What is Hinduism?

Post on 07-Jan-2016

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What is Hinduism?. One of the oldest religions of humanity The religion of the Indian people Tolerance and diversity: " Truth is one, paths are many" Many deities but a single, impersonal Ultimate Reality A philosophy and a way of life – focused both on this world and beyond. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of What is Hinduism?

What is Hinduism?

What is Hinduism? One of the oldest religions of humanityThe religion of the Indian peopleTolerance and diversity: "Truth is one, paths are many"Many deities but a single, impersonal Ultimate RealityA philosophy and a way of life focused both on this world and beyond

How did Hinduism begin?No particular founderVedic Tradition 3500 2500 years ago:rituals and many gods (polytheism)sacred texts (Vedas)social stratification (caste system)Vedic Tradition develops into Hinduism

Despite the complexity of the religion, all Hindus have the same goal and core beliefs.One force, brahman, underlies everything.Every person has an atman, or essential self, and experiences reincarnation.The goal of life is to achieve moksha, or union with brahman.Karma holds that our actions affect our fate in the next life.What are the Sacred Texts?Vedas - four sets of these.Rig Veda oldest, written about 1500 B.C.E. and codified about 600 B.C.E.Upanishads mystical and metaphysical sectionMahabharata (includes Bhagavad-Gita)RamayanaPlus others

What do Hindus believe?One impersonal Ultimate Reality BrahmanManifest as many personal deitiesTrue essence of life Atman, the soul, is Brahman trapped in matter Reincarnation atman is continually born into this world lifetime after lifetime (Samsara)Karma spiritual actions keeps us bound to this world (good and bad)Ultimate goal of life to release Atman and reunite with the divine, becoming as one with Brahman (Moksha)

Hindus believe in dharma, the religious and moral duties of the person.They practice ahimsa, nonviolence.Brahma, the CreatorVishnu, the PreserverShiva, the DestroyerHindus worship many gods. The most important are:What do Hindus believe?

How does Hinduism directlife in this world?Respect for all life vegetarianHuman life as supreme:Four stations of life (Caste) - priests & teachers, nobles & warriors, merchant class, servant class. Fifth = untouchablesFour stages of life student, householder, retired, renunciantFour duties of life pleasure, success, social responsibilities, religious responsibilities (moksha)

Who do Hindus worship? the major gods of the Hindu Pantheon

Brahma, the creator godWho do Hindus worship? the major gods of the Hindu Pantheon

Vishnu, the preserver godIncarnates as ten avatars (descents) including:Rama (featured in the Ramayana)

Krishna (featured in the Mahabharata)

(Each shown with his consort, Sita and Radha, respectively)Who do Hindus worship? the major gods of the Hindu Pantheon

Shiva, god of constructive destruction(the transformer)Appears as Shiva Nataraj,lord of the dance of creation

and with his wife, Parvati, and son Ganesha (the elephant headed remover of obstacles)

What about the goddesses?Devi the feminine divineSaraswati, goddess of wisdom, consort ofBrahma

Lakshmi, goddess of good fortune, consortof VishnuWhat about the goddesses?Devi the feminine divineParvati, divine mother, wife of Shiva

What about the goddesses?Devi the feminine divineDurga, protectressKali, destroyer of demons

Plus about 330 million other deitiesAnd we too are manifest forms of Brahman!We are not human beingshaving spiritual experiences;We are spiritual beingshaving a human experience!Hinduism is about recognizing the all pervasiveness of the divineCommon Hinduism QuestionsWhy does Hinduism have so many Gods?Hindus all believe in one Supreme God who created many Gods, highly advanced spiritual beings, to be His helpersDo Hindus believe in reincarnation? Yes, we believe the soul (without body) is immortal and takes birth again and again. What is Karma?Karma is the universal principal of cause and effect. Both good and bad karma not only decide our fate (sorrow and happiness) in the present life, but also in future life. Common Hinduism QuestionsWhy do Hindus worship the cow? By honoring this gentle animal, who gives more than she takes, we honor the creatures as well. Are Hindus idol worshipers? We worship God through the image so that we can commune with Him and receive His blessings. Are Hindus forbidden to eat meat? Hindus teach vegetarianism as a way of life to not hurt living creatures. Do Hindus have a Bible? Our Bible is called the Veda which means wisdom and which reveals the word of God. Common Hinduism QuestionsAre the gods of Hinduism really married? It is true that God is often depicted with a spouse in traditional stories, a symbol of love between husband and wife.What about caste and untouchability?Caste is the hereditary division of Indian society based on occupation (priests, warriors, business people, and workers). The lowest caste, untouchables, suffer from discrimination. This discrimination is now illegal in India, but it still happens.Jainism: The ReligionJainism is an ascetic religion of IndiaTeaches the immortality and pilgrimage of the soulDenies the existence of a supreme being and emphasizes the art of non-violence.

Response to Hinduism and rejection of castes systemFounderMahavira or the last of 23 foundersTirthankarasford builders or crossing builders

Jainism: The Religion20

The founders of Jainism24 Tirthankaras (ford maker): great teachersGoing back countless thousands of years before recorded historyMahavira (great hero) the 24th and final Tirthankara reformer of ancient JainismNataputta Vardhamana Lived 599 - 527 BCE in northeast India30 years as student (never married)12 years as ascetic renunciant30 years as spiritual teacher (tirthankara)

Mahavira ca. 599-527 BCE

Parallels Buddhas lifeFamily wealth vs. povertyJoined ascetics Ahimsa yields true releaseAhimsa produces Jina (release from this life or conqueror over attachment, hence the name Jain)22Key Figures in Jainism

Above:Rock image of 24 TirthankarasLeft: Mahavira pictureTop: Mahavira statueRight: Mahavira on LionThroneMajor Tenets Everything is eternal; there is no all-powerful God that has created the world.When a living being dies, it is reincarnated. All living beings have souls.The 3 gems.Reverence for the deities (Siddhas, Jinas, and the 24 Tirthankaras).Vegetarianism, or Fruitarianism. The great vows, the Mahavrats.

KarmaKarma is the natural moral law of the universe, in which every good or bad action has a corresponding effect on the person doing that action. According to Jainism there are 2 types of Karma . Ghati (destructive) and Aghati (non-destructive), each containing several sub-categories. The goal of Jainism is to liberate ones soul, to become a Jina (spiritual victor). To become a Jina, one must escape Karma by leading an ascetic and intrinsically pure life. Buddhism

What is Buddhism?Buddhism is a major world philosophy. It is the 4th largest religion of the world, and has about 300,000,000 people living by it. It explains the purpose of life, injustices and inequality around the world.It also helps people by providing a way of life that will lead to true happiness.

The History of BuddhismIt was all started by Siddhartha Guatama (Buddha) who was a prince in Lumbini, 2500 years ago. He was very unhappy in his royal life, so he set off on a 6 year journey, exploring other religions. After his long journey and much meditation he was finally enlightened. He found the middle path, the key to human happiness. For the rest of his life he wandered Asia, preaching his new religion.What Did Buddha Teach?He taught the 4 Noble truths which sum up Buddhism philosophy.He also taught the noble eight fold pathHe also taught the 5 preceptsThe final goal for the Buddhist is nirvana, union with the universe.

What are the Four Noble Truths?The first was that life is sufferingYou cant live without death, frustration, etc. The second is that suffering is caused by craving and aversionGetting what you want doesnt guarantee happiness, it deprives you of itThe third is that suffering can be overcome, and true happiness attainedIf we stop craving useless things, and live each day at a time (not living in the future) we will be happy and free.The fourth is that the Noble eight fold path leads to the end of all sufferingThe Noble Eightfold PathIt taught 8 simple rules:To have a right understandingTo have right thoughtsTo use right speechTo do right actions To deal with right livelihoodTo give a right effortTo have a right mindfulnessTo use the right meditation

The 5 preceptsDo not take the life of anything livingDo not take anything not freely givenAbstain from sensual overindulgenceRefrain from untrue speechAvoid intoxicationDo not lose mindfulnessThis is the moral code of the BuddhistsTHE ULTIMATE QUESTIONS Nature of the soulLife after deathOrigin of the universe


Buddhism rejected the Hindu caste system. Rather than focusing on priests, ritual and deities, Buddhism encouraged each person to seek self-enlightenment, thus a philosophy instead of a religion.

Spread of BuddhismMahayana BuddhismEmerged between the 3rd Century B.C.E. & 1st Century C.E. very popularReduced obligation on BuddhistsGave Buddha divine statusBodhisattvas delay entry to nirvana to help othersMonasteries accepted gifts that merited salvation.Buddhism eventually declined in India as it took root in other parts of Asia.

Decline of Buddhism37

Religions Founded in India