WHAP Quizzes

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WHAP Ch. 19 Quiz

Your score: 13 out of 13 (100%) [Time limit exceeded by 19 second(s)]

Quiz Attempts: 1

Your Responses:

1. How did the geographic conditions of sub-Saharan Africa affect its trade and communication networks in the post-classical era? [1 pts.]

Ample harbors surrounding the continent and an extensive river system made water travel and communication the most efficient.

The Sahara desert made it difficult to travel over land and cataracts in major rivers made it difficult to travel inland by water.

Though the Sahara desert was a formidable challenge to overland travelers, easy access through mighty rivers such as the Nile

and the Limpopo allowed for ease of travel to many parts of sub-Saharan Africa. The desert-like climate of much of Africa made communication and transportation systems nearly impossible to develop.

The dense jungles of central Africa prevented the building of rail and canal systems until the twentieth century.

2. How did the introduction of bananas from southeast Asia impact life in sub-Saharan Africa? [1 pts.]

Bananas enabled the Bantu to expand into heavily forested regions where yams and millet would not grow.

Bananas were easy to grow so more people could make a living as farmers than ever before.

Bananas were mostly cultivated by women which altered the traditional patriarchal Bantu society.

Bananas did not transport well to regional markets so the economy of sub-Saharan Africa became much more localized.

Bananas were not readily accepted as a new crop because people in sub-Saharan Africa already grew a wide variety of foods and

did not need a new crop.

3. Which of the following statements BEST characterizes sub-Saharan African political organization in the post-classical era? [1 pts.]

Bantu societies had little or no government as they were ruled as "segmentary societies."

Bantu societies were dependent on an elaborate hierarchy of bureaucrats and officials to administer their affairs.

Bantu societies were dominated by Arab-based Muslim caliphates for much of their early history.

Bantu societies governed themselves mostly through families and kinship groups.

Bantu societies were nomadic and were ruled in a clan structure much like Mongol rule.

4. Which central African kingdom developed the most tightly centralized government system c. 1300-1650? [1 pts.]

Kingdom of Angola.

Kingdom of Benin.

Kingdom of Kongo.

Kingdom of Ife.

Kingdom of Nigeria.

5. What group is largely responsible for the introduction of Islam to sub-Saharan Africa? [1 pts.]






6. Why did west African kings convert to Islam? [1 pts.]

The kings were forced to convert under threat from Arab nomads who had themselves recently converted to Islam and felt it was

necessary to spread the faith even by the sword. Christianity had not been favorable to trade and the kings desperately needed money to support their large armies and lavish

lifestyle. They found their indigenous religion and traditions unfulfilling and no longer useful in their increasingly complex worlds.

Missionaries like Al-Bakri had shown the kings the spiritual and economic benefits of conversion.

Converting to Islam improved relations with Muslim merchants from north Africa and brought the west African kings recognition

and support from Muslim states in the north.

7. What was the dominant political structure in east Africa by the thirteenth century C.E.? [1 pts.]

Small kinship-based societies.

Stateless or segmented societies.

Prosperous city-states.

Confederated regions.

Multinational empires.

8. Which of the following statements is true regarding conversion to Islam in BOTH west and east Africa? [1 pts.]

Islam was spread by the sword in both regions by both cavalry and naval forces.

Islam supplanted Christianity as the dominant religion in the region.

The elites converted first and then forced rapid conversion on other social classes.

The lower social classes converted first and then slowly the elites accepted the new faith because it helped their business

interests. The elites converted first, and then gradually many of the lower social classes converted while retaining aspects of their traditional


9. Which of the following statements is TRUE regarding the relationship between traditional African religions and the "foreign faiths" of Christianity and Islam?

[1 pts.]

Elements of traditional African religions, especially the honoring of deities, spirits, or ancestors' souls, found their way into

Christianity and Islam as practiced by many Africans. Traditional African religions, especially the Diviners, fought hard to eradicate these foreign faiths and ironically were destroyed in

the process. The elites abandoned traditional African religions in favor of the more modern foreign faiths that were considered religions of

salvation. Christianity proved more flexible than Islam in adapting to the traditional African religious beliefs.

Islam proved more flexible than Christianity in adapting to the traditional African religious beliefs.

10. What term can be used to describe both Christianity and Islam but NOT traditional African religions? [1 pts.]


Religion of Salvation.



Mystery cult.

11. The terms stateless society and segmentary society are best applied to [1 pts.]

the form of social organization found in Nigeria prior to the tenth century.

the form of social organization found in Ghana in the eleventh through thirteenth centuries.

the form of social organization found in Zimbabwe in the twelfth through fifteenth centuries.

the form of social organization found in Mali in the fourteenth century.

the form of social organization found in the Kingdom of Kongo in the fourteenth through seventeenth centuries.

12. Why was west African gold in such high demand in the eastern hemisphere c. 800-1100? [1 pts.]

Wars in the eastern hemisphere made it difficult for people to access other sources of gold.

The Umayyad empire built an elaborate capital in Baghdad which required much gold for ornamentation.

Gold was used for currency in western Europe whch was undergoing a trade revolution.

The economic development and trade boom throughout the eastern hemisphere raised the demand for gold.

The Byzantine empire refused to trade with the Muslim world, so the Muslims needed another source.

13. Islam in Africa [1 pts.]

had a major impact on traditional roles for women who had to withdraw from their traditional economic roles to fulfill Islamic law.

had a major impact on economic interactions between gold and salt sellers in east Africa.

had a significant impact on the traditional African religious practices relating to honoring ancestral spirits.

had little impact on women who continued to openly fulfill their economic roles in society.

had little impact on the cultural elites who refused to convert to Islam to retain their traditional positions of power and prestige in

sub-Saharan African society.

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WHAP Ch. 20

Your score: 10 out of 10 (100%) [Within Time limit]

Quiz Attempts: 1

Your Responses:

1. The establishment of the holy Roman Empire did not settle the question of religious or secular control. In the Investiture Contest, [1 pts.]

the Pope ignored the pleas of the Holy Roman Emperor.

Emperor Henry IV proved the might of secular authority.

neither the religious nor secular authorities won.

The Holy Roman Emperor bowed to the will of Pope Gregory VII.

The Pope decided that lay investiture would improve administration.

2. The legacy of William the Conqueror in England was the same as that of hugh Capet in France. They [1 pts.]

concentrated on further conquest of their neighbors.

solidified an efficient centralized administration.

eventually combined the nations into one under French rule.

converted their reluctant subjects to Christianity.

enjoyed enormous popularity and support.

3. Italy remained largely decentralized except in the region of [1 pts.]

independent city states in the north.

southern regions under the control of Muslims.

French control of northern Italy.

port cities such as Venice.

papal states of central Italy.

4. Population growth in the high middle ages was enormous due to [1 pts.]

increased agricultural yield.

less warfare between nations.

lack of disease in the peasant class.

high birth rates in the nobility.

improved medicine from the Muslims.

5. Which group benefited the most from increased urbanization? [1 pts.]

Nobility because they could demand tax payments.

Peasants since they had a place to escape to.

Soldiers who had increased availability of weapons.

Merchants because all trade occurred in large cities.

Townspeople because they obtained charters.

6. European women's roles increased in stature during the high middle ages. What development helped the status of more women? [1 pts.]

The plow so that only one person was needed to till the soil.

The code of chivalry because good manners expanded into all classes.

Schools and universities because they began to allow women to take classes.

recognition for their ability to participate in the economy.

Recognition of the special status of the Virgin Mary.

7. While schools and universities provided education to the elite, participation in pilgrimages was open to all. What other area provided a benefit to all Europeans?

[1 pts.]

Decreased warfare.

The military accomplishments.

Increased trade.

The code of chivalry.


8. The fearsome Vikings of Scandinavia spread their influence far into the Atlantic but were not successful at resisting [1 pts.]

the outside influence of religion.

their conquest of the Teutonic Knights.

the reconquest of their countries.

changes to their political scene.

luxury items from the Mediterranean trade.

9. When comparing the expansion of Europeans into Muslim regions of Spain and Sicily, it can most appropriately be said that the former was primary religious while the latter was primarily

[1 pts.]


also religious.




10. While the crusades were a misguided effort to reconquer the holy lands, they were entirely successful at [1 pts.]

defeating the Muslim Byzantine Empire.

uniting the Europeans firmly in a military alliance.

reducing the amount of future warfare.

alleviating national differences.

connecting Europe to the world trade market.

WHAP Ch. 21 Quiz

Your score: 10 out of 10 (100%) [Time limit exceeded by 44 second(s)]

Quiz Attempts: 1

Your Responses:

1. Civil conflict and nomadic incursions are responsible for the fall of what regional empire by the end of the twelfth century? [1 pts.]






2. Why did the Mexica form an alliance with Texcoco and Tlacopan in the mid-fifteenth century? [1 pts.]

To avoid civil war and to provide a stronger front against the invading Spanish.

To build a military force strong enough to exact tribute from subject peoples.

To add another level of bureaucracy to their complex government structure.

To gain access to their supplies of rubber and cacao which the Aztecs highly valued.

To capture their persuasive merchants and gain access to valuable trade routes.

3. Which of the following statements is FALSE regarding Mexica warriors? [1 pts.]

All males were viewed as potential warriors, even individuals of common birth.

Warriors wore distinctive clothing and jewelry as a sign of their honors.

Warriors ate rigid diets, severely limiting their intake to keep them hungry for war.

Warriors served on councils to select Mexica rulers.

Warriors received specialized instruction in warfare and military affairs.

4. The Mexica placed so much emphasis on human sacrifice because [1 pts.]

it was seen as necessary for their victories over the Toltecs and the Mayas.

it was part of the Mayan calendar and ball game tradition which the Mexica adopted.

their military successes in the fourteenth century convinced them of the power of Huitzilopochtli's favor.

it helped them reduce their crime rate and keep control of their military prisoners.

it stimulated their economy through people coming to the cities to attend the rituals.

5. Why did most Mexica women marry? [1 pts.]

In Mexica society, love was a virtue almost as significant as honor on the battlefield.

In Mexica society, women were not allowed to participate in market or other public duties.

In Mexica society, women would not achieve a glorious afterlife outside of marriage.

In Mexica society, motherhood and homemaking were considered the ideals.

In Mexica society, all of these statements were true.

6. In which of the following North American Indian cultures were women dominant in village domestic affairs? [1 pts.]






7. In Incan ayllu is similar to the Mexica calpulli in that [1 pts.]

both were the basic organizing units of rural society.

both were the main religious tenet of the empires' faith.

both were mnemonic devices used to keep government records.

both were domesticated animals used for meat and wool.

both were the priestly class believed to be responsible for continuity of life in each empire.

8. Why were the llamas and alpacas so important to the Inca? [1 pts.]

They served as useful pack animals in the high Andes.

They provided wool for Inca textiles.

They provided hides for leather products.

Their dung could be used as fuel.

All of the above.

9. Both the Chumu and the Chucuito were eclipsed by the rise of what empire in the mid-fifteenth century? [1 pts.]






10. How were goods traded in aboriginal Australia c. 1000 - 1500 C.E.? [1 pts.]

Overland trade routes and corresponding sea channels much like the silk roads of Eurasia emerged over the centuries.

A small but active class of merchants emerged who were willing to undertake the dangerous overland routes.

Individuals carried small quantities of valuable trade goods from one side of the continent to the other as part of their regular

seasonal migrations. Trade good passed from one aboriginal community to another until they came to rest in distant places.

Polynesian merchants carried the valuable goods in their outrigger canoes from port to port along the Australian coast.

WHAP Ch. 18 Quiz

Your score: 13 out of 13 (100%) [Time limit exceeded by 3 minute(s) 22 second(s)]

Quiz Attempts: 1

Your Responses:

1. Nomadic Turks and Mongols affected Asian history by conquering most of [1 pts.]

India, China, and southeast Asia.

China, northern India, Anatolia, and Russia.

Russia, China, and India.

Anatolia, India, and central Asia.

Eastern Europe, Anatolia, and central Asia.

2. The attainment of nobility status in nomadic societies was dependent upon [1 pts.]

a strict social hierarchy including a peasant class.

the arbitrary decisions of the leaders in governmental councils.

the extent to which one's relatives achieved nobility.

the personal record of achievement by the individual.

recognition and adoption by noble families.

3. What did the Mongols do when they encountered other religions? [1 pts.]

They forced conversion to steppe shamanism.

They adopted all religions into a unique syncretic blend.

They encouraged tolerance and occasionally converted.

They persucuted monotheists but allowed polytheists.

They rejected other faiths on the basis of their resistance to the Mongols.

4. To characteristic did Mahmud of Ghazni share with Tamarlane? [1 pts.]

An interest in administration over wide regions.

They desired to emulate Chingghis Khan.

They came from the same region of today's Afghanistan.

more interest in conquest and plunder than governance.

They tolerated all religions of the regions they conquered.

5. To what did Temujin owe his elevation to Chingghis Khan? [1 pts.]

his inherited status from a noble family.

His conquest of other Mongol clans.

His conquest of China and Persia.

His extraordinary loyalty to his extended family.

His compelling personality and ability to forge alliances.

6. What did Mongol rule in the Ilkhanate of Persia have in common with the Yuan dynasty? [1 pts.]

Importation of foreign administrative officials.

Distrust and disdain for the conquered populations.

Tolerance for the local religions.

An interest in maintaining all schools of knowledge.

Eventual absorption into the culture.

7. What stopped Mongols from the complete conquest of the Middle East? [1 pts.]

They were stopped by the Persians.

They were defeated by Egyptian slave armies.

Chingghis Khan died before they even attacked.

They were defeated by the Ottomans.

Interclan rivalry ended the westernmost thrust of Mongol armies.

8. To what extent did the Mongols encourage trade? [1 pts.]

As a nomadic group, they had an abiding interest in supporting all trade.

While they protected the silk roads in western China, they neglected those of central Asia.

They protected both the land routes in Asia and the sea lanes of the Indian Ocean.

They allowed others to trade while forbidding their own people to do the same.

They welcomed traders from the Southeast Asia and India while they dismissed the traders of central Asia.

9. One trait that the Mongols and Tamarlane shared in the decline of their empire was [1 pts.]

the disintegration of their armies.

the defeat by neighboring peoples.

a decline of interest in the nomadic life.

the failure to protect the economies of its regions.

significant problems in succession.

10. In contrast to Romans at the time of Augustus, Mongol Khans chose to [1 pts.]

divide the conquered areas into separate rules.

build and secure roads for good communication.

allow and tolerate foreign religions.

rely on mercenary armies to control its borders.

ignore the necessary protection of trade routes.

11. Which of the following statements most accurately reflects a major difference between the expansion of the Mongols in the thirteenth century and the expansion of the Arabs in the seventh century?

[1 pts.]

Mongol diplomacy relied most heavily on military might while Arab expansion relied on astute diplomacy.

Mongol expansion tended to avoid larger cities along the silk roads while Arab expansion attacked major cities first and depended

on them to control the rural areas. Mongol expansion was dependent on cavalry while Arab expansion depended on infantry.

Mongol expansion was a stunningly successful extension of the type of military actions that central Asian nomads had always

attempted while Arab expansion occurred without a previous history of expansion. Mongol expansion was fueled by the ideas of one individual while Arab expansion was fueled by the ideas of many.

12. Which of the following statements about Mongol rule in China is most accurate? [1 pts.]

The Mongols scorned their Chinese subjects so much that they removed farmland from cultivation and used it for grazing Mongol

livestock. The Mongols did not use the Chinese administration, preferring imported administrators.

The Mongols persecuted Confucian scholar-officials by incarcerating prominent administrators.

The Mongol leaders of China preferred the stepps and ruled from the Mongol capital of Karakarum.

Preferring Buddhism for themselves, the Mongols outlawed Confucianism.

13. Similar to the Arab conquest of Persia, which of the following resulted from the conquest by the Mongols? [1 pts.]

Persia imparted some of its religious, social, and political traditions to its conquerors.

Persian society lost the characteristics of its traditional social hierarchy.

Persians resisted foreign political control with small revolts in rural areas.

Persians accepted the religion of both conquerors and rejected Zoroastrianism.

Persian leaders served as high government officials under both Arabs and Mongols.