Welcome to this PLA -sponsored program!. Shift Happens: The Quest for Continuing Relevance Teresa...

Post on 16-Jan-2016

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Transcript of Welcome to this PLA -sponsored program!. Shift Happens: The Quest for Continuing Relevance Teresa...

Welcome to this PLA-sponsored


Shift Happens: The Quest for Continuing Relevance

Teresa Claypool, Manager of Staffing Support Services Holly Koelling, Director of Library Operations

Nancy Smith, Director of Special Services

What we’ll be talking about

• KCLS Services Strategy• New Staffing Model• Pilot Year Evaluation• Enhanced Service Delivery• Next Steps

Steve Jobs1955 - 2011Co-founder, Chairman, and CEO of Apple Inc.

AppleBest Possible Service

Provides library services that matter to people when and where they

want them.

KCLS Services Strategy

KCLSBest Possible Product

Does what people want it to do, when they want it to do it, and

where they want it do it.

Smart, Creative People

Provides Librarians with time and space to develop, plan and deliver relevant services while the System continues to provide high quality

traditional in-library service.

New Staffing Model

Smart, Creative People

Provides time, space and resources to its employees to

develop and make the best possible product.

KCLS at a Glance

47 libraries (in 15 “library clusters”)1,200 staff membersOne million active card holders20+ million items circulated10+ million visits to libraries10+ million visits to the KCLS website and catalog

Serves almost all areas of King County, currently the 14th most populous county in the nation, with the notable exception of the City of Seattle

Serves about 1.2 million patrons in a service area that covers 2,300 square miles and includes 39 cities

KCLS Services StrategyWith…• Rapid changes in technology • Shifting community

demographics • Changing patron needs and

expectations• Fiscal constraints

We will only keep pace if we…• Understand the present• Envision the future• Map out strategies to remain

ready, responsive and relevant

In the Library

In the Community Online

Reach & Engage Culturally Diverse


Facilitate Early Literacy & Cultivate

Young Readers

Engage & Support Teens & Children

Personalized Information Access

& Assistance

Encourage Lifelong Learning

Three Service Delivery Methods

Five Service Goals

New Staffing Model

Significant increase in time for Librarians to think, develop and deliver relevant services in the library, in the community and online.

– Introduces a new position: Public Service Assistant (PSA)

– Shifts management of daily in-library operations to non-MLS staff

Library Cluster Manager (MLS)

Librarian Services Manager (MLS) Operations Manager Supervising Librarian (MLS) Operations Supervisor

Page Supervisor

Librarian (MLS) Library AssistantPublic Service Assistant Public Service Assistant

Library Page

Information Services Management

Library Operations Management

Information Services Provision

Cluster Oversight

Operational Services Provision

Pilot Libraries

Pilot Evaluation

Surveyed Staff

Outside Consultant

Tracked staff time

Collected baseline and follow-up data

Provided Final Report

Pilot Evaluation

Continued Collaborati


Discerned Need for Model


Communicated with Pilot management



Pilot Evaluation


• High staff participation• Staff followed Model guidelines• Staff reported understanding their roles• PSAs successfully released Librarians for

increased service focus

What did librarians do?

24 Special Service ProjectsIncluding…

Multi-cultural Fair

Walk With Your Libraries

Book-A-Librarian for English Language Learners

Brick Builders Club


Community Readers Blog

What did we learn?

• Don’t make assumptions• Librarians like numbers• Feelings of loss count

Enhanced Service Delivery –What Now?

• Reorganize Public Services

• Change roles and expectations

• Bring the vision down to earth

• Respect time to process change


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