Welcome to the Candles: Parsha: Haftarahimages.shulcloud.com/395/uploads/Newsletters/2013...Mar 01,...

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Transcript of Welcome to the Candles: Parsha: Haftarahimages.shulcloud.com/395/uploads/Newsletters/2013...Mar 01,...

DAT Minyan Annual Event:

“An Evening at the Clyfford Still Museum with the DAT Minyan”



Deadline March 1!


Please help make our Tefillot meaningful by refraining from talking during Davening.

DAT Minyan Rabbi Asher Klein 6825 Alameda Ave., Denver, CO 80224 www.datminyan.org Twitter: @datminyan

Fri. Feb. 28

שבתMarch 1

Sun. Rosh Chodesh

Mon. Rosh Chodesh

Tue. March 4

Wed. March 5

Thu. March 6

Fri. March 7

Shacharit Shema 5:13-9:17 am

6:45, 7:30 7:30, 9:00 8:00 6:25, 7:30 6:45, 7:30 6:45, 7:30 6:35 6:45, 7:30

Mincha/Maariv Earliest Shema 6:31 pm


5:35-Regular 5:20/6:33 5:40 5:40 5:40 5:40 5:40 5:40

Mazel Tov to the Ungar family on the birth of a boy! Brit this Friday, Feb. 28, 7:30 am at the Brooks home, 7055 E. Bayaud.

Carlebach Minyan this Friday night at 5:35. There will also be a regular Minyan at the same time. This week’s Carlebach Min-yan is in conjunction with a Shabbaton fea-turing Rabbi Raz Hartman. See bio and full Shabbaton schedule on Page 4.

Teen Program at 10:30 with Rabbi Sun-shine in Room 206.

The M.B. Glassman Fathers and Sons continues this Sunday at DAT Minyan. Sha-charit at 8:00, followed by breakfast, learn-ing, story and raffle.

Chevre Kaddisha Dinner—See Page 4.

Purim Seudah—Join us for our BBQ Purim Seudah on Purim afternoon, Sunday, March 16, 4:00 pm at the JCC! $16 for adults, $8 for ages 4-12. See Page 5.

Matanot L’evyonim—The Shul is collect-ing funds for Matanot L'evyonim, a special mitzvah of charity that will be distributed on Purim day. The suggested minimum per adult for this mitzvah is $25. To contribute, please drop a check off at the office with “Matanot L'evyonim” in the memo, or donate at datminyan.org and place “Matanot L'evyonim" in the notes field, or drop off a check or cash with Rabbi Klein.

“Let’s Do Lunch!”—An exciting new venture to strength-en unity among our members. See Page 7.

DAT Minyan Denver Nuggets Trip Sunday, March 23. Join your friends from the DAT Minyan for a trip to see



Fri. 8:30-10:30 pm Oneg Shabbat Rabbi Raz Hartman Brandt

6750 E. Exposition


8:30 am Tefillah Rabbi Klein MPR

9:45 am Women’s Parsha Chavura 204

Haft/Mussaf Pirkei Avot Rabbi Gitler 111

4:05 pm HS Boys Gemara Dr. N. Rabinovitch Rabinovitch

4:20 pm SHAWL Rabbi Raz Hartman 208

“What Simcha Comes In With Adar”

4:45 pm Shearim B’Tefillah Rabbi Levy MPR

5:20-6:35 pm MS Girls Tanach Dr. R. Rabinovitch Rabinovitch

“Miriam Ha’Niviah Act 2: Watching as Moshe is Sent Down the Nile”

After Mincha Seudah Shelishit Rabbi Klein MPR

After Mincha 5-6 Boys Mishna Rabbi Alter DAT

Mon. 9:00 pm Men’s Parsha Rabbi Klein TBA

Tue. 12:00 pm Parsha Class Rabbi Klein

Lohf Shaiman Jacobs Hyman & Feiger PC—950 South Cherry St., Suite 900

Wed. 7:30 pm Using Netivot Shalom

to Elevate Shabbat women only

Shelly Ciner Ciner

Welcome to the Shabbat Mevorchim Erev Rosh Chodesh Adar II Parshat Shekalim Pikudei

March 1, 2014 29 Adar I 5774

Candles: 4:40-5:33 Havdalah: 6:34

Parsha: p. 530 Haftarah: p. 1212

COMMUNITY KIDDUSH sponsored by Marc and Melanie Avner,

the monthly Carlebach Minyan, the Eisen Family, Ida Goldberger, Brian and Sarina Kopinsky,

the Loewenthal Family, the Rotbart and Schorsch families, the Zalesch family,

and Glenn and Corina Zazulia. See Page 2.

SEUDAH SHELISHIT sponsored by the Shul.

Sunday, March 9, 2014

Registration Now Open: DATMinyan.org/AnnualEvent

See Page 2 for full details!


to Rabbi Raz Hartman,

who is visiting

with us for Shabbat.

DAT Minyan Annual Event: “An Evening at the Clyfford Still Museum

with the DAT Minyan”

Join the DAT Minyan community for this year’s Annual Event,

hosted at the Clyfford Still Museum in downtown Denver.

Come schmooze, eat delicious food,

and stroll through the galleries of one of the most unique art museums in the country.

7:30 pm: Cocktails and Hors d’oeuvres (Dairy)

6:30 pm: Exclusive Behind the Scenes Tour: Donate $1,000 to the DAT Minyan fundraiser

and experience a guided tour of the galleries and a “behind-the-scenes” exploration

of the non-public areas at the Museum with Dean Sobel,

world-renowned Clyfford Still expert and Founding Museum Director.

See the archives where the art is handled and stored, and learn about the meticulous challenges

of conserving a collection of art that was stored in a barn for 40 years.

An experience not to be missed!

Sunday, March 9, 2014

Registration Now Open: DATMinyan.org/AnnualEvent

Thank you to the following for sponsoring this month’s COMMUNITY KIDDUSH: Marc and Melanie Avner, with gratitude to the DAT Minyan community.

The monthly Carlebach Minyan, in thanks to Rabbis Alter and Klein and the Shul

for being such strong supporters and promoters of the Minyan.

The Eisen Family, to mark the 6th Yahrtzeit of Brent's mother, Sandee Eisen, Zelda Razel bas Meir Chaim,

and in honor of Jolie's birthday.

Ida Goldberger, to mark the Yahrtzeit of her mother.

Brian and Sarina Kopinsky, In honor of Michael Kopinsky's engagement to Lonna Gordon

and in gratitude for Brian's recovery from surgery.

The Loewenthal Family, in honor of their 18th wedding anniversary

and Emma's 4th and Matanya's 15th birthdays.

The Rotbart and Schorsch Families.

The Zalesch Family, in honor of their anniversary and Ahuva’s 3rd birthday.

Glenn and Corina Zazulia, to mark the Yahrtzeit of Glenn's father, Irwin Zazulia, z”l.

DAT Minyan Rabbi Asher Klein 6825 Alameda Ave., Denver, CO 80224 (303) 281-8999 www.datminyan.org

Refuah Shleima Please include the following names in your prayers. May each be granted a Refuah Shleima. Names are kept on the list until the next

Rosh Chodesh. Help us keep the list accurate by verifying the necessary details each month on the Cholim GoogleDoc. Rochel Leah Nechama bat Esther Boruch Getzel HaKohen ben Esther Raphael Yitzchak Isaac ben Michal

Ezra ben Mazal Galina bas Rachel Chaya Nachum Noach ben Sarah

Baruch Dov ben Sarah Yaffa Chaim Michael Shlomo ben Michal Esther bat Malka

Danielle Chaya Bat Aviva Dov Tzvi ben Elka Menachem Yitzchak ben Yisraela

(Rabbi) Tzvi Gershon ben Shaindel Shaina Raizel Avraham Shalom ben Henna Chaim Benjamin ben Bracha

Devorah Leah bat Chanah Eliyahu Chayim HaKohen ben Sarah Rivka Miriam Tova Chaya bat Chanah

Raphael Yotam ben Efrat Sandra Miriam Shoshana bat Chanah Tova Leah bat Chana

Yonna bat Esther Chaim Shmuel ben Miriam Freida Chana bat Sarah Leah

Sarah Esther bat Faiyge Leah bat Sarah Ruchel Sarah bat Briyna

Raphael Natan ben Shoshana Michal Shoshana Michal bat Sarah Yonina Nechama bat Matlay

Esther Bat Margarit Sarah Shimon ben Miriam Henna Raizel Shayna bas Basya

Raphoel Shmuel Naftali ben Esther Liba Refael Elisha Meir ben Devorah Shoshana Reisa bat Ahuva

Yechiel Tzvi-Herschel Ben Zeisel Kayla Menachem Moshe ben Chana Gittel Ita Sheiva bas Udya

D’var Torah Jesse Hyman, YULA ‘16—from YUTorah.org

According to the Midrash, the boards of the

Mishkan were extremely heavy, and its builders were

unable to hold the boards together. In frustration, the

builders brought all of the pieces to Moshe, who, with

miraculous strength from Hashem, proceeded to put

the entire Mishkan together by himself. When the To-

rah mentions the episode, however, it says that the

builders “brought the Mishkan to Moshe.” The Pasuk

makes it sound as though the builders brought the as-

sembled Mishkan to Moshe, yet the Midrash discuss-

es how the builders were unable to build the Mishkan.

How does the Midrash coexist with the Pasuk?

Rabbi Shlomo Breuer explains that Judaism

is not a religion where all that counts is being a “Jew

at heart.” Judaism is action oriented. Deeds such as

learning Torah, performing Mitzvot, and doing

Chessed are what counts. Judaism is not a religion of

sentiment, but rather it is one of activity. Intent also

plays a major role in Judaism. If someone tries his

hardest to do a Mitzvah but is prevented by circum-

stances beyond his control, the Torah considers the

Mitzvah completed. Judaism demands deeds, but not

necessarily results. As long as a Jew puts in honest

and sincere effort, Hashem considers his deeds suc-


This explains why the Pasuk says the builders

brought the assembled Mishkan to Moshe; since the

builders tried so hard and so sincerely, it counted as

though they actually built the Mishkan. This is how

the Midrash can still work with the Pasuk.

What can we learn from the story of the

builders? When a person attempts and strives to im-

prove in any endeavor, and he pours his heart and soul

into that goal, he will always be successful. Some-

times, a person will only be physically successful, but

other times he will have gained much just by trying.

Weekly Halacha Rabbi Asher Klein, Flatbush ‘98

Q Are there any differences in the obligations of men and

women on Purim? If so, how are the obligations of a

woman different from a man on Purim?

A Generally speaking, women are not obligated to perform

mitzvos that require action that are also time bound

[mitzvot aseh she’hazman gerama]. However, the Ge-

mara spells out several exceptions to this rule, amongst which

are the mitzvos of Purim. The rationale behind this exception is

that “af hein hayu b’oso haneis”—women were also involved in

the miracle. In the story of Purim, Esther played a tremendous

role in the salvation of the Jewish People, and the decree of

Haman also affected women. Therefore women should hear the

Megilla and give Mishloach Manos (gift baskets) and Matanos

L’evyonim (presents for the poor)

The Shulchan Aruch quotes an opinion, however, that

there are slight differences that should be recognized. Firstly,

when the Megilla is being read solely for an audience of women,

the brocha recited would be “lishmoah mikrah Megilla” and not

“al mikrah Megilla.” Regarding Mishloach Manos, every adult

should give at least one present to another adult—men should

give at least one to another man, and women should give at least

one to another woman. After the initial mitzvah has been ful-

filled, surely one can give more to other friends and family. Yet

the Mishnah Berurah explains that one with extra Purim funds

should allocate them towards Matanos L’evyonim. The rationale

behind this ruling is that the happiness that one experiences

when helping the poor vastly outweighs the other mitzvos.

Pondering the Parsha 1) Who does the Torah identify as the primary builders of the Mishkan?

From which tribes were they? (35:30, 35:34)

2) How many people contributed a half-shekel to the Mishkan? Who


1) Bezalel ben Uri from the tribe of Yehuda; Oholiav ben Achisamach from the tribe of Dan. 2) 603,550; Every man age twenty and over (except Levi'im).

DAT Minyan Rabbi Asher Klein 6825 Alameda Ave., Denver, CO 80224 (303) 281-8999 facebook.com/datminyan

DAT Minyan: A dynamic and friendly Modern Orthodox synagogue for all ages dedicated to meaningful prayer,

personal spiritual development, community growth, youth involvement, Torah education and Religious Zionism.

* DAT Minyan only certifies Kashrut of events it hosts or co-sponsors.


Rabbi Raz Hartman Shabbaton this Shabbat, Feb. 28-Mar. 1. R’ Hartman is a Maggid Shiur at Yeshivat Bat Ayin,

Shliach Tzibur and Composer.

Friday: 5:35 pm—Carlebach Minyan at DAT Minyan; 8:30-10:30 pm—Oneg at Ted and Jayne Brandt.

Shabbat Day: 8:00-8:45 am—Chassidut Shiur at Bais Menachem; 4:00-5:00 pm—SHAWL at DAT Minyan

Motzei Shabbat: 8:00-11:30—Havdalah/learning/concert at private residence. RSVP. $18 adults, $10 seniors, students.

For more information: eastdenversimcha@gmail.com, 720-308-8636.

B’nei Akiva: Ski Shabbaton! Feb. 28-March 2. Grades 7-12! Join Jeremy Schaechter and Rayli Nussbaum from BA New York for a

wonderful Shabbaton in the mountains! Ruach, great food, singing, Shabbat learning and programs, Kumzitz Motzei

Shabbat! Skiing at Eldora on Sunday! Some spots still available!

8th Grade Melave Malka and Crepe Making!—Motzaei Shabbat, March 8, 7:30 pm at the home of Gillian Hecht.

Shabbat Snif: Shabbat March 15th. One hour before Mincha. Grades 3-8. At DAT Minyan

Annual Purim Costume Karaoke Party!! Grades 7-12. Home of Sarah Senkfor! After Megilah reading! Come cel-

ebrate Purim and Shifrahs Birthday!! Come dressed as Shifra..win a special prize!!

Stay tuned for more events including the DU Shabbaton the weekend of April 4, Snif on April 12, Yom Haatzmaut

Program, Israel Day Parade in NYC June 1, and our annual raft trip on June 8!

Tomchei Shabbat Annual Purim Card Campaign—Great way to support Tomchei Shabbat. Set of 25 full-color 2014

Tomchei Shabbat Mishloach Manot Purim letters with envelopes—$36.00. Contact Susie and Nahum Swinkin at 303-333

-7523 or nswinkin@yahoo.com to arrange your order. Electronic version also available—PDF Purim Card, personalized

with your own greeting to email to friends and family. Tomchei Shabbat accepts credit card donations via PayPal.

* Rabbi Dr. Jeffrey Woolf of Bar Ilan University visits EDOS this Shabbat, Feb. 28-March 1. Theme: “Modern Ortho-

doxy: Its Historic Precedents and Current Challenges.” Shabbat schedule: Friday night Oneg—9:00 pm at the Clayman

home, 25 Ivy St.: “Hunting, Dancing, Masquerading and Halakhah: The Remarkable History of Italian Jewry.” Shabbat

Morning—Dvar Torah before Mussaf. Shiur after Kiddush: “ ‘And I will Dwell in Their Midst’: Bringing God into the

Synagogue (c. 1200 CE).” 4:35 pm—Shiur: “The Recent Tefillin Controversy: The Deeper Issues.” Seudah Shlishit: “Is

There a Future for Modern Orthodoxy?”

Areivim Taskforce of Denver Eight-Hour Mental Health First Aid Course—Sun, Mar. 23, 10:00 am-6:00 pm (RSVP

until Mar. 13), at Zera Abraham, 1560 Winona Court. $25 required donation for the eight-hour course, including course-

book. For more information and reservations, contact Areivim Taskforce Denver Administrator, Rabbi Shraga Freedman,

at AreivimTaskforce@gmail.com or 303.335.8968.

* Denver Community Kollel’s 16th Anniversary Celebration—March 11, 6:30 pm at Aish Denver, 9550 E. Belleview

Ave. Honoring Michael and Randy Weiss, Bob and Allison Weiss, and Jeremy and Sora Simblist. Noted Rosh Yeshiva

Rabbi Yochanan Zweig will be the guest speaker. To RSVP or place a journal ad, visit www.denverkollel.org, email jour-

nal@denverkollel.org, or call 303-820-2855.

Radio Chavura—This Sunday, March 2, at 6:30 pm, exclusively at www.chavura.com, we speak with Avi Halzel, head

of school and CEO of Denver Jewish Day School, about its upcoming annual dinner, featuring keynote speaker

Daniel Smith - a 2008 graduate and co-developer of the popular Snapchat phone application.

* Rocky Mountain Chevra Kaddisha 6th Annual Zayin Adar Dinner

Sunday, March 2, 6:30 pm—At East Denver Orthodox Synagogue—198 S. Holly Guest speaker: Rabbi Dr. Tsvi G. Schur

Rabbi Schur is the Jewish Chaplain at Johns Hopkins Hospital of Baltimore.

Ordained by Ner Israel, he received his BS degree and did graduate studies in adult and child psychology,

receiving a Doctorate of Pastoral Counseling from Hebrew Theological College and Chicago Medical School.

He has worked as a rabbi, mohel, pastoral counselor, psychotherapist, chaplain, and teacher.

$25 recommended donation; $10 for speaker only. RSVP by Feb. 28: denverchevra@hotmail.com

Or call Randy Zakroff: 303-549-1402. This event is open to the entire community.


Youth Group Guidelines:

Pick up for all groups (including 4th-6th graders) is indoors.

Please bring your child’s labeled water bottle, hat, and jacket to groups with them. Advisors and

kids will no longer be allowed to get these items from the coat rack or strollers during groups.

A parent or guardian must be on shul premises when children are

in groups.

Children not attending groups

must be supervised by a parent or guardian at all times.

Mitzvot and Midot Program: Being Honest

Every Shabbat the children learn the

importance of a Middah or Mitzvah.

They are rewarded with a few M&Ms for applying it

and doing it correctly during groups.


Youth Snack is sponsored by Reb Noam and Yael Horowitz in honor of Orly’s 2nd birthday

Contact Mor at youth@datminyan.org

for all sponsorship opportunities.


March 1



Save the Date!

Happy Birthday:

Orly Horowitz

Ella Mogyoros Is your child’s birthday not listed?

Email Mor Shapiro at youth@datminyan.org.

Our Shul has really grown over the past couple of years! It's great that we have so many new people in our Minyan, but it is also more challenging for people to get to know one another. We want everyone to feel part of the community. "Let's Do Lunch" is an initiative of hold-ing coordinated Shabbat lunches where indi-viduals and families can spend time together building and strengthening friendships.

The Alters and Kleins would like to begin hosting a series of these Shabbat lunch get-togethers in the near future. The entire membership will be split up into small groups, and then each group will plan a Shabbat meal which they will cook and prepare together at the Alter and Klein homes on the Thursday of that

week. The group will then enjoy their Shabbat lunch together. The goal isn't to prepare an elaborate meal, but rather to have fun cooking and dining with people we would like to get to know better. If you have ideas about how we can make this program successful, please speak with Jessica Klein or Rivka Alter, as your suggestions are welcomed.