Wells Dining Rockin' Backstage Menu

Post on 28-Mar-2016

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Wells Dining is operated by Aurora Inn Inc., Wells College’s wholly owned hospitality management company, which also operates The Aurora Inn, E.B. Morgan House, Village Market, Fargo Bar & Grill and Dorie's Cafe. Aurora Inn, Inc. is committed to the highest standards of service and food quality. Aurora Inn, Inc. has brought some of the finest chefs in Central New York to Wells Dining to create a unique dining experience on par with some of the finest restaurants in our area.

Transcript of Wells Dining Rockin' Backstage Menu

regruB kcurT retsnoMdnuop ½ lluf A !revo uoy nur lliw regrub enatco hgih sihT

,mah ,eseehc raddehc htiw deppot kcuhc dnuorg fo dna noino ,otamot ,ecuttel ,sgge deirf ,inoreppep ,nocab

99.7$...........................ecuas QBB

hciwdnaS nekcihC pirtS tesnuS

der detsaor ,eseehc kcaj reppep ,tsaerb nekcihc dellirG & otamot ,ecuttel ,odacova decils ,esiannoyam reppep

99.6$.......noino der

dalaS nekcihC emaseSteews ,snoillacs ,swehsac ,nekcihc dellirg regnig emaseS

dna rehtegot dessot ecuttel devahs dna sreppep der 99.5$........... .llehs notuow deirf ypsirc a ni devres

!daed TON si sivlEdelddirG......ereh EREW eh fi tuB .emoh enog ylno sah eH

decils ,rettub tunaep htiw derehtoms tsaot saxeT yrrebwarts dna ffulF ,maerc eci etalocohc ,sananab

99.5$............!!!haeY .ecuas

!hatsehcoR ehTemoh ,gnivarc era uoy tahw tsuj dna suoiciled yllacigarT

,ilihC esuoH kaetS htiw deppot eseehc & inoracam edam WEN ehT .nocab deppohc dna stot raddehc


a eveicer dna RETSNOM eht nwod ekaT !!!nopuoc GB 00.5$

sazziP elytS nailiciShguod hserF !esufer t’nac uoy azzip a uoy ekam ll’eW

.dehcterts dnah dna yliad edam

sgniW nekcihC obmuJdevreS !erus rof yfl uoy ekam lliw taht sgniw gib yllaer 01 .gnisserd eseehc eulb dna yrelec fo sedis htiw ypsirc pu

"88 dlO" terces ruo yrt ro dliM ,muideM ,toH 00.7$.........elyts

seirF cilraG muidatS eeknaYderettaB !nur emoh a eseht redisnoc dluow onibmaB ehT

nasemrap & cilrag ni detaoc seirf hcnerF 57.3$................eseehc

ztalF kcaJ 'nipmuJnekcihc elyts nrehtuoS !enacirruh erfissorc a ni nroB daerb tafl eseehc eulb olaffub a edisni deltsen rednet

05.4$..............hcnar dnaleixiD ruo htiw devres

parW eiggeV hctaP odacovAmaerc ,sodacova decilS !loohcs dlo fo noisrev wen ruO

a yb dednuorrus lla ,stuorps naeb & otamot ,eseehc 57.5$......allitrot hcanips

pmirhS uF gnuK ecipS 5& tnegnup ,rettib ,ruos ,teews fo elyts gnithgfi sti htiW

ni dessot pmirhs ybab deirf ypsirC !ssa kcik eseht ytlas apaN dedderhs revo devres ecuas ecips evfi
