What is B2B Video Content Marketing?

Post on 19-Jun-2015

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There is a big difference between B2C and B2B video marketing. This presentation highlights video content that converts and defines the funnel stage in which conversions are most successful.

Transcript of What is B2B Video Content Marketing?

  • 1. Driving B2B Sales with Video Content Marketing Kieran Farr, CEO and Founder

2. Vidcaster is a 2.0 video engagement platform for enterprise video training & marketing. Lead Generation forVideo Localization forProduct Training for 3. Some of our Customers 4. Leadgen Embedly GoogleTV Mixpanel Brightcove HapYak Twitter Vidcaster connects over 30 technologies for video marketing and training. GoogleAnalytics HTML5 HubSpot Facebook iTunes H264 MobileApps YouTubeSync CMS Hootsuite Marketo Salesforce VideoSEO Vidcaster Core Service API Video Player & Streaming Portal Website Hosting User Analytics / CRM Tracking 5. Video that drives sales for B2B 6. Video that drives sales? 7. Video that drives sales? 8. Applying B2C for B2B video Well make an explainer video! Thats our video strategy. 9. Applying B2C for B2B video Dont blindly copy B2C! 10. Misguided obsession w/top of funnel Awareness Loyalty Consideration Conversion 11. Now, with Vidcaster ROI analytics we know what works. It isnt sexy. Its deeper than top of funnel. 12. Instead, B2B video is middle of funnel Awareness Loyalty Consideration Conversion 13. - Video that converts is FUNCTIONAL and adds REAL VALUE immediately to a viewer. - We see our customers succeed with lead generation from content that SOLVES REAL PROBLEMS Middle of Funnel Video CUSTOMER EXPRESSES INTENT 14. Feature tours How to create an account for Tips and tricks Driving success using Customer spotlight Customer x reduced customer wait time by Screencast tutorials Step-by-step lesson on creating beautiful landing pages Webcasts Reducing churn with marketing automation What sells? 15. What works? 16. What works? 17. What works? 18. What works? 19. Critical SEO and Conversion Tools 20. Measure what matters: Video ROI. @kfarr kieran@vidcaster.com