What are Livery halls?

Post on 05-Jul-2015

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http://www.mtaylorsevents.co.uk The PowerPoint presentation explains what livery halls are are how they came about.

Transcript of What are Livery halls?

Merchant Taylors’ http://www.mtaylorsevents.co.uk

Merchant Taylors’ http://www.mtaylorsevents.co.uk 2

How long have livery halls existed

Livery halls have been in existence for years and years with some being established in the the 14th century. Because of their heritage, livery halls are among the finest venues to hold private and corporate events. Despite this, lots of people don't know what a livery hall is. This short article thus discusses precisely what livery halls are and the way they came to exist.

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Entertainment halls of livery companies

Livery halls are the entertainment halls of livery companies. Several livery halls today can be rented for corporate and private events.

Livery companies in the past were trade associations and would regulate their industry. In the past the were created from Guilds and would make sure there was a fair playing field. They are typically called The Worship Company

of … You'll find 108 livery companies in total with the last being granted in 2008.

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Some still hold their professional role

A large number of livery companies still hold a professional role in their industry such as the Hackney Carriage Drivers’ Company who regulate the

black cabs in London. Whereas other livery companies have come away from their previous professions. Most have become charity, philanthropic

and social organisations. As a result, the livery hall takes on a key part and it is where most events are hosted.

40 of the 108 livery companies still have a livery hall in London. Despite the fact that most maintain their history and heritage, the vast majority of livery

halls are not the original hall as a lot of livery halls had been destroyed in the Great Fire of London or in the Blitz. Many livery halls were rebuilt yet

they keep a lot of their history.

Merchant Taylors’ http://www.mtaylorsevents.co.uk 5

Livery halls can be hired for events

The majority of Livery halls can be hired for events such as weddings, seminars and

award ceremonies. They've got an enormous amount of history and

unquestionably will wow your visitors. They've been holding functions for

hundreds of years so you will find no better traditional venue.

Merchant Taylors’ http://www.mtaylorsevents.co.uk 6

Very traditional

Given that a lot of livery halls are more than 100 years old, they usually are very traditional event venues with amazing furnishings that have a huge amount of heritage. They tend to be considerably

bigger than other venues in the City simply because they were built at a time where space wasn't at a premium like it is

nowadays. The rooms usually are larger and the ceilings a great deal higher.

The City is an incredibly traditional area. As a result it makes business sense to hold a function inside a traditional events venue in the City of London and there is no more traditional place than a

livery hall. The interior has lots of character and history plus the service is generally second to none.

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Are you looking for a livery hall?

Give Merchant Taylors’ a call

020 7450 4459
