What If We All Embark On Our Superhero's Journey

Post on 29-Nov-2014

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Before we begin, let me first ask you a simple question. Don’t worry, you won’t have to think too hard about this one. What does Superman, Spiderman and Wonder Woman have in common? Okay, times up…they all have superpowers – special abilities that allow them to become superheroes. But, unfortunately, Earth’s greatest heroes don’t exist in the real world, they are the works of man’s imagination. Now, let us reexamine this list once more. This time we will be adding one more person, a real person, say you, me, your teacher or your next-door neighbor. The list now looks like this: Superman, Spiderman, Wonder Woman and you. Again, same question, what do the names in this list have in common? Remember, it includes you now. You may be scratching your head, wondering, “Uhhh, we don’t have anything in common, they aren’t even human!” STOP RIGHT THERE! Indeed, there is something everyone on this list has in common. It does not matter if you changed the last entry to you, your teacher, your next-door neighbor, or crazy old man Rivers from the creepy house down the street; the one thing that both superheroes and a real person like you and me have in common…is power. Power? “Chris, last time I checked I can’t fly, I can’t walk through walls or even stop myself from sweating when sitting on the beach!” I wish I had that last superpower myself but are these kinds of power necessary to make us superior over others? As real people in the real world, we will never possess any of these supernatural abilities, but what if I told you, we have something even greater! What if I told you we have the power to mold our personality, to shape our future, to create our destiny, and to determine who and what we are – a power that builds reality and not mere imagination. The equation is simple but the execution is not easy…however, with a catalyst called action….well...you too can become a superhero just like me. This is the superhero's journey.

Transcript of What If We All Embark On Our Superhero's Journey