Weld Inspection 11

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Transcript of Weld Inspection 11

Copyright 2005, TWI Ltd World Centre for Materials Joining Technology1Welding InspectionWelding InspectionStandard for Visual Inspection - asic !e"uire#ents Standard for Visual Inspection - asic !e"uire#entsS $% &'()' S $% &'()' %on-destructi*e e+a#ination of fusion ,elds%on-destructi*e e+a#ination of fusion ,elds - Visual e+a#ination - Visual e+a#inationWelding Inspection -ersonnel Welding Inspection -ersonnelshould .e fa#iliar ,ith rele*ant standards, rules andshould .e fa#iliar ,ith rele*ant standards, rules and speci/cationsspeci/cationsapplica.le to the fa.rication ,or0 to .eapplica.le to the fa.rication ,or0 to .e underta0en underta0enshould .e infor#ed a.out the ,elding procedures to .e used should .e infor#ed a.out the ,elding procedures to .e usedha*e good *isionha*e good *ision (should be checked every 12 months (should be checked every 12 monthsI#portant 1ualities Inspectors Should 2a*e I#portant 1ualities Inspectors Should 2a*ehigh integrity high integritya good standard of literacy and nu#eracy a good standard of literacy and nu#eracygood general /tness good general /tnessCopyright 2005, TWI Ltd World Centre for Materials Joining Technology2Welding InspectionWelding InspectionConditions for Visual Inspection 3to S $% 4'05 Conditions for Visual Inspection 3to S $% 4'05 Illu#ination )50 lu+ #ini#u# re"uired(recommends !"" lu#$ e%uivalent to normal shop &oor or o'ce lighting 6ccess eye should .e ,ithin (00## of the surface *ie,ing angle 3line fro# eye to surface5 to .e not less than )0730 30600m 600mm mCopyright 2005, TWI Ltd World Centre for Materials Joining Technology3Welding InspectionWelding InspectionWhen 6ccess is !estricted When 6ccess is !estricteda #irrored .oroscope or /.re optic *ie,ing syste# #ay .e used a #irrored .oroscope or /.re optic *ie,ing syste# #ay .e used(usually by agreement bet(een fabricator ) Client (usually by agreement bet(een fabricator ) Client8ther aids to Inspection 8ther aids to Inspection,elding gauges ,elding gauges(for checking bevel angles* (eld pro+le* +llet si,ing* undercut(for checking bevel angles* (eld pro+le* +llet si,ing* undercut depth depthgauges to #easure ,eld-gap and linear #isalign#ent 3high-lo,5 gauges to #easure ,eld-gap and linear #isalign#ent 3high-lo,5straight edges and #easuring tapes straight edges and #easuring tapesa #agnifying lens a #agnifying lens(if magni+cation lens used it should have magni+cation bet(een -2 to -! (if magni+cation lens used it should have magni+cation bet(een -2 to -!6ids to Visual Inspection 3to S $% &'()'5 6ids to Visual Inspection 3to S $% &'()'5Copyright 2005, TWI Ltd World Centre for Materials Joining Technology4Welding InspectionWelding InspectionStages of Visual Inspection 3to S $% 4'05 Stages of Visual Inspection 3to S $% 4'052o, #uch inspection, and ,hen it is re"uired, should .e speci/ed .y2o, #uch inspection, and ,hen it is re"uired, should .e speci/ed .y the 6pplication Standard 3Code5 or .e agreed .et,een the contractingthe 6pplication Standard 3Code5 or .e agreed .et,een the contracting parties partiesIt is nor#al practice to *isually inspect the /nished ,eld for allIt is nor#al practice to *isually inspect the /nished ,eld for all classesclassesof ,or0 of ,or09or9or high integrity high integrity fa.rications, a Welding Inspector ,ill usuallyfa.rications, a Welding Inspector ,ill usually ha*e inspection duties throughout the ,hole of the fa.ricationha*e inspection duties throughout the ,hole of the fa.rication process,process,na#ely: -na#ely: - .efore ,elding .efore ,elding (preparation ) checking materials etc (preparation ) checking materials etcduring ,elding during ,elding (checking (elding parameters etc (checking (elding parameters etcafter ,elding after ,elding (visual inspection etc (visual inspection etcThe sort of inspection duties that a Welding Inspector #ay ha*e ,henThe sort of inspection duties that a Welding Inspector #ay ha*e ,hen ,or0ing on high integrity fa.rications are considered to .e: - ,or0ing on high integrity fa.rications are considered to .e: -; ;The ointsWeldWeld Types TypesCopyright 2005, TWI Ltd World Centre for Materials Joining Technology6Joint Types $ Weld TypesJoint Types $ Weld TypesT->oints T->oints/llet/llet ,elds ,elds.utt ,eld(full penetration)WeldWeld Types TypesCopyright 2005, TWI Ltd World Centre for Materials Joining Technology7Joint Types $ Weld TypesJoint Types $ Weld TypesCorner >oints Corner >ointsWeldWeld Types Types/llet ,elds /llet ,elds.utt ,eld(full penetration)Copyright 2005, TWI Ltd World Centre for Materials Joining Technology8Joint Types $ Weld TypesLap >oints Lap >oints Weld Types Weld Types/llet ,eld /llet ,eldplug ,eld plug ,eldresistance spot-,eldfusion spot-,eld$dge$dge >oint >oint$dge$dge ,eld ,eldhole orhole or slot slotCopyright 2005, TWI Ltd World Centre for Materials Joining Technology9Joint Types $ Weld TypesJoint Types $ Weld TypesW$L< T?-$S > 8I%TT?-$S.utt /llet plug spot edge@TT T$$ C8!%$! L6- $oint oint