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Wentworth C of E Junior and Infant School Prospectus 2014 -2015





We are pleased to present you with a copy of our school prospectus which has been

produced in collaboration with Governors and staff. This school prospectus is

intended to be an introduction to our school. It will provide you with essential

information about our school and through it we hope that you will begin to

understand about Wentworth C of E Junior and Infant School and the experiences

and education that we can offer your child.

Wentworth C of E Junior and Infant School is a very happy school and we offer a

stimulating and Immersive learning environment in which your child can develop.

We provide a caring atmosphere where all children are valued and encouraged to

respect themselves and each other.

We view parents as partners in the educational process and appreciate your support

in all aspects of school life.

The school has an open door policy for new and existing parents, so please do not

hesitate to contact the school if you require any additional information or have any


Miss Sally Armstrong

Wentworth C of E Junior and Infant School Prospectus 2014 -2015



Wentworth C of E Junior and Infant School. Our aim is to provide a balanced and high-

quality education suitable to the varying needs, abilities and talents of our children and

to do that in an openly Christian environment, based on the love of God and the love of

each other. Therefore the parish clergy work closely with the staff and children, taking

an active part in the life of the school.

We cannot, however, do this on our own. If we are to succeed we need the active

support and involvement of our parents. We therefore encourage you to help us create

a happy, caring atmosphere of love, respect for each other, co-operation and trust. The

staff work extremely hard to provide a stimulating and caring environment in which the

children may work happily to achieve their full potential and respond in a positive way

to the demands made on them at school, in the home, in the community in which they

live now and in the future.

Wentworth C of E Junior and Infant School Prospectus 2014 -2015



This prospectus sets out information about our school, which should be of help to those

choosing a school and to parents whose children already attend the school. This prospectus

refers to the 2014/2015 academic year. It is possible that changes could affect the things

described. However, advanced notification is usually given of any changes affecting children or



Wentworth Junior and Infant is a Church of England Controlled school. Rotherham Local

Education Authority is responsible for the maintenance of the building and as a controlled

school we have both LA and Foundation Governors.

The school is housed in a Grade II listed building, the original part of which was built in 1837. In

2000/01 the building underwent extensive alteration and refurbishment and the design won an

award from the Council for the Protection of Rural England. It was further extended in 2012 to

include a new classroom and staffroom. It is situated next to Wentworth’s Holy Trinity Church

with which we have close links. We serve the villages of Wentworth, Harley and surrounding


The building consists of four classrooms, three admin offices, a staff room, school library, dining

hall and outdoor store. There are two safe playground areas with two quiet seated areas for

pupils to sit at. The front garden has been landscaped and is used as outdoor learning space. As

a small school we aim to provide a happy, family atmosphere where children’s individual needs

can be easily identified and catered for within a caring Christian community.

Wentworth C of E Junior and Infant School Prospectus 2014 -2015


We aim to promote the intellectual, physical, personal, social, emotional, spiritual, moral and

cultural development of all pupils and prepare them for the opportunities, experiences and

responsibilities of life.

In partnership with parents and carers we aim to help and encourage our pupils to:

be highly successful learners, confident individuals and responsible citizens who are


develop their spirituality through encouraging curiosity, fostering a love of life and

nurturing a sense of awe and wonder in the world around them.

make informed choices for a safe, healthy and active lifestyle

develop positive self-esteem, confidence and emotional well-being

be respectful of religious and moral values and tolerant of races and religions

appreciate the uniqueness of others and treat everyone with consideration and


develop a partnership with parents, which encourages their involvement and keeps

them fully informed about school life and the part we play in the wider community.



Wentworth C of E Junior and Infant School Prospectus 2014 -2015




Head Teacher Miss. S Armstrong

Deputy Head Teacher Mr D Taylor

School Bursar Mrs M Lilley

KS1 Lead Mrs A Barker

SENDCO & EYFS Lead Mrs C Steele


Willow 6 Mr D Taylor

Willow 5 Miss H Armitage

Sycamore Mrs Wright Phillips/Miss Hyland Collier

Beech Mrs A Barker

Elm Mrs C Steele

Teaching Assistants: Mrs H Toy (HLTA ELM)

Ms M Thompson (HLTA BEECH)

Mrs G Warrender (HLTA WILLOW)

Mrs A Smith (SEND support WILLOW)

Miss E Bamforth (ELM/BEECH)

Miss L Mee (WILLOW)

Mrs S Murray (SYCAMORE)

Wentworth C of E Junior and Infant School Prospectus 2014 -2015



Vice Chair Mr D Hunton

Governors act as a corporate group for the best interest of the school and are responsible

for policy making and review on a number of aspects of school government. Hard copies of

all school policies are available by request from the school office.

Chair of Governors Miss J Collier

LA Governors Mrs J Bradley

Safe - Guarding Governor Miss J Collier

Achievement & Progress Governors Mrs J Bradley & Mr D Roche & Mrs E Hazlewood

Behaviour & Safety Governors Mrs A Smith, Mr S Clapham, Mr E Bradley

Teaching & Learning Governors Mr D Taylor

Leadership & Management Governors Miss J Collier

Curriculum Governors Mr J Goodinson, Mrs E Turner, Mrs C Atkins

EYFS Governors Mrs J Bradley

Pupil Premium Governors Miss A Smith

Target Setting Governor Miss J Collier & Mr D Hunton

Wentworth C of E Junior and Infant School Prospectus 2014 -2015



Length of the school day is 8:45am to 15:30pm. Contact time is as follows:

8:30am Wednesday Morning Only Staff Briefing (ALL staff)

8:45 am Doors open to children & parents

8:45 - 9:00 Registration

9:00 - 9:30 Guided Reading

9:30 – 10:30 Maths

10:30 – 10:45 Collective Worship

10:45 - 11:00 Play time

11:00 – 12:00 Literacy

12:00 – 1:00 Lunch KS2

13: 00 – 14:15 Theme

14:15 – 14:30 Play time (Fri play time begins at 2:45 – 3pm)

15:15 – 15:30 Story Time

15:30 End of the day

Wentworth C of E Junior and Infant School Prospectus 2014 -2015


COLLECTIVE WORSHIP Being a Church of England school we have a daily Collective Worship. These assemblies are

Christian in character, with school Eucharist’s being held on a regular basis. However, we are a

local community school and some of our families have other faith backgrounds. We welcome

people of all denominations and faiths. Parents have the right to withdraw their child from

Collective Worship. Requests should be made in writing to the Head Teacher. We would hope,

however, that parents who decide to send their children to Wentworth Junior & Infant School

would chose not to withdraw their children from these key activities in our school.

On a Friday all of our staff and pupils meet together to celebrate our achievements through the

week and award Learning Hero Certificates. Certificates are awarded for a variety of reasons,

academic achievements, sporting efforts and general improvements or achievements specific to a

child. We also recognise good attendance by awarding an attendance certificate to pupils with

excellent attendance. Pupils are also encouraged to bring along any certificates and awards that

they have achieved in relation to their hobbies and interests outside of school.


Religious Education is based on the LA local Syllabus. It is a Christian based syllabus but children do

learn about other faiths. We aim to develop the children’s own spiritual awareness to enable them

to understand their relationships with other people and the world around them, but also as a way

of showing the children a practical Christian approach to life.

Wentworth C of E Junior and Infant School Prospectus 2014 -2015


WENTWORTH UNIFORM The school expects all pupils to follow the code of dress which consists of:


White polo shirt (can be embroidered with the school logo)

Green sweatshirt (can be embroidered with the school logo)

Green Fleece

Reversible waterproof coat

Grey skirt, trousers or pinafore dress

Dark shoes


Green and white dress

White polo shirt (can be embroidered with the school logo)

Plain coloured shorts

Suitable summer footwear

Uniform can be obtained via school. Book and PE bags with the school badge are also available.


Wentworth C of E Junior and Infant School Prospectus 2014 -2015


WENTWORTH PE LESSONS & KIT We aim to build confidence in PE and develop each child’s full potential.

The time allocated to individual and team sports is included in the overall allocation of PE and is

delivered by PE specialists from Wath Comprehensive School. Children in Sycamore also take

part in swimming lessons at Wath swimming Pool which begin in the Spring Term.

The pupils are timetabled to take part in both indoor and outdoor PE sessions, weather

permitting. Therefore it is necessary that they have the appropriate clothing and footwear, this

consists of:

Black shorts, green t shirt, (on sale in school)

Track suit/warm top/trousers for cold weather.

Plimsolls or suitable trainers for outdoor PE lessons

Hair band/bobble to secure long hair

Suitable bag (not too large) to hold these items

PE kits can stay in school all week so all pupils ca take part.


All jewellery must be removed for PE and swimming lessons for safety reasons. We ask that

children with pierced ears wear stud type earrings for safety during school hours and that if they

are unable to remove their own earrings that they have micro pore tape to cover them.


Wentworth C of E Junior and Infant School Prospectus 2014 -2015


SCHOOL MEALS AND PACKED LUNCHES Cooked meals are provided by the school meals service and served on a self-service basis with a

choice of menu. Milk is also available for sale at lunchtime. For security reasons dinner and milk

money is payable weekly and should be brought on Monday mornings in a sealed named


Packed lunches should be brought to school in the morning and stored in the class trolley until

lunchtime. We do not allow fizzy drinks, sweets or any kind of chocolate bars or chocolate

products in the children’s packed lunches. Parents are asked to provide a healthy alternative to

these foods by giving their children sugar-free still drinks, water, fruit, dried fruit, jelly tubs,

yoghurts, etc. Advice on healthy alternatives for packed lunches can be accessed in school. As

part of our policy to encourage a healthy lifestyle we would ask that no sweets be brought to

school either as part of a packed lunch or for a playtime snack.

Please do not include any nuts or nut products as we have several children who are allergic to



As part of a Government Scheme every child in Elm and Beech will receive a piece of fruit free

daily. As a healthy school we ask that children do not bring sweets to school either for break-time

or as part of a packed lunch. Pupils are allowed regular drinks throughout the day but only water

is allowed. No fruit juices or fizzy drinks please.

Wentworth C of E Junior and Infant School Prospectus 2014 -2015



Pupil’s health is monitored by the Schools’ Health Service, who carry out tests on our pupil’s

eyesight, hearing, etc. Parents will generally be informed of any checks. Parents of pupils

requiring any further treatment will be informed. Treatments are not carried out on school


Members of staff who have first aid training will deal with minor injuries in school and

parents will be informed if necessary about the injury by the class teacher. In the event of a

more serious accident parents will be contacted immediately or further medical advice

sought. Accidents of this nature are recorded in the school’s accident book.

Children must not be sent into school with medicines, pills, etc. If medicine needs to be

administered through the day then parents must bring the medication to the appropriate

class and complete the appropriate form to allow one of our first-aiders to give the medicine

to their child. However, we would ask that, where possible, medication is given before or

after school, and not during the school day. Due to new legislation we can only administer

medicine prescribed by a GP.

Inhalers are kept in the classroom of your child, where they can access them when necessary.

When going out of school on trips, including swimming lessons, we ask that older children are

responsible for their own inhalers. For younger children, the class teacher will look after

inhalers in these circumstances.


At Wentworth Junior & Infant School we take the safeguarding of our pupils very seriously.

Parents should be aware that the school will take any reasonable action to ensure the safety

of its pupils. In cases where the school has reason to be concerned that a child may be subject

to any form of abuse, staff have no choice but follow Child Protection procedures and inform

the relevant services.

Wentworth C of E Junior and Infant School Prospectus 2014 -2015





Good behaviour is a necessary condition for effective teaching and learning to take place and an

important outcome of education that society rightly expects. We expect all children to operate

within our Behaviour Policy, which is based on positive relationships, mutual respect, consideration,

praise and reward. Our ideal is that children, through encouragement and good example, should

develop their own positive standards and self-discipline which bring credit to themselves, the

school and other facilities. We very much appreciate the support of parents in this area of school

life, as this can only be more effective with the positive support of parents.

The resources of the school and LA are used to meet where possible any Special Educational

Needs of the children in our care. These resources include the services of a co-ordinator

(SENDCO) and referral to support agencies which include: School Psychology Service,

Educational Social Worker, Educational Welfare Officer, Speech Therapy Services, etc. The

parents of pupils with Special Educational Needs are consulted regularly and kept up to date

about their child’s progress through Review Meetings and Parents’ Meetings. The school has

a full SEND policy which is monitored and regularly updated. This policy conforms with all

regulations. Parents are welcome to read this policy upon request. The full support can be

found on our website link.

Everyone at Wentworth C of E Junior and Infant school is committed to the prevention of

discrimination and actively promotes inclusion for all, regardless of race, disability, behaviour,

class, gender and age. The impacts of our SENDD and Race Equality policies are regularly and

carefully monitored and the outcomes reported to the governors of the school.

Wentworth C of E Junior and Infant School Prospectus 2014 -2015



We believe that good relationships between home and school are vital to a pupil’s education and

development, and we place great value on the support given to us by our parents. Wentworth C of E

Junior and Infant School we encourage parents to be actively involved in their child’s education and in

the life of the school through:

parent meetings/consultations

year group workshops

Fabulous Finishes

attending assemblies, concerts, Eucharist, special events and celebrations & coffee mornings

Regular news and event blogs are published daily on our new website and a class leaflet sent home

on a half-termly basis, keeping parents up to date with any important events or dates but also areas

of the new curriculum being taught.



Good behaviour is a necessary condition for effective teaching and learning to take place and an

important outcome of education that society rightly expects. We expect all children to operate within

The original FOW was founded in May 1995 and has been extremely successful in organising

events such as a sponsored Fun Run, Auction, Kilometre of Coins and Festival of Shopping. The

substantial financial help from this group has enabled school to purchase resources, develop the

quiet seated areas, fund whole school visits to name but a few. The group has also provided

enjoyable social events for the school and community and is still greatly appreciated by

Governors, staff and children.

Wentworth C of E Junior and Infant School Prospectus 2014 -2015



Regular, punctual attendance is crucial to each pupil’s educational development. Periods of

absence or a lack of punctuality are harmful to a pupil's education and need to be kept to an

absolute minimum. As a parent or carer the following applies:

By law you are responsible for ensuring that your child is educated between the ages

of 5 and 16 years

If your child is registered at a school they must go to the school on time every day

during term time, unless there is a good reason (e.g. illness)

It is your responsibility to tell the school if your child cannot attend

If attendance problems do develop we will firstly speak to parents about our concerns.

Unfortunately if the concern continues this will be referred to the Educational Welfare Officer

(EWO) and the school will expect you to help staff and the EWO to solve the problem.

You must seek permission (in the form of a leave of absences form) from the school before

you take your child on holiday in term time. Holidays in the term time are no longer

authorised a penalty of £60 may also be payable.


If your child is going to be absent from school please telephone the school office explaining

the reason. We ask that this is done before 8:45 am so that the class teacher can be made

aware of the absence. As a safety precaution please note; that a call from the school Bursar

will be carried out before 9:30 am if we have not received any confirmation of an absence

taking place. If your child is unable to take part in PE or swimming a note is required.

Wentworth C of E Junior and Infant School Prospectus 2014 -2015



involved. In the autumn term of your child’s year 6 school year the LA will provide the relevant documents that must be completed and returned promptly.

If you would like to visit school please contact the Head Teacher who will be pleased to show

you around at a mutually convenient time. Pupils normally enter school in September. We

aim to provide a happy experience to starting school therefore we invite parents to bring

their child for both morning and afternoon sessions on different days during the half term

preceding their full time entry into school.

Transport is available for children who live at Street, Hoober, Harley or Nether Haugh only

after they reach their fifth birthday. The bus pass application forms are available from

Rotherham LA. Children will not be able to use the bus without a pass.


Parents who live in our defined catchment area and who wish their child to attend

Wentworth School should visit, to place their child’s name on the school’ admission register.

The catchment area is defined as Wentworth, Hoober, Harley, Street and Nether Haugh.

Parents have the right to express a preference for any school, but following a High Court

judgement it is now essential that a parental preference form is completed whether you wish

your child to attend the catchment school or elsewhere. Failure to complete the parental

preference form may mean your child will not gain admission to your preferred school, where

this has been oversubscribed. Our current PAN is 16 pupils per year group. Further details

about schools admissions are available from Rotherham LA which we are currently regulated

by. The link to the website can be found on our school website.


The majority of our pupils move onto Wath Comprehensive School. We have forged very

positive links with the school and smooth transition is extremely important to all schools

Wentworth C of E Junior and Infant School Prospectus 2014 -2015



The policy of the school is that:

the school will follow the New National Curriculum as laid down by the Department of

Education and skills

In addition, as a Church of England school we provide Religious Education. We also

teach the framework for Personal, Social, Health & Citizenship Education at Key Stages

1 & 2.

all pupils have the entitlement to access the whole range of the curriculum

all pupils will receive a broad, balanced and relevant curriculum

the school will follow the guidelines set out by Rotherham Education Authority.


A variety of out of school activities are organised for the children who wish to take part

throughout the year. These include:







These activities are usually organised by teachers in their own time. We do try to make

sure that all pupils have a chance to attend termly, but spaces are sometimes limited.

Please note that a nominal charge is usually attached to our after-school activities.

Wentworth C of E Junior and Infant School Prospectus 2014 -2015



Core Subjects

English, Maths, Science, ICT and RE

Foundation Subjects

PE, Music, Art/Craft, History, Geography, PHSE and DT

Sex Education

Sex Education is not formally taught in Key Stage One, but is addressed when the situation

arises in a manner appropriate to the child’s age and understanding. At Key Stage Two a

programme for sex education is taught in Year Five. It is not taught in isolation but within a

framework of personal social and health education. The policy for Sex Education is reviewed and

approved every two years by the governors.

Charging Policy

In order to provide the widest possible range of educational activities for the children, the

school may seek voluntary contributions from parents. Any request for contributions will state

clearly that:

There is no obligation to contribute

Pupils will not be treated differently according to whether their parents have made a


In the case of a specific activity the school may indicate the contribution per pupil which would

be required if the activity were to take place. If there are insufficient contributions the activity

might not take place.

Wentworth C of E Junior and Infant School Prospectus 2014 -2015