Wembley Primary School€¦ · · Cameron Botterill – father of Hudson (Year 1) · Janet Condy...

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Transcript of Wembley Primary School€¦ · · Cameron Botterill – father of Hudson (Year 1) · Janet Condy...

Wembley Primary School   NEWSLETTER No. 3 - 4 March, 2020    

From the Principals 

School Council Election Outcome At the conclusion of the count of votes for Wembley Primary School Council the following four parents were elected to the Parent member category of School Council (in alphabetical order):  · Helen Harris – mother of Ethan (Year 4) and Mia (Year 1) · Rebecca Holder – mother of Holly (Year 5) and Lainie (Year 2) · Bridget Horton – mother of Alexander (Year 1) and Samuel 

(Prep) · Beck Thomas – mother of Mila (Year 4), Eden (Year 3) and 

Carter (Year 1)  

Congratulations to the successful candidates and we look forward to them joining us at our next School Council Meeting on Monday.  We would also like to acknowledge and thank the following parents: · Cameron Botterill – father of Hudson (Year 1) · Janet Condy – mother of Sabrina (Year 6) · Belinda Faehrmann – mother of Archie (Year 6) · Russell Hunt – father of Evie (Prep) · Toni Ireland-Hay – mother of Rebecca (Year 6) and Jessie 

(Year 5) · Karina Novacevski – mother of Jason (Year 3) and Oliver (Year 

1) · Elise Toomey-Brown – mother of Kaiden (Year 2) 

who put their names forward and stood for election.   In particular, we would like to acknowledge the following three candidates for their contribution to Wembley Primary School through their membership of School Council over recent years:  · Janet Condy – Janet has been a member of the School 

Council since 2012 and President for the past five years. During that time Janet has been a member of both education and finance committees and led the school through two reviews, a principal selection process and a major redevelopment of the school grounds. Janet’s contribution to  the leadership of the school has been significant and we have appreciated her support and counsel during this time. 


Upcoming dates:   Monday 9 March - Friday 13 March Year 6 Camp  Monday 9 March Labour Day - Public Holiday  Wednesday 11 March 9am & 5pm English Information & Classroom Helper’s Training Session for Prep-Y2 parents  Friday 20 March Bake Sale WPCG  Thursday 26 March Athletics Day (3-6)  Friday 27 March Last Day Term 1 Assembly: Dismissal:  Tuesday 14 April First Day Term 2            

 Student Clothing 

Please ensure that your child’s clothing is clearly labelled with their name and class. This will ensure that, if they accidentally leave a jacket or hat in the playground, it will be returned to them and not end up in the lost property cupboard. Parents are also asked to regularly check the clothing that is brought home, to ensure it does in fact belong to your child and has not been mistakenly taken. 


· Belinda Faehrmann – Belinda has been a member of the School Council since 2011. During that time Belinda led the Fundraising committee and was responsible for a number of extremely successful fetes. Over recent years Belinda has been a member of the Building and Grounds committee and made a significant contribution to the planning and completion of the massive redevelopment of the school grounds, as well as the process regarding outsourcing our Out of School Hours Care program. Belinda’s impact on the success and prosperity of our school is much appreciated. 

 · Toni Ireland-Hay – Toni has been a member of the School Council since 2018 and a 

member of the Building and Grounds and Education committees and her considered and thoughtful input has been very much appreciated. 

 Also, a big thank you to all members of the school community who participated in the ballot. School Council meetings are open to all members of the school community and we will publicise each meeting via the newsletter. Should you wish to attend please notify the office prior to the meeting.  Year 6 Campers We wish our Year 6 campers well next week as they head off to Canberra. We thank the staff and parents that are attending. I visited classrooms and spoke with children today sending them our well wishes and reminding them of our expectations around respect and responsibility to represent themselves and to represent Wembley PS as the remarkable young people they are. Students informed me that they were most looking forward to visiting the AIS, Questacon, Parliament House and the War Memorial, as well as the excitement of the independence, learning and interpersonal skills that will be fostered and developed further through this authentic camping experience. They will be leaving on Monday morning at 7:00am and returning on Friday.  Labour Day We remind families of the Labour Day Public Holiday. There will be no school on Monday and school will resume on Tuesday 10 March.  Road Safety and Parking Restrictions We would ask all parents and carers to be mindful of ensuring the safety and wellbeing of all community members. This is in light of Colin (Wembley Ave crossing supervisor) as well as staff and parents raising concerns around the number of parents doing u-turns at the intersections of Wembley Ave & Hawkhurst Street, as well as St. Leonards Ave and Wembley Avenue. Maribyrnong City Council has erected parking signs on St Leonards Ave, at the turning circle end of the street stating ‘No Stopping’. The purpose was to provide a safe turning area for carers dropping children off at school. Since receiving feedback from residents, the signs will now be changed to ‘No Stopping 8.00am-9.30am and 2.30-4.00pm, Monday-Friday on school days’ (to take effect March 15). Please note the parking restrictions to ensure the safety and wellbeing of all students and to avoid a fine.  Soccer Pitch We ask that all children and families are aware that children are asked not to bring balls to school. We provide balls for students to be used during PE and during recess and lunch times in the yard. We have observed some students using hard balls such as basketballs on the soccer pitch which could be very unsafe. We ask and remind students to sue the soft balls 

provided for the soccer pitch. We provide the necessary sporting equipment and remind students to use them appropriately in relevant areas of the yard.  Big Childcare  Welcome back all families old and new. For any bookings please call or text 0481 730 086 or email: wembley@bigchildcare.com For any accounts queries please call: 8682-9400  The Autumn Vacation program information is attached please feel free to return the form or alternatively go to: bigchildcare.com *Click on Holiday Care to book or for further information.  Supervision before and after school We would like to note that supervision before school commences at 8:45am, and concludes at 3:30pm following the 3:15pm dismissal bell. We have noticed that a number of children have been dropped at school earlier than 8:45am throughout the past few weeks and we would remind parents that children can be booked into before school care if work commitments impede on the supervision times. In addition, it has been brought to our attention by Colin (crossing supervisor) that some children that have been dropped off at school in the morning prior to school commencing, and have then exited the school gate and walked across the road to the Wembley Avenue shopping strip. Colin has encouraged the children to return to school and informed us of this concerning matter. Any student that arrives at school earlier than 8:45 is to be accompanied by an adult. This is around a duty of care to ensure the safety and wellbeing of all students.  Sun Smart Wembley Primary School is a SunSmart school and students are required to wear a broad brimmed school hat at all times whilst in the playground – this includes during recess and lunch time, as well as physical education, sports sessions and whilst on excursions. Please ensure that your child has applied sunscreen prior to coming to school. Children without a hat will be asked to spend their recess and lunch breaks in the shaded area near the canteen. Hats can be purchased from the office at a cost of $14. All hats should be clearly labelled with the child’s name and room number so they can be easily returned, if misplaced.  Student Free Days (Curriculum Days) for 2020 Each year schools receive four student free days (when student instruction does not occur) for professional development, school planning and administration, curriculum development and student assessment and reporting. School Council has approved the following three student free days: 

· Wednesday 27 May 2020 – Student Engagement and Wellbeing · Wednesday 24 June 2020 – Student Led Conferences 

 The School Council has set these dates well in advance to enable you to make appropriate arrangements for childcare. These dates are also published on the school’s website. Big Childcare will be operating on these days should you require childcare. The contact number for bookings for Big Childcare is 9314 9358.   

Term Dates for 2020 In order to assist parents with planning for holidays the following are the school Term Dates for this year.   

DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION AND TRAINING SCHOOL TERM DATES 2020 TERM 1 Tuesday 28 January (students Thurs 30 Jan) - Friday 27 March  9 weeks TERM 2 Tuesday 14 April-Friday 26 June    10 weeks TERM 3 Monday 13 July-Friday 18 September    10 weeks TERM 4 Monday 5 October-Friday 18 December    11 weeks Parents are asked to be mindful of the Term dates when booking family holidays, to ensure that they coincide with school holidays. This avoids disruption to the educational program.  Prep playground refurbishment – Easter Break Students and families may have noticed that parts of the Prep playground are boarded up. This is in preparation for the refurbishment due to occur during the Easter Break. The Prep Playground will have a fresh new look come term two. Watch this space!  School Contributions and Levies Information has been distributed to all families in relation to school contributions and levies for 2020. If you have misplaced your information, please contact the Office or visit our Website to access the information for each year level. Please note that the Excursion and Incursion levy must be paid by Monday 23 March and any remaining contribution paid in full no later than the end of Term 1 2020.   Our preferred payment option is via our Qkr! App (please see the Wembley Primary School website http://www.wembleyps.vic.edu.au/ for details) or payment can also be made using cash, BPay or EFTPOS at the office. If making your payment at the office, please bring along your completed 2020 Parent Contribution Payment Summary Page. If required, a Payment Plan can be arranged. Please contact Mandy Pilkington, Business Manager, on 9314 7054 to discuss. Financial Assistance (Information for Parents) The Camps, Sports and Excursion Fund (CSEF) forms and information is on the school’s website and available from the office. Families who were eligible in 2019 are not required to resubmit an application. If family circumstances have changed, you will need to complete a (CSEF) form. All Prep parents who are eligible you will also need to complete a (CSEF).  Please note: the program for 2020 closes on Friday 26 June 2020.          

Student Learning-Work Samples  Year 6 Mathematics - Please see below some year six mathematics equations explored by students in Year 6C, as they enthusiastically shared their impressive thinking processes with me upon visiting their classroom. You will see work by Cooper, Alexa, Willow and Hannah and we are proud of their mathematical processes exploring addition and subtraction! 


    Year 5 Writing – In addition, our Year Five students have been developing some persuasive writing pieces demonstrating the power of writing craft and persuasive techniques! See our next newsletter for these pieces! WATCH THIS SPACE!   



Student Learning and Achievement Award - Term 1, Week 4  

P A      

P B      

P C      

P D      


1B  Michael D  For showing a great understanding of place value and how we model creating numbers using materials. Your desire to learn and extend yourself is outstanding! Keep up the great effort Michael! 

1C  Florin U  For being a fabulous member of 1B and always making sure everyone feels included and safe :-) Thanks Florin! 

1D  Cruz B  For showing outstanding persistence and amazing cooperation when exploring place value this week. Well done! 


2A  Abigail R  For her wonderful effort in writing, using her ‘have-a-go’ book to correct her spelling and taking her recount through the Writing Process. Well done Abi, you are a superstar! 

2B  Arda B  For working extremely hard and showing a Growth Mindset in all of our Place Value lessons this week. Arda, you are on fire! 

2C  Tess S  For showing a wonderful understanding of place value and regularly challenging herself with higher numbers. Go Tess! 

2D  Evie B  For consistently putting in her best efforts, and maintaining a growth mindset towards all of her learning. Keep up the positive attitude, Evie! 


3B  Zoe F  For being a respectful member of 3A who always listens carefully to the speaker and who consistently puts in her best effort in all areas! Zoe, you are a superstar! 

3C  Lucas B  For upholding his agreement to take care of his property! Lucas we are all so proud of you and the responsibility you have shown. Congratulations! 

3D  Valentina H  For demonstrating nothing but sheer positivity towards all classroom tasks and for being a fantastic role model to her peers. Congratulations Valentina, your wonderful enthusiasm has not gone unnoticed, keep it up! 


4B  Nouh K  For using active listening skills during class discussions and demonstrating excellent stamina during independent activities. Great start to the year, Nouh! 

4C  Camila R  For demonstrating fantastic effort when tackling all aspects of her learning and maintaining a sense of humour while doing so! Keep up the awesome work! 

4D  Mila T  For showing fantastic determination to create an engaging, entertaining and well crafted narrative. Amazing work Mila, I can not wait to read the final version!   

5A  Nyok M  For making an amazing start to his life at Wembley Primary. You are putting incredible work into your writing and bring a great energy to 4D with your smile. Well done, Nyok! 

5B  Izzy G  For her determined attitude towards all learning, especially in Maths. Well done on your outstanding problem solving skills during our Maths Fermi problems. Keep it up, Izzy! 

5C  Harry R  For a great quick write, entitled ‘Life as a turtle’. I can’t wait to see your creativity flow through your future writing pieces! Well done, Harry. 


5E  Danny N  For showing strength and resilience during the Beach Program. I am so impressed Danny! 

6A  Alexandria J  For displaying courage and persistence at the Beach Program. Well done Alexandria! 

6B  Keilan G  For being an excellent role model for the younger students on the playground. Well done Keilan! 

6C  Sonia G  For showing resilience and determination during challenging activities at the beach program. Well done Sonia! 



Student Learning and Achievement Award - Term 1, Week 5   P A  Iris O  For demonstrating kindness and respect to all members of the class. Well 

done on making such a great start to Prep, Iris! 

P B  Stephanie L  For being a wonderful kind and caring friend to her classmates. Thank you for looking out for others. You are a star! 

P C  Claire L  For her outstanding start to Prep! Always showing the Wembley Values and 5Ls. You have been a great role model for your peers. Keep up the amazing work! 

P D  Indie B  For a fantastic start to Prep! Well done for following your morning routine and being a wonderful role model for the class. Amazing work Indie! 

1A  Scarlett G  For showing bravery and courage when trying new things. Well done for 

settling into life at Wembley so brilliantly, Scarlett. 

1B  Eily N  For showing her wonderful understanding of how to write a recount of her weekend, ensuring she included all of the 5w’s and 1h. Keep up the great work, Eily! 

1C  Hudson B  For writing brilliant recounts and including the 5w’s and 1h! Fabulous work Hudson! 

1D  Atticus J  For showing outstanding effort and persistence when writing your recount this week. Well done on your wonderful writing! 

1E  Theo L  For showing fantastic growth and persistence when writing recounts. Super stuff Theo! 

2A  Evie C  For her superstar effort in all areas of school life - from writing wonderful recounts and demonstrating her place value knowledge in maths, to building her resilience and bravely facing her worries. Well done, Evie! 

2B  Max C  For showing great effort in all areas of his learning, and especially for his improvement when listening to the teacher and his classmates. 5Ls and respect for the speaker - Great work, Max! 

2C  Hudson S  For his beautifully crafted memoir of a memory that made him laugh. So proud of your hard work in the classroom. Keep it up Huddy! 


3A  Ryan T     Jacques B 

For his well crafted memoirs. Ryan you listen so carefully in the mini lessons and take on all feedback, which is why you’re such a great writer.   For applying himself to all that he does. Jacques, you are a superstar and a great role model for others to follow. Keep up the great work. 

3B  Aaira R  For settling into her new class so well! We’re so excited to have you in our 3A team, Aaira! 

3C  Nikolce M  For sharing his incredible prior knowledge about gems in our guided reading session on Tuesday. Well done Nik for showing us how clever you are! 

3D  Hannah M  For being an enthusiastic and positive role model in the classroom, and for applying herself to all tasks. Congratulations Hannah, you’re a superstar! 

4A  Meabh C  For being an incredible role model, who always follows the school values, stays on task and is a great classmate to all. Very proud of your efforts Meabh! 

4B  Neave A  For her commitment to demonstrating the Wembley values and supporting her classmates in 4A during all activities. Thanks for being a great role model for learning, Neave! 


4D  Christian C  For always thinking of his classmates, helping without being asked and 

being a positive and supportive member of 4C. Love your work Christian!  

5A  Santiago B  For showing commitment to his independent work and pushing himself in his work on number sequences. Well done on making a great start to Year Four, Santiago! 

5B  Lincoln G  For his responsible attitude to school and consistently challenging himself, especially in Maths. Well done on a great start to our Addition and Subtraction learning! Keep it up! 

5C  Franklin D  For showing persistence and excellent effort in our Addition and Subtraction Essential Learning. Well done, Franklin! Keep up the good work. 

5D  Holly H  For her terrific effort, resilience and growth mindset when tackling challenging math problems. Well done Holly! Keep it up! 

5E  Ryder P  For demonstrating empathy and resilience when supporting students who may require guidance and assistance in their work and emotional needs. 

6A  Zayne H  For approaching all learning tasks with enthusiasm and outstanding effort! You are an excellent role model for your peers. Keep up the great work Zayne! 

6B  Paige S         Mischa J 

For your effort and focus during our mathematics lessons on the Four Operations. Well done on your persistence and application of prior knowledge to achieve our Year 6 standard. Your positivity is a pleasure to teach and be around.   For your keen passion for mathematics, and for your quick thinking during a crisis. Thank you Mischa for demonstrating leadership, cool-headedness and for helping in a tricky situation. Your bright smile is appreciated in 6A. 

6C  Sonny H  For your excellent application in Maths. You have shown confidence by asking for more challenging activities and have demonstrated a sound understanding of addition and subtraction algorithms. Keep up the great work! 

6D  Alexa Z  For showing excellent effort and focus. Particularly during Mathematics, in which you have shown a good understanding of the vertical algorithm when solving addition and subtraction problems. Congratulations Alexa! 

























For further information, contact Kumon Williamstown on 0401 246 108