What is Dog Training Collar

Post on 18-Aug-2015

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Transcript of What is Dog Training Collar

What is Dog Training Collar?

Dogs are curious by nature & love to explore. They love to jump on you as a

greeting: "Hi. Hello. When your dog is curious or excited, getting your dog to obey

simple commands can be challenging.

Even canines that routinely stay within their boundaries or instantly reply to

"Sit" under normal conditions plenty of times fail to reply in the work of even

minimal excitement. Failure to follow your commands can be dangerous for your

pet in dangerous conditions.

In the event you are thinking about purchasing a training collar for your dog(s),

the first thing you need to do is some Web research in order to gain some

knowledge of their basic use.

Dog training collar are the solution for plenty of pet owners who understand the

worth of a well-trained dog & desire a safe tool. Plenty of pet owners don't

understand how electronic training collars work. Here are some basic electronic

collar facts to help educate the beginner researcher.

What Is An Electronic Training


All electronic dog training collars

consist of a handheld transmitter

and collar receiver. The collars are

used for plenty of training purposes.

Remote training collars work by

emitting an audible tone followed by

a static electric stimulation to the

dog one time the stimulation control

is pressed on the handheld

transmitter. Several dog training collars also have an option for tone only. One

time the dog understands the voice commands and consequences, the tone is

normally all the trainer needs to make definite the dog responds to the command.

Will the collar hurt my dog?

Remote trainer collars provide a static stimulation similar to the shock you feel

when you rub your feet across carpet & touch another person. In the work of

preliminary training it is important to start at the lowest stimulation setting

available & only increase the stimulation level if your dog does not show any


The stimulation from the collar is designed to get the dog's attention & NOT TO

PUNISH. Electronic collars ought to only be used to train your dog. That means

you must spend some time training your dog to understand what behavior is

acceptable & what is not. If the collar is used for punishment than a training

device, the dog won't reply & it will be hard to a ccomplish results.

Who makes use of electronic collars?

Electronic collars are usually used by household pets & hunting canines older

than 6 months of age.

Pet parents can basically train their pet to follow voice commands, even under

distracting conditions, such as "Come", "Sit", or "Stay."

Training collars are also often used for hunting or sporting canines. With hunting

dog collars, trainers use the transmitter & collar to teach canines to retrieve,

stay, return, etc. Training collars for hunting canines have a much larger range &

are usually manufactured to endure rougher environments.

Now that you know the basics of training collars, learn more in -depth knowledge

of electronic dog training collars.

For more information on pet products, pet supplies & accessories for canines and

felines, visit http://www.ipetwant.com/