What Big Data Can Do For You

Post on 16-Apr-2017

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What Big Data Can Do For You

Data nerds and stats enthusiasts can rejoice Pinterest is more than just fashion, home dcor, crafts and cute animal images.

Its also a massive treasure trove of information about the tastes, interests and habits of millions of people all over the world...

In a recent interview with Mashable, Pinterests data scientist John Rauser says,

At its core, Pinterest is a data company. When people make a pinboard, theyre telling us important information about how they view the relationships between those concepts every new pin gives us new information.

Several companies are getting into the Pinterest Big Data analytics game.

So, what can we hope to learn from this wealth of information?

Analysts are actively exploring these 3 data avenues on a large scale...

Effective Pins & Boards

The artsy, subjective nature of pinning has very quickly spawned the science of pin optimization.

Bloggers, e-commerce brands and other content creators are digging into the kind of images that result in the highest engagement measured by likes, re-pins and comments.

Actions on Pinterest

Pinterests latest announcements indicate that the company is shifting some focus from pure growth to creating a more engaging experience for its users.

Specifically, the new People who pinned this also pinned feature is designed to keep users engaged with the site for a longer period of time, which, of course, means more pins, re-pins and site traffic.

When Pinners Leave The Site

This is where the e-commerce community collectively jumps for joy.

Retailers pay very close attention to where their customers are coming from, and it turns out that Pinterest has morphed into one of the most effective brand engagement tools since the free sample table at Costco.

A single pin from one brand by an influential pinner can reach 1,000+ first-generation re-pins.

That means each one of those 1,000 pinners are sharing the pin with all of their followers, and so on down the line.

Influential pinners also tend to share each others content, which translates to exponential pin virality potential.

What this means for retailers is that investing resources into creating content that appeals to an influential pinner can effectively expose that content to millions of Pinterest users in a single click.

Influence Matters

Pinterest has changed, and continues to change, the landscape of e-commerce, self-publishing, brand recognition and grassroots marketing.

A lot of what makes a pinner influential, or a brand popular, centers on intuition and just plain good taste.

However, when it comes to driving traffic and revenue, brands should continue to keep an eye on the numbers.

Want to learn more about our network of Pinterest tastemakers?

Check out: hellosociety.com

HelloSociety is a full-service Pinterest marketing and technology firm that helps brands optimize their efforts through strategic partnerships with influential pinners, robust Pinterest analytics, creative consulting and more.

HelloSociety evolved from its roots in HelloInsights, a comprehensive analytics platform that launched in April 2012. For additional information, please visit www.hellosociety.com/