Weston Collegiate Institute

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Transcript of Weston Collegiate Institute

Weston Collegiate InstituteADDRESS: 100 Pine St, York, ON

M9N 2Y9PHONE NUMBER: (416) 394-3250EMAIL ADDRESS: Weston@tdsb.on.caWEBSITE: http://www.westonci.caGRADE RANGE: 9 to 12

AfricentricCurriculumOur AfricentricCurriculum providesseveral literary lenses ofstudy with a focus onthemes of identity,empowerment & culturalawareness. Through theexploration of culturallyrelevant texts, studentsdevelop a sense ofvoice, identity & socialand cultural awarenessthrough rich oral, writtenand mixed medialearning experiences. The program exemplifiesa commitment to studentsuccess & equity byestablishing a teachingand learningenvironment thatidentifies & helpseliminate racialachievement disparitiesby creating a culture ofhigh expectations &student success.

Weston Collegiate Institute's school motto is:MANU CORDEQUE "With Hand and With Heart"

Established in 1857, Weston Collegiate holds the distinction ofbeing the second-oldest secondary school in Toronto and in 2019celebrated its 162nd anniversary. Once positioned in the heart ofthe quaint industrious town of Weston,  today Weston Collegiateis home to the world, with current students representing 80countries. As a result, Weston is international in focus and spirit. We strive to meet the needs of all students in our community byoffering courses at the academic, applied, and locallydeveloped level. We prepare students for university and collegeadmissions, as well as offer programs in the skilled trades thatlead to work or apprenticeship.

International BaccalaureateProgramOur International Baccalaureateprogram is designed to meet theneeds of capable, highly motivatedstudents who want an enrichedchallenging program that providessuperior university preparation. Bepart of a globally focused program in over 150 countries and 5000schools globally. Almost all universities recognize the IB diplomafor admissions and scholarship consideration. Many IB graduatesreceive advanced standing at university for their IB achievements.Call 416-394-3250, extension 20135 for more information.

More Information about Weston Collegiate Institute

Experiential LearningStudents have the opportunity to explore learning beyond theclassroom. The Cooperative Education program allows students to“test drive” a career and acquire hands-on skills to prepare fortoday’s workforce. Students can explore skilled trades andparticipate in the Ontario Youth Apprenticeship Program. DualCredits allow students to explore college programs.

Arts & Culture SHSM (Specialist High Skills Major)In this program students take 4 credits in the arts - visual art,drama, music, visual design or photography. Through theircooperative education placements students will experience what acareer in the Arts is like. Upon completion of any SHSM program,students earn the red seal on their diploma with additionalcertifications in First Aid, CPR and WHMIS.

Manufacturing SHSM (Specialist High Skills Major)Students have the opportunity to customize their experience to suittheir interests and skills. The program focus in themanufacturing sector is Computer Aided Design and ComputerAided Manufacturing utilizing project based learning and problemsolving. Students gain skills in various areas, such as CNCmachining, design, welding, computer engineering, 3-D printing.

Sports & Media SHSM (Specialist High Skills Major)Weston’s Sports & Media SHSM is the only program of its kind inOntario. It is an excellent choice for students who have a love ofsports, want to work with professional athletes or in marketing,sales, TV, or radio.  As part of the program, students develop theirskills in video, TV and film editing in our state-of-the-art televisionstudio.

Additional Features● High Academic Expectations● Varied Student Success Initiatives● VIbrant Community Partnerships● Strong Parental Involvement

● Extensive Extra-curricular Program● Strong Guidance and Careers Program● Modern Computer Labs & Tech Shops● Breakfast Program

For a list of all programs that are also offered visit http://www.tdsb.on.ca/Findyour/Schools.aspx?schno=6988&schoolId=1455

Student Life - Where You Belong

Our facilities include a large indoor pool, a full-sized fieldwith surrounding track, a double gymnasium, and a fitnessroom. We also have music rooms, an auditorium and severalcomputer labs. Join in or cheer for one of our sports teams, includingbadminton, baseball, slo-pitch, basketball, cricket,cross-country running, football, hockey, rugby, soccer,swimming, track and field, ultimate and volleyball. Ourtradition of athletic excellence is reflected in numerousleague championships and student participation at provincialchampionships. Our multicultural and community spirit is reflected in themultitude of clubs and associations that operate in ourschool. Students showcase their community spirit throughclubs like Weston Aces, Weston Ambassadors, CharityClub, EcoTeam and Student Council. Artistic talents arenurtured through student participation in concert and jazzbands, string ensembles, photography club and art club.Students also celebrate their diversity and promotetolerance and equity through clubs like our Queer StraightAlliance, Muslim Students Association, Asian StudentsAssociation and the Black Students Union, to name a few.  

What Sets Us Apart

From the moment they enter our halls, students arewelcomed into the Weston family. We support our studentsas they transition to high school with outreach programs,and all grade 9 students are invited to our student-runleadership camp trip in September. Supported by an outstanding teaching staff and exceptionalsupport staff, students are encouraged to achieve theiracademic goals. Extra help is offered at lunch and afterschool through peer tutoring, homework clubs andworkshops. Students with special needs are able to access a variety ofresources to support their learning including assistivetechnology. Additionally, we are home to an IntensiveSupport Program for students on the Autism Spectrum andan Intensive Support Program for students with learningdisabilities.  Our aim is to provide all students with the resources theyneed in order to effectively demonstrate their learning in apositive and supportive environment and to prepare them forsuccess at the post-secondary level whether they pursueuniversity, college, apprenticeship or enter the workforce.

Parent and Community Engagement

There are many opportunities for parents to be involved at WestonCollegiate Institute. There is the traditional School Council whereparents can be involved in shaping school policy. There is also aseparate IB Parent Council, as well as a Music Council whereparents can learn about, support, and provide input into theorganization of those programs. Parents are invited to be part of theSafe and Caring School Committee, and other committees from timeto time when the input from parents is valued. With a rich history and years of tradition, Weston's AlumniFoundation continues to take an active roll in supporting the school'sactivities and, in partnership with our community partners, alsooffers over 250 awards to our graduating students each year. TheAlumni can be reached through the main office.

Imagine a TDSB where all schools share a common core set of characteristics. They arecommunity-driven and focused on teaching and learning. Students and parents have a wide variety ofopportunities and there are enough students in every school to increase program choices. Imagine there is a clear focus on achieving student success and every student is engaged, has a voice,access to a caring adult and the opportunity to develop their full potential. Here at the TDSB our focus is on student achievement, parent and community engagement and financialstability.

Contact Information

SCHOOL NAME: Weston Collegiate InstituteADDRESS: 100 Pine St, York, ON

M9N 2Y9TELEPHONE: (416) 394-3250EMAIL: Weston@tdsb.on.ca

1/16/2020 Grade 8 Information Evening