What earned Nixon the Right to be President? Schooling and WWII Whittier College then Duke...

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Transcript of What earned Nixon the Right to be President? Schooling and WWII Whittier College then Duke...

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  • What earned Nixon the Right to be President?
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  • Schooling and WWII Whittier College then Duke University Law School before Moved to Washington D.C. Starting practicing law World War II, Nixon served as a Navy lieutenant commander in the Pacific
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  • The House of Representatives 1946 Elections Vs. Jerry Voorhis (Dem) California 12 th district Campaign- 5 debates Nixon accused Voorhis of being communist
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  • Congress Seat on the House Committee on Education and Labor Aggressive behavior Drafted the Taft- Hartley Act House Un-American Activities Committee Find communists Accused Alger Hiss
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  • Senate 1950 vs. Helen Gahagan Douglas Accused her of communism in campaign pink lady Nixon won December 1950 Gained popularity from California Made many speeches
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  • Vice Presidency May 1952 Influenced Gov. Thomas E. Dewey Offered the job of Vice president to Eisenhower Nixon & Eisenhower vs. Gov. Aldai E. Stevenson & Sen. John J. Sparkman The Checkers Speech http://www.americangovernment.abc- clio.com/library/searches/searchdisplay.aspx?fulltext=ric hard+nixon&nav=non&specialtopicid=- 1&entryid=204264&categorytypeid=2&relateddisplay=tru e&_playback=true http://www.americangovernment.abc- clio.com/library/searches/searchdisplay.aspx?fulltext=ric hard+nixon&nav=non&specialtopicid=- 1&entryid=204264&categorytypeid=2&relateddisplay=tru e&_playback=true Eisenhower became sick The Kitchen Table Debate http://www.americangovernment.abc- clio.com/library/searches/searchdisplay.aspx?entryid =204261&fulltext=richard+nixon&nav=non&specialto picid=-1&_playback=true http://www.americangovernment.abc- clio.com/library/searches/searchdisplay.aspx?entryid =204261&fulltext=richard+nixon&nav=non&specialto picid=-1&_playback=true
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  • http://americanhistory.about.com/od/richard nixon/p/pnixon.htm http://americanhistory.about.com/od/richard nixon/p/pnixon.htm http://ap.grolier.com/article?assetid=028859 0-00 http://ap.grolier.com/article?assetid=028859 0-00 http://www.history.com/presidents/nixon/nix on-timeline.jsp http://www.history.com/presidents/nixon/nix on-timeline.jsp http://www.americangovernment.abc- clio.com/library/searches/searchdisplay.aspx?e ntryid=196792&fulltext=richard+nixon&nav=no n&specialtopicid=-1 http://www.americangovernment.abc- clio.com/library/searches/searchdisplay.aspx?e ntryid=196792&fulltext=richard+nixon&nav=no n&specialtopicid=-1
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  • Richard Nixon and Henry Cabot Lodge Republicans John F. Kennedy and Lyndon B. Johnson Democrats Nixon = superior foreign policy knowledge and political experience Kennedy = support of Protestant West VA and Democratic delegates similar agendas 49.7% popular vote Kennedy; 49.5% popular vote Nixon
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  • turning point in American politics first Presidential election to be aired on live television Great Debates several topics covered debates started September 26, 1960 10 pounds underweight, having ignored advice to get a new shirt with a collar that fit. refusing makeup, except for a pasty beard stick on called Lazy Shave to cover his perpetual five oclock shadow. (Pathways to the Present 968) who won the debates? http://www.americangovernment.abc- clio.com/library/searches/searchdisplay.aspx?entryid=20258 3&fulltext=richard+nixon+president&nav=non&specialtopici d=-1&_playback=true
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  • lost to Kennedy against Herbert H. Humphrey and George C. Wallace traveled 36 states black capitalism and tax motivation for private locations in cities electoral = 301 to 191 popular = 31.7 million opposed to 30.9 million
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  • alliance with Southern conservatives wins Republican nomination appoint strict constructionists, Southerner to Supreme Court, opposed court-ordered busing, chooses a VP that South approves of promises honorable peace in Vietnam secret plan Humphreys slacking
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  • running for a second term George McGovern Democratic Party John G. Schmitz American Party radicalism and Vietnam War Spiro T. Agnew as VP 520 electoral votes and 47,169,911 popular votes largest margin with 23.2% margin biggest landslide
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  • Kraus, Sidney. Televised Presidential Debates and Public Policy. Hillsdale, New Jersey: Erlbaum, 1988. The White House. 10 May 2007. Video Encyclopedia of the 20 th Century, Sunrise Media, 1972 "Presidential Elections, 1789-2004." Information Please Database, 2007 Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. 11 May 2007. "Nixon, Richard M.." Encyclopdia Britannica. 2007. Encyclopdia Britannica Online. 11 May 2007.
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  • Domestic Policy under President Nixon By, Holly Cundy
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  • Approved building of Space Shuttle Approved building of Space Shuttle Appointed Thomas O. Paine as administrator of NASA Appointed Thomas O. Paine as administrator of NASA Fletcher nominated for administrator Fletcher nominated for administrator United States Space Week United States Space Week James Fletcher and President Nixon
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  • 1. continue moon exploration 2. explore other planets 3. greatly reduce cost of the space program 4. expand the time astronauts were able to spend in space 5. quickly expand space technology concerning practical purposes 6. create a better cooperation amongst other countries
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  • Do nothing President Family Assistance Program (FAP) Supplemental Security Income 26 th Amendment
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  • Desegregation Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) New Federalism Revenue sharing program
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  • Nixon and the War on Inflation Most important domestic issue Most important domestic issue Nixon declared war on inflation in 1971 Nixon declared war on inflation in 1971 Inflation rate was up to 12% Inflation rate was up to 12% New Economic Policy (NEP) New Economic Policy (NEP) Nixons defense against inflation Announced in August 1971 Inflation still continued to persevere This Cartoon makes fun of Nixons failure in lowering inflation as the dollar bill is worth 300 dollars
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  • Nixons Foreign Affairs
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  • Major foreign policy purpose: ending the war in Vietnam Nixon Doctrine Henry Kissinger: National Security Advisor Goal
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  • What Nixon did Peoples Republic of China We simply cannot afford to leave China outside the family of nations May 22 to 26, Nixon met in summit with Leonid Brezhnev in Moscow They signed ten formal agreements, including an anti- ballistic missile (ABM) treaty, an interim SALT treaty, and a billion-dollar trade agreement.
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  • Ping Pong Diplomacy Most significant cultural exchanged between the two nations since 1949 Improved Nixons chances Helped convince soviets
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  • Nuclear Bomb Soviets had engaged with the United States in a race for nuclear superiority Nixon proposed to the Soviets that the two nations settle for a "strategic parity" in nuclear weapons
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  • Thoughts madman strategy finally paid off More than 25,000 American lives had been lost Nixon gained little by delaying withdrawal
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  • http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2002/05/ 07/politics/main508210.shtml http://www.historycentral.com/Bio/preside nts/nixon.html http://www.foreignaffairs.org/19980501far eviewessay1394/david-c-hendrickson/all- the-president-s-acumen-the-paradox-of- nixon-s-foreign-policy.html http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index? qid=20070429075544AAGnLHZ Sources
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  • Burglary June 17, 1972 Republicans steal from Democratic Campaign http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp- srv/politics/interactives/watergate/
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  • THE BURGLARS Bernard L. Barker Virgilio R. Gonzales James W. McCord Eugenio R. Martinez Frank A. Sturgis
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  • Waterga te Hotel, Washing ton D.C. Prestigio us, high- class hotel Senator Bob Dole Monica Lewinsky Frank Wills
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  • Pentagon Papers published in NY Times Watergate burglars sneak into Democratic National Campaign office Bugging equipment Arrested- June 17, 1972 John Mitchell, Attorney Gen., controls secret Republican fund used to finance operations against Democrats FBI gets involved- say Watergate is on Nixons behalf
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  • Nixon aides convicted -Top White House staffers resign White House council fired -Nixon disconnects White House taping system Attorney General and Deputy Attorney General resign http://www.americango vernment.abc- clio.com/library/searche s/searchdisplay.aspx?en tryid=202585&fulltext= Nixon+Watergate&nav= non&specialtopicid=- 1&_playback=true
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  • Nixons Downfall Im not a crook Nixon refuses to hand over tapes Supreme Court Nixon hands over tapes House passes first 3 articles of impeachment August 8, 1974- Nixon is the first president to resign http://www.ame ricangovernmen t.abc- clio.com/library /searches/searc hdisplay.aspx?e ntryid=204267& fulltext=Nixon+ Watergate&nav= non&specialtopi cid=- 1&_playback=tr ue
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  • http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp- srv/onpolitics/watergate/splash.html http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp- srv/onpolitics/watergate/splash.html http://watergate.info/chronology/brief.shtml http://watergate.info/burglary/ http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp- srv/national/longterm/watergate/articles/0618 72-1.htm http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp- srv/national/longterm/watergate/articles/0618 72-1.htm
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