Wharepapa Sth 08

Post on 10-Nov-2014

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Transcript of Wharepapa Sth 08

The Junior school have been playing with Umagin and producing learning in big books, poems, thinking hats and blue screening

Wharepapa Sth School

Poems from pictures produced some powerful


Brown black and shiny.

Exploring our slug by

The Explorers

A closer look reveled bumps and hollows on the skin.

Its antennae stretched out to meet us reveling joints and….

transparent legs with hair hanging from the tips.

A new digital microscope added a new dimension to our learning.

WE love reading our digital Books.

We made our own covers.

By Robert Pottle

Illustrations by Claudia Vander Hulst

Sixty kids and one adult you gotta love those odds

The perfect place for pulling pranks and throwing paper wods

Hank is standing on his head

Billy’s playing ball

Peter wet his pants again




Steven steals

Kevin cries

Millicent is missing

Katie punched her cousin Ken

Ben and Jen are kissing

I think the bus provides me with the finest education

Me I'm taking lots of notes on public transportation