What is a mutation? A mutation is any change in genetic material. There are many ways for mutations...

Post on 17-Jan-2016

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Transcript of What is a mutation? A mutation is any change in genetic material. There are many ways for mutations...

Genetic Mutations

What is a mutation?

A mutation is any change in genetic material.

There are many ways for mutations to occur. Common point mutations are...

1. Substitution: one base is switched for another

2. Insertion: an extra base is inserted (put into) the DNA sequence

3. Deletion: a base is removed from the DNA sequence

Insertions and deletions are called frame shift mutations because they can cause a shift in the grouping of codons changing an entire amino acid sequence.

Chromosomal Mutations change the number or structure of chromosomes.

Example:• Down Syndrome results from an extra

chromosome on pair #21

Genetic Disorders from Mutations• Colorblindness• Huntington’s disease• Cystic Fibrosis• Spinabifida• Hemophilia• Muscular dystrophy• Sickle Cell Anemia• Turner Syndrome

Significance of Mutations

Mutations can be…

1. harmful.– genetic disorders, deformities, death

2. beneficial.– resistance to disease, better camouflage,

stronger muscles; important for evolution!

3. neutral.– No effect

What causes mutations?

1. Just happen for multiple reasons, many are unknown

2. Mutagens: external (environmental) triggers that cause gene mutations.

– Chemicals (like in cigarettes & asbestos)– Radiation (like x-rays, UV light exposure, &

gamma radiation from nuclear energy.)– Viruses