What have u learned from your audience feedback

Post on 21-Jul-2015

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Transcript of What have u learned from your audience feedback

The music video was targeted at 16-21 year olds. Through this music

video why tried to portray the RnB genre to our audience, which

appreciate the lyrics and what the artist is trying to portray

about himself and about life and politics.

I gathered my feedback using surveys, this allowed data to be

collected easily and efficiently. It has also allowed me to use the

data and present it in a variety of way such as pie charts and bar

graphs. We used social networking sites such as Facebook to push

the music out there and gain as much feedback as possible. Also

using websites such as Youtube to give the video as much

exposure as possible, to gain the maximum possible feedback.

I then later used a independent survey of 10 people asking them 4

questions. We had a mixture of feedback. We had bad feedback

as well as good feedback.

First question- Did you like the music video?

Did you like the music video?



This chart shows the majority (90%) of the audience which was

surveyed did like the music and was a only 10% which didn’t.

Question 2- What genre of music do you think this is?

What genre of music do you think this is?






This graph shows and solidifies the fact that we have

produced a music video which supports the genre we

intended to portray which was RnB. Having 50% of the

audience we surveyed to recognise this showed we

accomplished it.

Question 3- Would you purchase further songs

from this artist?

Would you purchase further songs from this artist?



The data gathered here shows that the audience are in two

minds whether or not they would buy further songs from

this artist, this could be because of the artist not being well

known and it will take a couple of more songs to be

released to persuade and change the uncertainty to a solid


Question 4- Did you feel engaged with the music video, did

you enjoy it?

Did you feel engaged with the music video, did you enjoy it?




This shows that most of the audience liked and enjoyed the music

video, few said moderate maybe showing that video needed more

effcts or more shots to keep the audience attached and engaged.

The minority which didn’t like it, shows that it may not be there

type of video completely or didn’t portray the song well. But data

shows that majority of the audience enjoyed the music video.

We also gained positive feedback from our Youtube comments on

our music video.

There was also some criticism we faced, one of which was that

many people thought that music video was blurry at times. This

could have been because of the lighting or the focus of the shot.

However when we played the music video throughout the editing

stage, we found out that it was at a good quality, but through

Youtube it may have decreased quality.

Overall we the feedback gained showed that the video was

successful as most people enjoyed the video, and managed to

discover the genre of RnB through the music video.