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Transcript of WesselamnJournalofimages

Mountains: Awe-Inspiring

Tim Wesselman

Spring 2009

Introduction to Visual Arts

1301-Paula King, Professor

Journal of Images

Line- This picture shows the Line element of art in the form of a road just outside Chama New Mexico. You can see the road disappear into the distant mountains. This picture was taken on

Wednesday March 18th 2009.

• Form or Mass- This is the art element that shows three dimensions. I took this picture on the top of wolf creek ski area facing down into the bowl shaped valley below. This is a great three dimensional picture that shows the beauty of these mountains. Taken 3/19/09 Wolf Creek Ski area Colorado.

• Shape- This was one of the harder elements for me to do because shape is a two dimensional element of art and all my pictures and my topic are of mountains. This picture shows shape in front of the mountains. This picture was taken just outside of Chama. NM. 3/18/09.

• Space- This picture illustrates space nicely because it draws your attention to something so simple and cool looking as a dead tree with a mountain peak and horizon in the back ground showing the element of space. This was taken in the Brazos mountains in NM 03/17/09.

• Value- This picture shows the light contrast with a dark back ground and is one of my favorite pictures I took on this trip. It shows an amazing view of the mountains that makes you feel inspired to be around such a beautiful site. This was taken in the Brazos mountains in NM 03/17/09.

• Color- This picture shows the verity of color in a New Mexico sunsets in the Mountains, its truly one of the coolest things you can see in life.

• Texture- This is one of my favorite pictures that I took on my snowboarding trip! The clouds and the snow make you think of a fluffy texture, and the mountains contrast with a rugged rough feel. Taken 3/19/09 Wolf Creek Ski area Colorado.

• Rhythm- This picture shows the beauty of the unending view of mountains in the distance. You can see the Rhythm of the rolling mountains very easily. Taken 3/19/09 Wolf Creek Ski area Colorado.

• Movement- This picture was taken from my car around Ghost ranch NM. I think the side view of the side view mirror adds an artistic touch to a cool picture.This picture was taken on 3/19/09

• Balance- The trees give an artistic symmetrical frame of the Brazos Cliffs. The cliffs look very amazing in this picture. This was taken in the Brazos mountains in NM 03/17/09.

• Scale- This picture shows the awesome scale of the mountains. You can use the SUV in the picture as well as the two lane highway for scale references. Taken 3/19/09 Between Pagosa Springs and Wolf Creek Ski area Colorado.

• Variety- This picture shows verity in colors, contrasts,lines and shapes. I found that this picture shows good variety. . This picture was taken just outside of Chama. NM. 3/18/09.

• Emphasis- This picture shows the Emphasis of the ski area boundary with the sign and the shear ruggedness of the mountains asks the question of why would you even want to tempt the fates and leave the ski area. Taken 3/19/09 Wolf Creek Ski area Colorado.

• Unity- This picture displays a unity of many of the art elements such as rhythm color contrast and it just shows the splendid ruggedness of the mountains that is so attractive. Taken 3/19/09 Wolf Creek Ski area Colorado.

Index of journal Images

• Line, Taken on highway 84 just outside of Chama, New Mexico, March 18th 2009• Form or Mass, Wolf Creek ski Area, Colorado, March 19th 2009• Shape, Taken on highway 84 just outside of Chama, New Mexico, March 18th 2009• Space, Brazos Mountains, New Mexico, March 17th 2009• Value, Brazos Mountains, New Mexico, March 17th 2009• Color, Brazos Mountains, New Mexico, March 17th 2009

• Texture, Wolf Creek ski Area, Colorado, March 19th 2009• Rhythm, Wolf Creek ski Area, Colorado, March 19th 2009• Movement, outside of Ghost Ranch, on Highway 512, New Mexico, March 19th 2009

• Balance, Brazos Mountains, New Mexico, March 17th 2009• Scale, outside of Pagosa Springs, On Highway 160, Colorado, March 19th 2009• Variety, Taken on highway 84 just outside of Chama, New Mexico, March 18th 2009• Emphasis, Wolf Creek ski Area, Colorado, March 19th 2009• Unity, Wolf Creek ski Area, Colorado, March 19th 2009