What Causes High Blood Pressure and How to Lower Blood Pressure with Medical Home Remedies

Post on 09-May-2015

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High blood pressure or hypertension has epidemically afflicted almost every one out of three adults above the age of 20 all over the world. It’s a fatal condition that claims hundreds of thousands of lives prematurely robbing humanity of a safe, secure, long and healthy lifestyle on the planet. Let’s first understand what in fact blood pressure technically means, and what makes it harmful if it crosses a certain threshold in its reading. Well, it’s the force that the blood flowing through the arteries throughout the body exerts on their walls. The more the force, the harder has the heart to work! The harder the heart works, the faster it gets tired and the weaker it goes in its strength. It may end up in its enlargement, a stroke, a heart attack or aneurysm causing an unhealthy life span and a premature death leaving your loved ones all alone, on their own. Blood pressure measurement is expressed as a set of two readings. Systolic blood pressure is the pressure that gets exerted on the artery walls as the heart beats to flow the blood out of it into the aorta, whereas diastolic blood pressure measures the same when the heart is in a resting state in the span between two pumping beats. Though owing to the resistance in the blood vessels to the flow of blood through the arteries it goes on reducing as it goes away from the heart into the organs; but for clinical references it is measured at a person’s upper arm on the inside of an elbow at the brachial artery, where its normal systolic reading should measure less than the pressure exerted by 120 mm of a column of Hg (mercury) and the normal diastolic reading should measure less than 80 mm of Hg. The treatments that the mainstream medicine offers has lot many side-effects attached with them. For example diuretics tend to render the nutrients in the body ineffective, beta blockers generate dependence on them, alpha blockers cause nausea and headache as well as add pounds to the body weight along with raising the level of bad cholesterol in the body, whereas vasodilators tend to turn the body hairy and obese. In fact ALL the pharmaceutical drugs including Avalide, Benazepril, Caduet, Candesartan, Diovan, Lotrel, Metolazone, Metoprolol, Norvasc, Perindopril, Cozaar, Bendroflumethiazide, Captopril, Doxazosin, Amlodipine, Micardis, Coversyl, Amlodipine, Lisinopril, Hydrochlorothiazide, Benicar, Indapamide, Atenolol, Valsartan, Lasix, Atacand, Bisoprolol, Telmisartan, Propranolol, Avapro, Clonidine, Diltiazem, Doxazosin, Candesartan, Irbesartan, Betaloc, Benicar, Inderal, Ramipril, and HCTZ or any other HCT available for lowering high blood pressure or relieving hypertension have serious side effects associated with them, at times more serious than the disease itself; not to mention the money that neither your wallet nor your health insurance can easily afford! And what are their intended effects on the body? They JUST give a symptomatic relief temporarily and do nothing more!

Transcript of What Causes High Blood Pressure and How to Lower Blood Pressure with Medical Home Remedies

What Causes High Blood Pressure and How to Lower Blood Pressure with Medical Home Remedies

High blood pressure or hypertension has epidemically afflicted almost every one out of three adults above the age of 20 all over the world.

It’s a ‘silent killer’ that claims

hundreds of thousands of lives

prematurely robbing humanity of

a safe, secure, long and healthy lifestyle

on the planet.

Let’s first understand what in fact blood pressure technically means, and what makes it harmful if it crosses a certain threshold in its reading.

Well, it’s the force that the

blood flowing

through the arteries

throughout the body exerts on

their walls.

The more the force,

the harder has the

heart to work!

The harder the

heart works, the

faster it gets tired

and the weaker it

goes in strength.

It may end up in its enlargement, a stroke, a heart attack or aneurysm causing an unhealthy life span and a premature death leaving your loved ones all alone, on their own.

Blood pressure measurement is expressed

as a set of two readings.

Systolic blood pressure: heart beats to flow blood out Diastolic blood pressure: heart rests between two beats

At the brachial artery, normal systolic reading should measure less than the pressure exerted by 120 mm of

a column of Hg (mercury) and the normal diastolic reading should measure less than 80 mm of Hg.

Above 12o/80, it’s classified as high blood pressure or hypertension namely stage 1, stage 2 and stage 3 hypertension

The treatments that the mainstream medicine offers

have lot many side effects attached

with them.

On top of serious side effects, they JUST give a symptomatic relief

temporarily and do nothing more!

But if we simply remove the root cause, our body

has all the potential to revert to its

healthy disposition


Here is High Blood Pressure Remedy Report by Craig Anderson that exactly tells you how to remove the root cause that CAUSED this debilitating condition of hypertension in your body in the very first place.

Once you have the High Blood Pressure Remedy Report with you and are determined to say good bye to your hypertension there is nothing on earth that can stop you from really being able to do so, only if you DO what it asks you TO!