What have i learnt about technologies from the

Post on 13-May-2015

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Transcript of What have i learnt about technologies from the

What have I learnt about technologies from the process of constructing our product?

We had to record numerous takes of the child choosing which doll to play with, this is because this was a worms eye shot, which meant the camera had to be handheld and was unsteady on many of the shots, but we managed to get a few stable shots.

•Throughout the filming process we found that we had a few problems with costumes, this is because when we had to film small inserts to make our piece longer, the girl who starred in our film wasn't wearing the outfit she was wearing throughout the original filming process. Luckily, thoughout the original filming process she was wearing a short sleeved dress, so to solve this issue, we made all of our new shots, over the shoulder shots, simply showing her arm and what the character was doing.

•When editing, we experimented with several different effects and finally settled on a few inspired ones. We slowed certain parts of our piece down and added strobe flashes inbetween shots to make them look disjointed and out of place. We also kept our film in colour when the main character was being nice and then quickly changed to black and white when the characters mood changed, to indicate to the audience that something bad was about to happen.

When filming we had a few problems, such as the caqmera battery running out quickly, this was due to the cold weather that we were experiencing at the time of filming. To fix this problem, we used our spare battery that we had brought in case of emergency. We also found that it was difficult to film a small child, whilst all the crew members were tall, but we made the tripod shorter and this solved the problem.

We filmed in November, this caused an issues for us, as this meant that it was going very dark, very fast, to solve this issue, we started filming when it was light, but with the curtains closed, so that the scene didn't look any different when it was dark.

We had planned to film our piece outside, as this would have given a more rare effect, but due to the weather we were constrained to filming indoors, though this was not a problem as we filmed in the actress' bedroom, showing the character in a more natural place.

When filming we had a few problems with props as there were certain shots where to main character had to pull apart toys, these shots were difficult to re-film as the toys were hard to repair, to solve this problem, we made sure that we had multiple toys, so that we were able to re-film certain shots if we needed to.

When filming the camera would not pick up much sound, and any that it did was of a bad quality, this was due to a damaged microphone, to solve this issue, we simply added music over our piece.

Our final product differs from what we had originally planned for two reasons, the first being that the music is more upbeat than we had planned to use, but due to time constraints there was nothing that could be done to solve this issue. Secondly, the piece did not flash from colour to black and white as we had planned, though the finished product shows the shots being in colour when the main character in normal and in black and white when evil strikes, which works much better.

We used the Adobe Premier product to edit our piece, this took a while to get used to and we struggled to find everything that we needed at times, though throughout the editing process we found the product helpful.

We had to film extra shots for our product, this was because after editing, our film did not reach the two minute target, We solved this problem by adding shots of the child drawing and writing in a violent manner, continuing to show her violent streak.

Our main actor was a 7 year old girl, we initially thought that this would cause problems as she would not be available to us at the times when we wanted to film, but thanks to us filming during a half term break, this was not an issue. We were also worried that the child would be difficult to work with and not do what we ask her to, due to her age, but the child was excited to star in our film and did everything that we asked of her.

We struggled to choose which shots to use, as we had filmed several different versions of each shot, all of which were good, but we didnt want to repeat the same shots in our piece. We decided that we would put everything in chronological order and use the best shot of each part we had filmed. We also found that some shots we useless, for example, there is a shot that we didnt use in our piece that we had planned to, because it only became apparent to use when editing that this shot was inadvertantly canted and we didn't want to use that camera angle in our piece.