What is geo_gebra (2)

Post on 13-Jun-2015

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Transcript of What is geo_gebra (2)

Geometry is a science which is used in some subjects. That’s why it should be taught correctly in school .

Geometry should be taught in an interesting way within the reach of each student as it is considered to be both an interesting and a difficult subject. During the process

of teaching different methods are used to awake students’ interest towards this subject. Let me bring

some examples from my experience. When I begin to explain stereometry in the 10th grade ,students have difficulties in imagining stereometric images and in

drawing graphs, that’s why I order them to make models according to the sum ,then we try to draw appropriate

graphs and solve corresponding sums.

It is clearly evident in the photos how I’ve actualized my ideas. I hope my experience will help my colleagues ,and if it interests you ,I am ready to share ,I will be glad to get acquainted with yours.