What is BYOT? · “Bring your own technology (BYOT) is an educational development and a...

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Transcript of What is BYOT? · “Bring your own technology (BYOT) is an educational development and a...

What is BYOT?

“Bring your own technology (BYOT) is an educational development and a supplementary school technology resourcing model where the home and the school collaborate in arranging for the young’s 24/7/365 use of their own digital technologies to be extended into the classroom to assist their teaching and learning and the organization of their schooling and where relevant the complementary education outside the classroom.”



"It's important that students know how to manage it, interpret it, validate it, and how to act on it,“ http://www.time.com/time/magazine/article/0,9171,1568480,00.html#ixzz1pamuPUp8

Hand held devices are more affordable than ever. Students use technology as one of their educational tools – not unlike paper, pencil and textbooks. Students would have the flexibility of starting projects in school and finishing at home. E-readers encourage some students to become better readers.


Tablets… iPads… Laptops…E-readers Only 7th and 8th graders are permitted to register and use Internet enabled devices. •At this time 4th through 6th graders are invited to register electronic readers (Nook, Kindle etc); however, they will be asked to not utilize Internet-enabled devices. •A separate device specific (one per device), signed permission slip must be submitted to the Forrestdale Media Center. This is in addition to the Acceptable Use form all users sign and submit each September. •Each approved device will be bar-coded to easily identify it as such.

Streaming of data (TV, movies, music etc.) will be limited. In class at the discretion of the teacher. In the media center anytime. Educational purposes only, no wasting time.


To prevent accidental access to inappropriate sites, all WiFi network traffic is filtered for content, regardless of the WiFi device.

Security Provisions

If your child has a data plan on a “smart” 4G device, it is not filtered by our system. Smart phones bypass our WiFi and use the Internet through your service provider.

Word of Caution

Planner, calendar, class notes, independent reading material and home work all in one portable device.

But, please do not allow your child to bring in overly expensive fragile devices.


What If ?

My child is a typical kid and loses everything? Have you seen the lost and found lately! He or she does not want to carry around a device? Locker too packed with old lunches and gym clothes! I wanted to wait until HS to purchase a laptop? Just a few short years ago you would have said college!

The district owned technology is readily available. Whether or not a student participates in BYOT is your decision and is solely for the convenience of the student.

We have it covered!

One example of technology that we hope to expand on is the use of Chrome Books. They require no antivirus software, Apps are free and easy to download, the keyboard is perfect for children, and they boot in under 10 seconds.

Ever-Changing Technology

Google Docs & BYOT Perfect Together! •On line collaboration. •Group projects in real-time. •Electronic submission of assignments. •Homework access from any online device. •Environmentally responsible printing practices.

Looking ahead: •Expand the wireless Forrestdale project to the 4th, 5th and 6th grade hallways. •Updating the wireless in Deane Porter 3rd grade area. •Adding Chrome Books to Deane Porter, to support the addition of Google Docs to the Computer Class curriculum for 3rd grade. •Adding additional computers to Forrestdale’s Media Center, both handheld and desktop.

BYOT Permission Slip, Technology Plan 2010-2013, Frequently Asked Questions, Cyber Safety, etc. is available on our website.

Check Us Out on the Web

We would like to thank the Community. Your generous support has provided the following: •Upgraded our Internet firewall to better insulate and manage our resources. •Replaced 7th and 8th grade individual classroom wireless access points with an updated hallway solution that allows for secure, seamless wireless use. •Provided netbooks to the Forrestdale Media Center for independent research projects. •Supplied classroom presentation carts consisting of document cameras, projectors and laptops. •New classroom student computers in 3rd through 8th grades. Kindergarten through 2nd grade were previously updated. •A sign up study lab for Forrestdale staff and students with new computers and collaboration space, with document camera/projector and interactive (Smart) board.

It Takes a Village