What Happened First? History of Vietnam Phases of the War.

Post on 26-Dec-2015

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Transcript of What Happened First? History of Vietnam Phases of the War.

What Happened


History of Vietnam

Phases of the War


At Home
































What Happened


History of Vietnam

Phases of the War

People At Home Anything!

China controls Vietnam or France controls Vietnam?


France controls Vietnam or Japan controls Vietnam?


Ho Chi Minh declares Vietnamese Independence or Dien Bien Phu?

Ho Chi Minh declares


Dien Bien Phu or Geneva Accords?

Dien Bien Phu

Tet Offensive or Invasion of Cambodia

Tet Offensive

What country ruled Vietnam for 1600 years?


What group did Ho Chi Minh form to fight for Vietnamese independence?


Who did Ho Chi Minh approach for help in obtaining Vietnamese Independence? When did this happen?

Woodrow Wilson; Post WWI (Versailles)

Why and when did Ho Chi Minh become communist?

Travels to China/USSR; to gain independence

Give two examples of French cruelty towards the Vietnamese

Raised Taxes

No Civil Rights

French forces were defeated at

Dien Bien Phu

This president helped fund 75% of Vietnam’s war with France


Vietnam was divided along the _____ parallel


Who was the leader in S. Vietnam and name 2 things he did that made him unpopular

Diem; favored Catholics, persecuted Buddhists, gave jobs to family members, land policies favored the wealthy

What were strategic hamlets and why were they used?

Villages where S. Vietnamese were moved to in order to avoid contact with VC

President who ended U.S. involvement in Vietnam


President who sent first combat troops


U.S. commander in Vietnam

William Westmoreland

Cruel leader of South Vietnam


Name of officer charged in My Lai incident


Riots lasted for 3 weeks after this person was assassinated


Who are Hawks? Doves

Hawks – supported the war

Doves – didn’t support the war

Who received the nomination of the Democratic Party in 1968?

VP Hubert Humphrey

What group was formed by Tom Hayden?

Students for a Democratic Society

List two effects that the Tet Offensive had at home

- Increase in doves

- Johnson starts peace talks

- Johnson not running for reelection

- Media openly criticizing war

Leader of independence movement in Vietnam

Ho Chi Minh

Communist opposition group that emerged in South Vietnam


Place where peace settlement between France and Vietnam was signed


Documents that showed that the gov’t had misled the American people about involvement in Vietnam

Pentagon Papers

What was pacification?

Program to calm the Program to calm the villagers of the South so villagers of the South so that they wouldn’t join that they wouldn’t join the VCthe VC