What Are Social-Impact Bonds?

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Transcript of What Are Social-Impact Bonds?

FEBRUARY 8, 2011, 9:35 PM

What Are Social-Impact Bonds?


My column this week describes a new strategy for improving the performance of

government programs. In short, private investors — typically foundations — pay the costs

of a new program in its early years, and the government later repays the investors, often

with a bonus, as long as the program meets its goals. If it fails, taxpayers pay nothing.

In his budget next week, President Obama will propose seven pilot programs, costing up

to $100 million, along these lines. He will refer to the financing mechanism as pay-for-

success bonds. The British government is already testing such a program, under the name

social-impact bonds. (Gordon Brown’s Labour government started the program, and

David Cameron’s Conservative government has aggressively adopted it.) The New York

City, the state of Massachusetts and other local governments are also considering the


On Wednesday, the Center for American Progress, the Democratic-leaning Washington

research group, will release a paper on these bonds. It’s written by Jeffrey Liebman, a

Harvard economist and former official in the Obama administration’s budget office.

The paper includes a good description of the problems with the way most government

programs are now run:

The traditional approach to government funding of social programs constrains

innovation by prescribing the delivery model to be used rather than the objective to be

met. For example, job training and education are areas of the federal budget where

dozens of narrowly purposed programs have proliferated.

Other social service programs are funded through block grants to states, under the theory

that “states know best” and are the “laboratories of democracy.” But, like the federal

government, most states pay insufficient attention to program results and performance in

administering social services.

This insufficient attention to objectives and performance measurement means that

unsuccessful programs can persist for years. As demonstrated by the recent Head Start

evaluation, which found that few program benefits persisted to the end of first grade,

even large important programs can receive funding for decades without the kind of

rigorous evaluation necessary to reveal that the program delivery model needs to be

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Meanwhile, innovative programs with promising results have a hard time securing

government funding because the proof-of-concept process is slow and innovation

necessarily entails a risk of failure.

The full report has more, including a useful diagram on page 11.

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