Welcome Values. Build on the work and skills of Experts by Experience.

Post on 04-Jan-2016

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Transcript of Welcome Values. Build on the work and skills of Experts by Experience.

Welcome Values

Welcome Values

• Build on the work and skills of Experts by Experience.

Welcome Values

Welcome Values are about self-advocates and family members looking with providers and commissioners at the quality of services and lifestyle outcomes of the people that use services by spending time with the people that use them.

What are Welcome Values?

Welcome Values are also about service providers welcoming peoples’ friends and families.

Welcome Values

Where people have no friends or family, Welcome Values can support providers to help people develop friendships via peer advocacy

Welcome Values

Look at the small really important things. For example looking if staff will support someone to clean round their mouth after eating if needed.

Welcome Values

Looking at choice and decision making in relation to the big issues including Staying Healthy Safety, Hate Crime friendships and relationships and other big issues

Welcome Values

Welcome Values can be used with any type or model of service.

Welcome Values

Welcome Values can be used to look at just one person’s life or the lives of lots of people using the same service.

How do Welcome Values work

Service providers sign up to the Welcome Values

Welcome Values

Together self-advocates, family members providers and commissioners develop the key outcomesthey wish to look for and how they will undertake the review.

Welcome Values

Training workshops prepare review team and provider staff to visit services and review the quality of them.

Certificates are offered to successful participants

Welcome Values

Members of the review team visit announced and unannounced at different times of the day and on different days.

Welcome Values

The review members say what was good about the service and what they think needs to change.

Welcome Values

The provider and commissioner replies saying what they will do based on their staff and volunteers feedback.

Welcome Values

What the review team and provider says is then put on the providers website.

Welcome Values

The provider and the advocates and families carry on meeting to share what’s going well ,how things could change and discuss progress.

The Welcome Values Ideal Review Team

At least 4 self-advocates or more from within the service and or outside plus supports if neededAt least 2 Family members A senior manager within the provider serviceOther key stake holders(including provider staff)-1 or more NWTDT/Pathways Welcome Values facilitator

Summary• Involves people and families in

monitoring and developing quality services

• Is simple and effective

• Looks at what is actually happening in peoples lives

• Can be used to support strategic planning and at an operational and micro level by commissioners.

Who we work with

• Lancashire County Council Commissioners with six providers

• Castlebeck Care

• Manchester City Council in house provider services

• dene.donalds@pathwaysassociates.co.uk

• Dene:07816073334

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