What Are Hybrid Mobile Apps?

Post on 20-Feb-2017

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Transcript of What Are Hybrid Mobile Apps?

VajrakayaDesign | Develop | Brand

What Are Hybrid Mobile Apps?

VajrakayaDesign | Develop | Brand

Compiled Hybrid App











Approaches To develop A hybrid mobile App

Native VS Web Apps

What Are HyabridMobile Apps

Web app

In accordance to the past report, HTML is one of the many languages

which mobile app developers desire to use. Mobile app developers

use HTML and similar web technologies to develop hybrid apps. The

two vital reasons to embrace web technologies for mobile app

development are cross-platform portability of code and the low cost

of development. Though, the report further propose that hybrid apps

are sluggish and poorly designed.

VajrakayaDesign | Develop | Brand

Compiled Hybrid App

In this approach the code is written in one language (like C# or

JavaScript) and afterwards compiled to native code for each

supported platform. As you can understand, the result is a

native app for each platform. However this approach gives limited

freedom during development.

Both these approaches are extensively used and help developers

in many particular ways. However, WebView is preferred by many

developers, because it enables them to use their existing web

development skills.

Pros Of Developing a Hybrid Mobile App

Developers can utilize their existing web development skills.

Developers only need one code base for multiple platforms

It significantly reduces development time and cost

The design process is very easy for different form factors

(including tablets), using responsive web design.

The apps can possess advanced offline capabilities

Increased visibility because the app can be distributed natively

(via app stores) and to mobile browsers (via search engines)

Cons Of Developing a Hybrid Mobile App

Performance issues for certain types of apps (like 3D GAMES that

relies on complex native functionality or heavy transitions).

Increased time and effort required to imitate a native feel and UI.

Not every feature on the device and operating system is supported.

Risk of being rejected by app stores.

After understanding about hybrid mobile apps, I think hybrid

mobile app development is not suitable for all kinds of apps. The

developers will need to carefully analyze the target audience, their

platforms of choice and the app’s requirements. Having said that,

the hybrid approach will be best suited to content-driven apps,

where benefits will outweigh the drawbacks.

VajrakayaDesign | Develop | Brand

Native Vs Web Apps

Native apps are programs developed significantly for one platform.

These apps live on a device and can access all of its hardware

capabilities (such as GPS, Gyroscope, Camera, etc).

Web apps can be thought of as websites that in many ways look

and feel like native applications. They are run by web-browsers

(such as Safari & Chrome) and are mostly developed in HTML.

What Are Hybrid Mobile Apps?

Electing a native mobile apps enables developers to employ all of

the competencies of a device and operating system and optimize

their app for superlative performance and stability. On the other

hand, electing the web app category enables developers to be able

to port their code across platforms, thus resulting in reduced

development time and cost. However, there are developers who try

to develop an experience that could use and share the best of

both worlds. Hybrid apps uses a common code base to deploy

native-feeling apps to an extensive range of platforms.

Approaches To Develop A Hybrid

Mobile App

There are diverse approaches for developing hybrid apps, but two

of these approaches are extensively practiced by developers:

WebView app and compiled hybrid app.

WebView App

The best example of the WebView approach would be Adobe’s

PhoneGap. It is a mobile application development framework,

empowering developers to build mobile apps using HTML,

JavaScript, and CSS. In PhoneGap, the HTML, CSS and

JavaScript code base runs in an internal browser

(called WebView) that is later on sewed in a native app design.

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