What Every Preservice Teacher Should Know about Working with the School Librarian

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Judi Moreillon and Becky McKee shared this presentation with preservice teachers in the College of Professional Education at Texas Woman's University of March 22, 2014.

Transcript of What Every Preservice Teacher Should Know about Working with the School Librarian

What Every Preservice Teacher Candidate

Should Know about Workingwith the School Librarian

For TWU COPE Student TeachersSpring 2014

Judi Moreillon, M.L.S., Ph.D.School of Library and Information

StudiesTexas Woman’s University


Becky McKee, M.L.S.Doctoral Student and Teacher

John L. Patton Academic CenterDallas ISD

What’s In It for


Classroom–Library Collaboration for Instruction

Coteaching PowerPoint


Objectives: At the end of this workshop, you will be able to:

Cite the benefits of classroom-library coplanning and coteaching to students and educators.

Identify strategies for practicing coteaching as job-embedded professional development.

Role Play

5th-grade Classroom Teacher Civil War Heroes Research project Poster product

Two Scenarios – cooperation and collaboration

5th-Grade Social Studies TEKS

§113.16. Social Studies, Grade 5, Beginning with School Year 2011-2012.

(E)  identify the causes of the Civil War, including sectionalism, states' rights, and slavery, and the effects of the Civil War, including Reconstruction and the 13th, 14th, and 15th amendments to the U.S. Constitution.

5th-Grade ELA-R TEKS

§110.16. English Language Arts and Reading, Grade 5, Beginning with School Year 2009-2010.

(23)  Research/Research Plan. Students ask open-ended research questions and develop a plan for answering them. Students are expected to:

5th-Grade ELA-R TEKS

§110.16. (23).

(A)  brainstorm, consult with others, decide upon a topic, and formulate open-ended questions to address the major research topic; and

(B)  generate a research plan for gathering relevant information about the major research question.

5th-Grade ELA-R TEKS


(24) Research/Gathering Sources. Students determine, locate, and explore the full range of relevant sources addressing a research question and systematically record the information they gather. Students are expected to:

5th-Grade ELA-R TEKS

§110.16. (24) 

(B)  differentiate between primary and secondary sources;

(C)  record data, utilizing available technology (e.g., word processors) in order to see the relationships between ideas, and convert graphic/visual data (e.g., charts, diagrams, timelines) into written notes;

Coplanning Questions:

Why are we asking students to engage in this learning experience? Goals/Standards

What do we want the students to learn? Student Learning Objectives

Coplanning Questions (continued):

In what specific learning experiences do we want them to engage? Who will be responsible for each? Learning Tasks/Responsible Educator

How will they communicate what they learned? Learning Process/Products

Coplanning Questions (continued):

How will they/we assess their learning? Assessment Criteria/Tool(s)

Think…about preparing for an individual, potluck, or

planned and shared party meal.

All images copyright-free from MorgueFile.com

What different considerations do you have if you are:

– eating a meal at home alone?

– bringing a dish to an unplanned potluck?

– bringing veggies because someone carefully planned the gathering and all people whose last names begins with A-D will bring veggies?

Classroom-Library Collaboration

is like planning, cooking, eating together at a special party – and cleaning up together! It involves…

collaborating with others to determine a theme (goals and objectives),

date, time, and location (scheduling),

Classroom-Library Collaboration

date, time, and location (scheduling),

sequence of events (lesson or unit plan),

means to document the party (learning artifacts or test),

and feedback from party-goers (assessment) for the food, decorations, music, activities, and more?

Librarian’s Role…

In a collaborative school culture, teachers report that the school library conducts

substantial, cost-effective, hands-on professional development through the cooperative design of learning

experiences;school librarians have instructional expertise;


Research-based Evidence…

the school library offers a learning environment that is based on a “complex model of teaching and learning of teaching and learning that is exploratory and highly motivational” (Todd, Gordon, and Lu xxii-xxiii).

Still more evidence

In a collaborative school culture, principals:

“endorse a whole school, 21 century learning environment where educators model collaboration for students as they collaborate;

encourage a culture of innovation, risk taking, and high expectations and

acknowledge the actions school librarians take to

shape a school culture of deep learning” (Todd, Gordon, and Lu 2012 xxii).

Evidence FOR Practice

• Research in twenty states and one Canadian province shows

• that well-funded, professionally-staffed school library programs based on classroom-library collaboration correlate positively with student achievement, particularly in reading (Library Research Service 2014).

Evidence FOR Practice

• The Texas study, Texas School Libraries:

• Standards, Resources, Services and Students’ Performance, showed that collaboration between school librarians and classroom teachers and school librarians who provide instruction to students and inservices for teachers have a positive correlation with student achievement (Smith 2001).

Still more evidence

School librarians have the greatest impact on student achievement when they practice

coplanning, coteaching, teaching ICT (information and communication technology), and providing inservice workshops. These are among the library predictors of students’ academic achievement on standardized tests, particularly in reading and language arts (Achterman 2008, 62-65).

Evidence FOR Practice

Administrators correlate a successful educational program with an active, collaborative, and

resourceful library program (Lance et. al. 2010, 15-16). Principals who support collaborative efforts amongst classroom teachers and school librarians acknowledge the results of these efforts are demonstrated in academic achievement and increased scores on standardized tests.

Conditions and Contexts for Success

• A culture of collaboration in the school;• Collaborative planning scheduled during

the contract day;• State-certified school librarians on the

faculty;• A flexible library schedule based on

collaborative planning;• Sufficient library support staff;

Conditions and Contexts for Success

• Professional development for librarians, classroom teachers, and specialists with clear expectations for implementation and evaluation based on student learning outcomes;

• Support and publicity for coteaching;• Accountability for collaborative work and


Conditions and Contexts for Success

Administrators’ and educators’ beliefs

that coteaching works!


Digital Image created by Anna Darst, TWU StudentLS5443: Librarians as Instructional Partners, Spring

2013Used with permission.

Two Heads Are Better than One

I am a teacher.

I am a teacher, too.

I teach in the classroom.

I teach in the library.

And we teach even betterside by sidewe two.

Sometimes I approach youwith a new resource or tool.

Sometimes I approach youwith a learning problemto solve.

We take turns leading

and following

and always workingtogetheras equal partners.

We plan for instruction

with student outcomesin mind.

We brainstorm.

We negotiate.

We bounce ideas off each other.

I bring my knowledge ofindividual students.

I bring my knowledge of resources.

And we both bring our knowledge

of curriculum standards

and instructional strategies

and our love of learning!

We determine the essential questions.

We select the best resources.

We build scaffoldsand bridgesto help learners succeed.

We model the tasks.

We model the process.

We assess our examples

with checklists and rubrics

that we designed together.

Then we turn the students loose…

to develop questions,

to make choices,

to locate, analyze, andevaluate informationand ideas,

to develop strategies,

to organize their thinking,

to create new understandings.

With the guidance of two educators,

with four helpful hands,

we monitor,

we adjust.

We give twice the feedback.

We are a team.

Two reflective practitioners,

two avid learners,

two joyful explorers

who know…

that two heads,

yes, two heads,

are better than one!

A ripple? Or a wave? It’s up to us!

Works Cited

Achterman, Doug. Haves, Halves, and Have-nots: School Libraries and Student Achievement in California. Diss. University of North Texas, 2008. Denton, Texas: UNT Digital Library. Web. 4 Mar. 2014. <http://digital.library.unt.edu/ark:/67531/metadc9800/m1/1/>.

Coteaching Photographs. All Used with Permission. ©2013 Judi Moreillon

Lance, Keith Curry, Marcia J. Rodney, and Bill Schwarz. 2010. “The Impact of School Libraries on Academic Achievement: A Research Study Based on Responses from Administrators in Idaho.” School Library Monthly 26 (9): 14-17. Print.

Library Research Service. School Library Impact Studies, 2014. Web. 4 Mar. 2014. <http://lrs.org>.

Smith, Ester G. Texas School Libraries: Standards, Resources, Services and Students’ Performance, 2001. Web. 4 Mar. 2014. <https://www.tsl.state.tx.us/ld/pubs/schlibsurvey/index.html>.

Todd, Ross. “Evidence-based Practice and School Libraries: From Advocacy to Action.” School Reform and the School Library Media Specialist. Eds. Sandra Hughes-Hassell and Violet H. Harada. Westport, CT: Libraries Unlimited, 2007. 57-78. Print.

Todd, Ross J., Carol A. Gordon, and Ya-Ling Lu. “Clone the School Librarian”: Evidence of the Role of the School Librarian in Professional Development. Growing Schools: Librarians as Professional Developers. Santa Barbara, CA: Libraries Unlimited, 2012. xxii-xxiii. Print.

Workshop Evaluation

• Two sides• Complete at the end of each session• Exchange evaluation form for a school

librarian magazine at the end of the last session

• Please fill out side one now.

Three Breakout Sessions

• RoomsMCL 503, 504, and 505

• About 40 to 45 Preservice Teacher Candidates in each room

• Teachers will stay in ONE room for the entire morning.

• The facilitators will rotate.

Three Breakout Sessions

• Collaboratively Integrating Web 2.0 Tools into Teaching and Learning

Facilitated by Ruth Nicole Hall, Doctoral Student, School of Library and Information Studies (SLIS)

and Tammy Austin, Technology Integration Specialist, Denton ISD

Three Breakout Sessions

• Copyright and Fair Use

Facilitated by Dr. Jennifer Richey, SLIS

Three Breakout Sessions

•Coteaching Reading Comprehension Strategies

Facilitated by Dr. Judi Moreillon, SLIS,

and Becky McKee, Doctoral Student and Teacher, Dallas ISD

Three Breakout Sessions

9:30 – 10:05

10:10 – 10:45

10:50 – 11:25

Turn in completed evaluation forms and receive a magazine after the last session.

Follow-up Focus Group Session

11:30 – 12:30

MCL 501

Bring your completed evaluation form to the session.

Click. Kk_metro_library.11. JPG. Morguefile.com. http://www.morguefile.com/archive/display/186843 (accessed September 1, 2013).
