What is media literacy

Post on 04-Dec-2014

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Transcript of What is media literacy

By learning to raise the right questions when watching , reading or listening to something, so as to clearly identify the messages transferred.

It is about allowing people to have control over the interpretation of what they see or hear rather than letting the interpretation control them.

Media Literacy

is about

behind the images “reading”

and media of your own creatingAt the same time, media literacy also aims

in the ability to create media product.

By creating media, people not only realize the power and limitations of each medium,

but also their role in contributing to what is there in the media.

it can work as a to: tool

Increases their to: ability

Media is Empowering!

for the Organisation:

for young people:

> document

> promote

> improve

the activities of the organization

programs and activities

the overall communication

> critically perceive

> creatively express

> communicate

the world around them


with the society

Media is everywhere.

visual communication

Cell phones, social networking, video games, television, pop music, radio, newspapers, magazines, billboards, the internet...

We are exposed to more media messages in one day than our great-grandparents were exposed to in a year.

Media literacy provides the skills necessary to navigate safely through this sea of images and messages.

a multimedia world

Our lives are increasingly influenced by visual images—from corporate

logos to huge billboards to cell phones to Internet websites.

Visual literacy is the ability to decode visual symbols into their meaning. It enables us to "read"

images and create visual statements

Media Influence

shape our mind

shape (or not) citizens

consuming it

Media experiences have a significant impact on the way we understand, interpret and act on our world.

By helping us understand those influences, media education can help us separate from our dependencies on them.

People need three skills in order to be engaged citizens of a democracy: critical thinking, self-expression and participation.

Media literacy works on those core skills, enabling future citizens to look behind biases and propaganda, understand and contribute to

public conversation, and, ultimately, make informed political decisions.

Consumerist behavior is also shaped by the media. Ever since the 1950's, the advertising industry has spent billions to ensure the effectiveness of its marketing methods.

At the same time, media is in itself a product that is consumed – and choices need to be made there as well.

Media literacy results in informed, wise and esponsible consumers.

Media Connects



The media is all about communication. We are, through the wide variety of media, in touch with all parts of the world, in any desired time. We can catch up with old friends from abroad, or learn about the life in a small African village. By understanding the power and potential of all available media, we can also better understand our place in the global communication channels.

And now, the media is at last open to all! Anyone can contribute their viewpoint in this ever-expanding network of available

media. The time has come, that news can now be delivered by advocates

themselves in the new social media channels - and thus be more pluralistic

and original.

The only perquisite is that people actually know how to use these new

channels - how to create their own work and how to distribute it successfully so that it is available to a wide audience.

Are you into cinema? 90's techno? Polynesian cooking? Aquarium landscaping? Into politics? Or fashion? Anything can be found through the appropriate use of media. The amount of information and material is countless and so are the possibilities that arise from them.

It provides the opportunity to integrate many different areas of interest

The use of media alone, is sometimes enough to make any project or learning

process more appealing to the young people. They have been used extensively by

teachers and educators as 'teaching aids' – and are almost always perceived positively by students. For example, History teachers

frequently use films or photographs in class. This use of media can be extended to

assisting any learning procedure.

It makes any project or learning process more attractive

Media is exciting!



It's an ability absolutely essential for living in a pluralistic, democratic society,

as it in society today

as well as

builds an understanding of the role of media

essential skills of research and self-expression.

Media Literacy


and in a variety of forms.

the ability to access, analyze, evaluate

create media