What does leadership mean ?

Post on 11-Aug-2015

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Transcript of What does leadership mean ?

What Does Leadership Mean ?

By Elkartoum Noureddine

Just Leadership www.izolife.com

• Majority believes that Leadership the is ability to create more followers, have money , title , office and authority . Real leadership is about service to others , creativity and actions .True leadership means the people , leaders get people to share a common vision. Leaders allow people to try new things, embrace change, overcome fear, and step outside their comfort zone.

•What you do to others has a funny way of coming back to you? .Leadership in the workplace is not about a position. It is about using your influence to get things done . Remember that The way you treat other people speaks more about your character than anything else you will ever do in your life.Do what you love , love what you do .It is time to start living.

ways to become a better leader

Take the initiative :Stay focused :Work towards goals: Find ways when others don't:Keep pushing when others quit:

1_ Take the initiative: Leader don't wait for someone to tell them what to do , they act with purpose. If you want to be a better leader, then take actions to fix the problems in your area or workplace. Don't wait for permission or suggestion of any one outside your teamwork , without initiative you cannot achieve anything in this world

2_ Stay focused : A better Leader have goals anduse a clear vision for their business.Leaders who have a strong focus will not give up in any challenge and always make a difference by taking actions. Clarity of purpose and persistence makes achieving their goals easier .

3_ Work towards goals :

Goals are essential to leadership. That's true. Effective leadership means choosing a worthy destination by way of a correct direction, and then starting. -

4_ Find ways when others don't :•Find new ways mean have the power of creativity . If you are leading people towards new product , new anything , then leading with creativity is needed! You can`t get new things without new ideas, and as a leader should be at the forefront of thinking creatively about these opportunities

5_ Keep pushing when others quit :• Do you want to be a better leader? If so, you need to focus to do things and overcome obstacles . The most important aspect of being a good Leader is Focus because a better Leader must be clear about future of his business and their objectives .A better Leader have goals and use a clear vision for their business ,

Advices• Nobody will ever be 100% the way you want. Not your spouse, not your child, not your friend, not even your pet. Love people for who they are.You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.

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