What everybody ought to know about buying organic food

Post on 13-Feb-2017

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What Everybody Ought To KnowAbout Buying Organic Food10

Nowadays, we hear everywhere that you should not only believe in organic living, but also

abide by it, since it is healthy for your body both physically as well as mentally. Let me tell

you that this is true to a great extent. It is very obvious that organic and natural things

would be better than the things laded with harmful chemicals and additives.

If you go to a supermarket you will find all types of organic stuff for your house, ranging

from fruits, vegetables, clothing, water bottles, to mattresses. And, when you see this much

variety in organic products, it is more than likely that you will get confused as to what you

should buy and what you should not buy. Moreover, if you take the all­natural route of

organic living, it can prove to be quite costly for you.

Therefore, we have listed down the 10 best items that you surely must buy organic. Among

others, these are the things that are most recommended by experts. This way you can save

your money, protect your health, as well as live organically. So, have a look at the 10

things, which are the best to buy organic.

1. Beef

Most often you would have heard about going for an organic chicken when it comes to

buying protein loaded foodstuffs. However, in reality, one of the protein providing foods

that surely must be bought organic is beef. It is because cattle are injected with various

hormones and estrogen­like agents. These hormones and agents are known to cause

different types of cancer in human beings, especially breast cancer. And, I am not saying

this just randomly, a number of researches have pointed this out. Theyimplicate that human

beings are more prone to cancer risks.

Although strong regulations have been passed related to hormone use in cattle, not every

beef producer follows these restrictions strictly. This is why it is recommended that when

you go out to buy beef, make sure that it is USDA (United States Department of

Agriculture)organic certified. This way you can cut out these hormones in your beef,

which can lead to cancer in the human body. Additionally, this will also allow you to avoid

the large doses of antibiotics typically received by cows, which may develop antibiotic­

resistant bacteria in human beings, as suggested by the USDA.

2. Cookware

With your food, it is also important that you upgrade your pans and pots. This is because

most of the nonstick cookware that you use in your kitchen contains PTFE, which is a

fluorochemical. And, when you overheat your nonstick cookware, this fluorochemical

breaks down into toxic fumes, which in turn can cause allergy­like symptoms in your

body, as they coat the lungs.

According to various tests conducted by the EWG, cookware that are layered with nonstick

surfaces can exceed their temperatures only within 2 to 5 minutes after being placed on a

conventional stove, thus emitting toxic gases. You can use ceramic, cast iron, or stainless

steel cookware, instead of nonstick cookware.

3. Strawberries

Although, strawberries are considered a superfood, they can pose potential risks to your

health if not eaten organically. Studies show that almost all the strawberries contain up to

13 pesticides and harmful chemicals, as per the analysis conducted by a EWG

(Environmental Working Group). Moreover, unlike other fruits, strawberries have many

tiny bumps and a large surface area due to which the pesticides are difficult to wash off.

Therefore, you can ingest more chemicals into your body by eating strawberries that are

produced using harmful pesticides and herbicides. Additionally, health experts recommend

that fruits like apples, peaches, cherries, and blueberries should also be eaten only organic,

as they are consumed with their skin on and are usually treated with numerous pesticides.

4. Popcorn

According to the EPA (Environmental Protection Agency), the microwave­popcorn bags

have a lining that contains a harmful toxic chemical, known as perfluorooctanoic acid

(PFOA). This lining is there on the bag, so that the food does not to the paper.

This PFOA acts as a probable carcinogen. And, it is linked to various hazardous effects,

one of which is cancer, along with other effects on the nervous, endocrine, and immune

systems of the human body. In order to avoid this, you should use a pan to make your

popcorn on the stove or rather go for an air­popper.

5. All­purpose home cleaners

Most of the common household cleaners contain harmful chemicals, like chlorine bleach

and ammonia that can irritate your eyes, respiratory tract, and skin. Additionally, some of

the cleaners also contain phthalates, which act as endocrine disruptors and affect the

immune and nervous systems.

They can also affect the reproductive development in males, if males are exposed to this

harmful chemical in their early life. You can switch your cleaner that you use in most of

the places and quite frequently in your home, like the kitchen­counter spray, with healthier

brands that are approved by Eco Logo or Green Seal, which are the 2 organizations that

identify items that follow the environmental label guidelines.

6. Backyard pesticides

You might not even see it as a probable threat, but it can cause serious health effects on

your physical as well as your mental health. Most of the garden and lawn pesticides consist

of supposed carcinogens, as per the data of EPA. These pesticides can damage your

nervous and brain system, if your body is exposed to them for a long period of time, as

reported by the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center.

This is because you breathe in these chemicals as well as bring them into your house onto

your floor and carpets through your footwear. The alternative to this is to use less­toxic

garden­care products offered by healthier brands, such as Eco Clear and Burn Out that are

formulated using lemon juice and vinegar and effectively work as weed­killers.

7. Water bottles

Most of the reusable plastic water bottles contain bisphenol A or BPA in their inner lining.

This BPA can mix into the water in the bottle and thus can prove to be very harmful for

your health. This is because BPA acts as an endocrine disruptor for your body; that is it

obstructs the body’s regular hormone activity, as said by the National Institute of

Environmental Health Sciences.Furthermore, BPA can also decrease sperm count in men

and can augment breast cancer risk in women. You can sip from BPA­free plastic or

unlined stainless steelbottles, in order to remain safe.

8. Milk

The milk that you are drinking may be actually harming your body, instead of doing

something good to it. Studies show that dairy products contain almost 60% to 70% of

estrogens that are consumed through food. And, milk naturally includes cow

hormones.Around 17 per cent of dairy cows are injected with rBGH or rBST hormone that

stimulates production of milk in cows by increasing the circulating levels of a different

hormone, known as IGF­1(Insulin­Like Growth Factor).

This IGF­1 can increase the risk of cancer in human beings, such as breast cancer. In fact,

rBGH use is banned in Canada and Europe. Therefore, you must purchase milk that has not

been treated with artificial hormones or is labeled as rBST­free orrBGH­free.

9. Food­storage containers

Most of the food­storage containers also have BPA in them, as they are made of the clear

and hard polycarbonate plastic. This BPA can get mixed into your leftover food, especially

during heating. Instead, you can use glass containers, as they are safe as well as earth­

friendly. Both Pyrex and Rubbermaid offer glass containerswith BPA­free plastic lids.

10. Celery

According to the analysis commissioned by the EWG, celery has most of the pesticides

and chemicals as compared to other contaminatedvegetablesandfruits. Since, the celery

stalks are quite porous, they retain the chemicals and pesticides that are sprayed on them,

which are up to 13, as per the EWG analysis.Therefore, you must buy organic celery. If

you can, you should also buy organic spinach, potatoes, and bell peppers because they also

contain a lot of pesticides…..Read More

Source URL : http://www.cocomagic.co/blog/what­everybody­ought­to­know­about­


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