voices from the field • My feelings last year at this

time• My feelings now• Some things that you can


• Let’s hear from you!– Questions?– Comments?– Concerns?

DataStudent data and implementation


TDS Model

Team structure for


Ongoing Research and Development

STF support for technology

Excel 101 Excel 201 Access 101

Password Protecting

Printing a Spreadsheet

Basic Formulas Creating a Chart Filtering a list Conditional

Formatting (color coding)

Calculations Advanced

formulas Pivot Tables Creating charts

from my quarterly report

Creating tables Creating queries

(creating merged tables)

Exporting to excel

Reflections and Closure

STF Expectations for Excel• Printing a spreadsheet• Create charts that show # and % of

students within a category• Filter lists of students• Color code a list of students• Write basic formulas

Chart to post

Filtered list of students

Last name Overview Attendance Math Avg English Avg

On Track 97.67

Off Track 97.67 0 0

Off Track 100 0 0

Off Track 95.35 0 0

Off Track 100 0 0

Off Track 100 0 0

Color Coded List

First Name Last name Overview Attendance Math Avg English Avg

Borderline 95.35 1 1.3

On Track 100 4 3.3

Borderline 93.02 3.3 1

Off Track 97.67 2 0

On Track 100 2.7 2.7

Formula to Calculate

Which course should I go to?• Excel 101: One or fewer of these

items, this is for you!• Excel 201: Pivot tables and charts• Access 101: Merging tables

• Bring your laptop and your data

What is the role of the STF….

In implementation of each of the Four Pillars

As a member of the school teamAs a member of the TDS team

In the Diplomas Now partnershipAs a facilitator of change processes

In building capacity of others

Wednesday, July 10th

Diplomas Now Institute Reflection


• Participants will be able to learn and discuss the reasons behind and strategies for implementing the TDS model

• Participants will be able to examine strategies for facilitation in formal and informal settings

The Role of the STF

• Facilitator– Building capacity– Supporting a change process– Helping get things done– Leader of collaborative and reflective


• Implementer of the TDS/DN Model• Leader for DN on-site team

Dealing with a variety of demands

Collectively, your task is to complete the STF

schedule for the upcoming school day

(yellow sheet)&

One word that you think best describes the role of

the STF on this day

Debrief Questions – one for each

• What was most challenging thing about prioritizing?

• What was the most important criteria for your list?

• What were you surprised that got dropped from your list?

Two areas of focus

Expansion of your skills in building

capacity and skills of a facilitator

Continued expansion of your

expertise in how we can meet the needs

of schools with implementation of

the TDS/Model components

Facilitation Skills

• Andrea

When we Return

New STFs and S4s• Breakout Room

TDS Interdisciplinary Teams Structures and


Returning STFs and S4s• Main Ballroom

Interdisciplinary teams Building from individual to group interventions

Kicking Your Interventions Up a Notch

Paul VerstraeteResident Nerd


• Do not let the perfect be the enemy of the good. – Voltaire

• Do what you can, with what have, where you are. – T Roosevelt

Norms (Continued)

• Also, When I raise my hand, please quiet down.

• We are going to move around a lot (Jigsaw), so you ALL need to take notes.



Whole School


• Objective 1: Take individual (tier 3) interventions and scale them up to targeted (tier 2) and then to whole school (tier 1) interventions.

• Objective 2: Understand that behind any good intervention (tier 1, 2, or 3) is Capacity Building.

Group by Color

Tier 3: Intensive Support

Tier 3 – Think/Pair/Share

Tier 3 – Think/Pair/Share

• 3 main points – Look at the Data for Patterns– Look at the Meeting Notes for Staff


Tier 3 – Think/Pair/Share

• Share your insights• Pick out 2 interventions the team

tried that you like/interesting/promising

Have one person ready to share with the group.

Tier 3 – Think/Pair/Share

• Share Your insights and 2 interventions

• Plus develop 1 NEW intervention • Intervention that the entire teacher

team could do together.

Tier 3 – Think/Pair/Share

Think Outside the Box

Tier 3 – New Intervention

• Target EWI• Describe the Intervention• Frequency: Once, As Needed, Daily,

Weekly, Monthly• Duration: Once, Week, Month,


Group by Icon and Phrase

Tier 2: Targeted Support

Tier 2 – Jigsaw

• 6 Different Students that are slightly similar.

HOW?What are you going to

do about it?

Tier 2 – Round Robin

• Each person share their 3 key issues

• And, their table’s 1 new intervention.

Intervention 1Intervention 2Intervention 3Intervention 4Intervention 5Intervention 6

Tier 2 – Group Intervention

• Take the list of interventions and modify/combine them to work for ALL your students.

• You should end up with 2-4 Interventions

• If not, then develop a couple new group intervention for your kids.


Everyone needs to write all these down.

You are going to move seats again.

Tier 2 – Group Intervention

• Take the list of interventions and modify/combine them to work for ALL your students.

• You should end up with 2-4 Interventions

• If not, then develop a couple new group intervention for your kids.

Return to Your Tier 3 Group


Tier 1: Whole School Support

Tier 1 – New Data

• 6 students that are part of a larger school setting

Presenting EWIs – When?

MP01 MP02 MP03 MP04




First MP with an EWI


Presenting EWIs – What?

Attendance Behavior ELA Math0%










Presenting EWIs – What?







1% 1% 1%2% 3%

4% 5% 5%5% 6%





Presenting EWIs – What?







Tier 1 – New Data

• 6 students that are part of a larger school setting

• Analyze New Data = WHY?– Why Math?– Why, or why not, do they have an

additional indicator?– Look back at those meeting notes

Tier 1 – New Data

• Share with the Table your group’s Tier 2 Interventions

• Share your new insights.

Intervention 1Intervention 2Intervention 3Intervention 4Intervention 5Intervention 6

Tier 1 – Opening Strong

• Action Plan = Look at the data, look at the interventions. What can you do for EVERY kid in the building?

Tier 1 – Opening Strong

• Super Groups = Two Adjoining Tables will Join Forces

• Share with Each other your Tier 1 Interventions.

Capacity Building

• The Goal: A school with vibrant and complementary Tier 1, 2, and 3 interventions.

• In this scenario– What would you need to do as an STF?– What would your teachers and/or other

staff need to know?

Capacity Building

Teacher Teams and Small Learning


Curriculum and Instruction with

Professional Development

Tiered Student Interventions

Can-Do Climate and Culture

Our Original Six Students

• Marissa Carter• Nikole Ellis-

Wells• Juan Amador

• Marie Baez• Elizabeth

Zaccarine• Daniel Leland



Whole School

Our Original Six Students

• Marissa Carter• Nikole Ellis-

Wells• Juan Amador

• Marie Baez• Elizabeth

Zaccarine• Daniel Leland

Inspired by Open Space Technology

• Question: I want more information or a better way to tackle _________ in my role as an STF?

STF support for technology

Excel 101 Excel 201 Access 101

Password Protecting

Printing a Spreadsheet

Basic Formulas Creating a Chart Filtering a list Conditional

Formatting (color coding)

Calculations Advanced

formulas Pivot Tables Creating charts

from my quarterly report

Creating tables Creating queries

(creating merged tables)

Exporting to excel


Reconvene at 1:30 Hyatt – Main Room

Leveraging your Support Network

Dr. Queenie Sellers-Dalcoe, LM

Ernesto Martinez, FM

Essential Question/Objective

• Essential Question: How do I leverage DN-Support


• Objective:Identify and effectively utilize DN-

Support Systems



Define Teamwork

•What is Teamwork ?

Definition of Teamwork

“Teamwork is the ability to work together toward a

common vision/goal. The ability to direct individual accomplishments toward

organizational objectives……..”

Successoris Lithograph


“I Believe I Can Fly H.S.”

• Review Scenario

• Complete three activities

on your DN-resource sheet

• You will have 20 min. to complete task

• Each table will report out

Field Manager

Instructional FacilitatorELA/SS

S/4School Support Services

Instructional FacilitatorMath/Science

School Transformation Facilitator

Support System


• How did your group work together to achieve your goals?

• What would “teamwork” look like at your site?

• How important was it to work as a team rather than individually? Why?

• What is one thing you will use from this session to help bring your team together?


Teamwork Quotes

“Coming together is a beginning. Keeping together is progress. Working together is success.” Henry Ford

“Talent wins games, but teamwork wins championships”!


Please Complete Reflection/Feedback

Excel sessions will start shortly

Extra Slides

From Fast Facts www.mdrc.org

Sixth graders with poor behavior (earning an unsatisfactory final behavior mark) have a 1 in 4 chance of making it to the 12th g. on time

Only 17% graduate on time or within one extra year1996-97 6th g. students earning unsatisfactory behavior marks (n=1660)

1996-97 1997-98 1998-99 1999-00 2000-01 2001-02 2002-03 2003-046th 100% 11% 0 0 0 0 0 07th 0 79% 15% 0 0 0 0 08th 0 5% 73% 14% 0% 0 0 09th 0 0 0 73% 51% 36% 13% 6%10th 0 0 0 2% 34% 28% 17% 7%11th 0 0 0 0 2% 22% 11% 5%12th 0 0 0 0 0 1% 25% 4%

On-Time Grad NA NA NA NA NA NA 7% NA

Grad +1 Yr NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 10%

Left SDP 0 5% 13% 11% 14% 12% 34% NA

"Left SDP" includes all 'leavers': student transferred, moved, withdrew or otherwise left the District and is no longer in SDP data file

on-track to graduation

4-year grad

Freshman Grades matter

Virtually all students with

less than a “D” avg. fail to graduate

Virtually all students with a

“B” avg. or higher graduate

in 4 yearsPrediction is less certain

among students with

D+, C- , C

*Consortium for Chicago

School Research (CCSR)

Non-cognitive skills

Grades must capture some other important student attributes—over and above the content that test scores

measure—but what? The prevailing interpretation is that, in addition to measuring students’ content knowledge and core academic skills, grades also reflect the degree to

which students have demonstrated a range of academic behaviors, attitudes, and strategies that are critical for success in school and in later life, including study skills,

attendance, work habits, time management, help-seeking behaviors, metacognitive strategies, and social and

academic problem-solving skills that allow students to successfully manage new environments and meet new

academic and social demands (Conley, 2007; Farkas, 2003; Paris & Winograd, 1990)

Los Angeles Course Failure

What Factors Predict High School Graduation in the Los Angeles Unified School District?

Silver, D., Saunders, M. (University of California, Los Angeles), Zarate, E. (University of California, Irvine)