What Can You Contribute_Jane Vu

Post on 24-May-2015

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Essay 2: The StartingBloc Fellowship is a diverse community, with Fellows coming from a variety of sectors and backgrounds. How will you contribute to this community?

Transcript of What Can You Contribute_Jane Vu

On the surface, I’m just another engineer…

Jane Vu, 2012

Image courtesy of: http://blueprints.tumblr.com/

…underneath, I come from a Vietnamese refugee family that struggled to re-build a life in America.

As a first generation college student…

I struggled to navigate through the competitive application process with very limited resources.


Image courtesy of: http://blog.hotdesign.com/2009/02/marketing-treasure-map/




Fortunately, with the loving support of…

my family, teachers, and friends, I worked my way to earn a Regent Scholarship at the university of my choice.

Since then…

I’ve become an advocate for education, working as a tutor for over 8 years to help students from disadvantaged backgrounds pursue higher learning and creating resources to help them realize this dream. My partnerships with the following organizations (shown below) have created a platform to help me share my passion for learning with others:

Image courtesy of: http://www.itrendous.blogspot.com/

Image courtesy of: http://www.thehelpgroup.org/

… and I help build Communities

I would not be where I am today without a supportive community by my side that encouraged me to pursue my dreams. I am a firm believer of giving back and strongly rooted in building strong communities that serve the best interests of its members by creating resources that meet their needs. I have been blessed with the opportunity to work as a counselor/ mentor for the UCLA Orientation Programs and a community advisor for UCLA Apartments.

Orientation Fun:Giving campus tours to new students, in


To answer your question….

Q: How will I contribute to the community?A: To put it simply, I put a lot of heart and care

into my work. My goal is to build a better tomorrow, and wherever I am called to make that positive difference, I won’t hesitate to roll up my sleeves and help out. I find more strength with a supportive community by my side, and almost every problem becomes insurmountable… with a little more brainstorming, of course.

Wait, that’s not all…

I actively seek long-lasting, meaningful relationships, and I hope that StartingBloc will be one more stop that will allow me to do so.

Thank you for reading my application!