Welcome to the 21 Day Receiving True Love · PDF fileyour life like you have never felt...

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Transcript of Welcome to the 21 Day Receiving True Love · PDF fileyour life like you have never felt...


We are so happy to share this Receiving True Love 21 Day Meditation with

you. You are in for an amazing journey of experiencing love, joy and bliss in your life like you have never felt before.

You have probably joined us for this meditation because UP UNTIL NOW you

have not had the success you would like finding your True Love.

Well I have something interesting to share with you,

True Love cannot be found.

If True Love is what you are looking for that could be a big part of the delay.

If you have been feeling like you cannot have the one thing you most want- a loving, fulfilling relationship that is also causing a delay.

Do you believe RIGHT NOW in this world there is someone who

matches you perfectly, fits you like a glove, and is waiting for you to show up in his life just like you are waiting for him?

Well I know so!

And here is the biggest True Love secret of all.

He is actually already here.

That loves lies within you right now and this meditation will activate that

love and bring it into present day reality.

Welcome to the 21 Day Receiving True Love Meditation

Here is how it works...

Doing the Meditations:

Each day for 21 days you will receive an email and short audio recording

with the daily meditations. Lay down on your bed or in a comfortable place and listen to these meditations daily for the next 21 Days.

Day 1 - Day 7:

The meditations for the first 7 Days will activate within you with the 7 magnetic True Love energies of Love, Light, Beauty, Sensuality, Joy,

Gratitude, and Responsibility.

Day 7 - Day 14:

The meditations for the next 7 Days will show you how to visualize Your True Love. During these meditations you will get clear on what you really desire

in a relationship and let go of any doubts, beliefs or negativity that is standing in your way.

Day 14 - Day 21:

The meditations for the last 7 Days will assist you to connect to your True Love and experience that relationship in your present life.

I am so excited to share with you this amazing journey to Receiving Your True Love.

These next 21 days will change your love life and your life forever!

Pamela Vandervoort Copyright © 2011 DatingForTrueLove.com


Day 1: Love

Today we will activate within you

the first True Love energy - the

energy of Love.

Love is the foundation and the

cornerstone to attracting anything in your life. In David Hawkins

"Power v. Force" he defines the levels of consciousness with love

as the highest level and fear being the lowest level of

consciousness. You then create your life from the level of

consciousness that you are operating from.

In order to attract True Love, you need to start by activating the highest

energy of love so that you attract a relationship at a higher level consciousness. This is especially important for attracting a true love

relationship if you have felt hurt or rejected in the past.

As you do this meditation, pay close attention to your breath. Really allowing your breath to expand and open in your heart as you receive these

messages of love. Love is your birthright and it truly is who you are. Any belief to the contrary is simply just conditioning and it is a lie.

Taking this time for the meditation is giving yourself the gift of receiving love not only from you, but from LIFE itself in the form of your breathe.

“True love doesn't come to you, it has to be inside you."

- Julia Robert

If you feel any resistance to this message, don't worry about it simply

breathe through it.

So breathe deeply, viewing each inhale as allowing yourself to receive even

more love with each breathe than you ever thought possible.

Pamela Vandervoort Copyright © 2011 www.DatingForTrueLove.com


Day 2: Light

Today we will activate within you

the second True Love energy - the energy of Light.

As you do this meditation, pay close attention to your breath.

Really allowing your breath to expand and open your heart as

you receive light into your body.

You are made of energy and have the ability to access that energy

to help you receive guidance about what you desire to

experience in your life and in your relationships. When you are really clear about what you want to experience in your relationships

there is no other alternative but for you to experience it. When you

allow yourself to receive this positive energy of Light and bring that light into your body and heart you access the wisdom to move out of

confusion, lack and fear and into clarity, prosperity and calm.

Taking this time for the meditation is giving yourself the gift of receiving this energy of light not only from you, but from LIFE itself

in the form of your breathe.

If you feel any resistance to this message, don't worry about it

simply breathe through it.

So breathe deeply, with each inhale allowing yourself to receive even more light with each breathe than you ever thought possible.

Pamela Vandervoort Copyright © 2011 www.DatingForTrueLove.com

Light gives of itself freely, filling all available space. It does not seek anything in return;

it asks not whether you are friend or foe. It gives of itself and is not thereby diminished.

~Michael Strassfeld


Day 3: Beauty

Today we will activate within you the third True Love energy - the energy

of Beauty.

As you do this meditation, pay close attention to your breath. Really

allowing your breath to expand and open your heart as you receive these

messages of beauty.

If you feel any resistance to this message simply breathe through it.

We are all One and we are also

absolutely distinct, unique and beautiful. Scientifically, we all share common

genetics with just a slight variation that makes us completely unique from everyone else. Spiritually, we are connected coming from the same Source

but like our genetic make-up you have your own unique gift to share with the world. No one else is living on this planet in exactly the same way you


When you celebrate your uniqueness, and acknowledge the beauty that is only yours, that beauty is magnetic attracting your True Love

who has been waiting for YOU all along. If you hide your beauty behind conformity and insecurity you close off that magnetic energy

which is the very thing that attracts your True Love.

Taking this time for the meditation is giving yourself the gift of receiving this energy of beauty not only from you, but from LIFE itself in the form of your


If you feel any resistance to this message, don't worry about it simply

breathe through it.

Beauty is not in the face; beauty is a light in the heart.

~Kahlil Gibran

So breathe deeply, with each inhale allowing yourself to feel the beauty that is truly YOU with each breathe feel your beauty more deeply than you ever

thought possible.

Pamela Vandervoort Copyright © 2011 www.DatingForTrueLove.com


Day 4: Sensuality

Today we will activate within you the third True Love energy - the energy

of Sensuality.

As you do this meditation, pay close

attention to your breath. Really allowing your breath to expand and

open your heart as you receive these messages of sensuality.

If you feel any resistance to this

message simply breathe through it.

Most dictionaries primary definition of sensuality is the gratification of the

senses. Some even say that sensuality is physical rather than spiritual and it is to deny spirituality in favor of physical gratification. But where does the

word "gratification" come from? Gratitude and how can gratitude be anything but Spiritual!

Sensuality as a True Love energy is the marriage of spirituality and the senses. As human beings we are meant to experience our physical life to

the fullest. The best way to appreciate fully the beauty of our physical experiences is through sensuality. Through sensuality we are able to feel

gratitude for all we experience.

Too many times sensual experiences are accompanied by feelings of guilt.

"To be sensual is to respect and rejoice in the force of life, of life itself, and to be present

in all that one does, from the effort of loving to the making of bread."

~ James Arthur Baldwin

Many women love chocolate. If you love chocolate, of course you want to

choose to experience chocolate. And it is highly rewarding to embrace it as a sensual experience. To eat a piece of high quality chocolate candy, rich and

delicious is one of the great blessings of life. So love that chocolate, taste it slowly while savoring the flavor on your tongue, the smell in your nose, the

smoothness in your mouth. To enjoy the warm glow in your body from the chocolate's healing qualities. Feel gratitude for being able to have that


Or you can choose to purchase 2 bags of M&Ms because they were on sale at the store, eat then both quickly shoving M&Ms in your mouth, sick to your

stomach afterwards and feeling guilt and regret.

We can choose to make every experience a sensual experience, filled with joy and gratitude for life.

Enjoy the way the water feels on your body during a hot shower. Enjoy the way your skin feels soft and smooth when you apply lotion. Enjoy the way a

rose smells and how soft the petals feel in your fingertips. Enjoy the way your lover's lips feel on your neck when he kisses you.

Taking this time for meditation is giving yourself the gift of the energy of

sensuality. Life itself gives you numerous opportunities to experience sensuality. Let it start now in the form of your breathe entering and leaving

your body.

If you feel any resistance to this message, don't worry about it simply breathe through it.

So breathe deeply, with each inhale allowing yourself to feel the sensuality that is a gift for you to experience. With each breathe

feel sensuality in your body, in the beauty of your life, more deeply than you ever thought possible.

Pamela Vandervoort Copyright © 2011 www.DatingForTrueLove.com


Day 5: Joy

Today we will activate within you the

third True Love energy - the energy of Joy.

As you do this meditation, pay close

attention to your breath. Really allowing your breath to expand and

open your heart as you receive these messages of joy.

If you feel any resistance to this message simply breathe through it.

The most attractive quality a woman can have is happiness. The most

beautiful thing about a woman is not her body, her hair, even her face, it is her smile.

Joy is the energy that creates a happy life. When you are in your joy, all

feelings of self-consciousness disappear. When you are in your joy, you allow the flow of life energy and creation to move through you. Good things

start to happen.

Think back to last time you felt joy - blissfully happy. At that moment, there was nothing that you wanted and nothing that you didn't have. When you

are in Joy there is no room for anything else.

Why do you want a loving partnership? Because you want to feel the joy and

happiness that being in love brings into your life. But it is very difficult to get from depression, sadness or loss to joy and happiness.

Have you heard a story about the woman who searched and searched for

her True Love and after she finally gives up that's when she finds it.

"There is no way to happiness, Happiness is the Way. "

~ The Buddha

Is it because she gave up?

No. Many, many women give up on Love and end up bitter and alone.

I bet if you asked for more information, you would find what she gave up was "looking" for love and she decided to be happy with her life right now.

And the decision to be happy now allowed the energy of joy to flow through her which opened her up to receiving her true love.

If you feel any resistance to this message, don't worry about it simply

breathe through it.

So breathe deeply, with each inhale allowing yourself to feel the joy that you can experience at any time. With each breathe allow the

feeling of joy into your body more deeply than you ever thought


Pamela Vandervoort Copyright © 2011 www.DatingForTrueLove.com


Day 6: Gratitude

Today we will activate within you the sixth True Love energy - the energy

of Gratitude.

As you do this meditation, pay close attention to your breath. Really

allowing your breath to expand and open your heart as you receive these

messages of gratitude.

If you feel any resistance to this message simply breathe through it.

Gratitude is not only one of the 7 True Love energies but it is also

the energy from which we create all the good that we receive in our lives.

An ungrateful person may seem to have a lot of physical things and may

even be able to accumulate a lot of physical things, but it is never enough. A "player" may seem to accumulate many physical relationships, but none of

them are satisfying aka "gratifying". Think about those relationships where the couples are consistently complaining about their partner. And blaming

each other for everything that is "wrong" not just in the relationship, but in life?

When you are in a True Love relationship, you recreate that love

every day by being grateful for all aspects of the relationship AND

your partner. True love never takes each other for granted!

"Feeling grateful or appreciative of someone or something in your life actually attracts

more of the things that you appreciate and value into your life."

~ Christiane Northrup

"Both abundance and lack exist simultaneously in our lives, as parallel

realities. It is always our conscious choice which secret garden we will tend... when we choose not to focus on what is missing from our lives but

are grateful for the abundance that's present -- love, health, family, friends, work, the joys of nature and personal pursuits that bring us pleasure -- the

wasteland of illusion falls away and we experience Heaven on earth." -Sarah Ban Breathnach.

Choose to feel grateful for your life right now! Realize that the

blessings you are receiving NOW by being single are the very things that will enable you to experience a True Love relationship in your

life. The more you are able to choose gratitude, the sooner the relationship will show up!

One the great gifts you are experiencing by being single now is that you are

learning gratitude so when you meet your True Love, you will never take

each other for granted!

If you feel any resistance to this message, don't worry about it simply breathe through it.

So breathe deeply, with each inhale allowing yourself to feel the joy

that you can experience at any time. With each breathe allow the feeling of gratitude into your body more deeply than you ever

thought possible.

Pamela Vandervoort Copyright © 2011 www.DatingForTrueLove.com


Day 7: Responsibility

Today we will activate within you the

seventh True Love energy - the energy of Responsibility.

As you do this meditation, pay close attention to your breath. Really

allowing your breath to expand and open your heart as you receive these

messages of responsibility.

If you feel any resistance to this message simply breathe through it.

Personal responsibility is the

foundation of a true love relationship.

Many people are drawn to the concept of

Soulmates. They believe that you have another

half, meant just for you. They spend their time longing and waiting for their Soulmate to appear in

their life to make it complete. Two imperfect halves, two broken hearts coming together to

make it whole. Under this scenario without your Soulmate, your life is just not complete.

True Love happens when two whole and complete

people, two loving and whole hearts, come together to share the radiant light of their love. When True

Love occurs each individual's light, the light of all the True Love qualities within each individual, combine

and shine brightly in the world.

”You must take personal responsibility. You cannot change the circumstances, the

seasons, or the wind, but you can change yourself. That is something you have charge of."

~ Jim Rohn

The key to being whole and complete is to accept personal

responsibility for your life. You may have been hurt in a past relationship and you may have had some challenging life

experiences. While these experience are not your fault healing from them is your responsibility.

You choose whether or not to let your light shine. Whenever you make

another person responsible for your choice to be happy or if you hide out from life and love waiting for someone else to come along and heal your

broken heart, you are saying, "please bring me another co-dependent relationship". And guess what? A co-dependent relationship will inevitably

break your heart.

In a True Love relationship, you are responsible for your happiness and your fulfillment. Your partner is responsible for his/her

happiness and fulfillment. In True Love you bring the happiness and fulfillment you already experience and magnify it when you are


By knowing you are whole and complete right now, you will actually attract True Love to you.

If you feel any resistance to this message, don't worry about it simply breathe through it.

So breathe deeply, with each inhale allowing yourself to know that you are

responsible for your life. You have all the resources you need to be fulfilled right now. With each breathe allow a feeling of wholeness into your body

more deeply than you ever thought possible.

Pamela Vandervoort Copyright © 2011 www.DatingForTrueLove.com


Day 8: How Happy Are You?

Last week, we activated within you the 7 True Love Energies of Love,

Light, Beauty, Sensuality, Joy, Gratitude and Responsibility. All

you need to do is breathe deeply into your heart and focus your

attention on any of these energies and you will immediately feel that

energy- the Truth of Who You Are.

This week during our meditations we will start to shift your life into

readiness to Receive Your True Love. As you read these emails

and complete the meditations, you may want to keep a journal to

write down any insights or information you receive.

You will start this week by embracing a new life, a life of happiness. The

good news is your life can become happy immediately. Nothing needs to change, nothing needs to happen in order for you to experience a happier

more fulfilling life right now.

In fact once you embrace happiness as a way of life, watch the miracles start to occur.

Even when something happens that seems to take you out of happiness, you

will find that you will address it immediately in the moment and easily return to a state of peace and happiness.

"When I am happy, I see the happiness in others. When I am depressed, I notice that

people's eyes look sad. When I am weary, I see the world as boring and unattractive.

~ Steve Chandler

Happiness is our normal state of being. But through conditioning

from society, parents, peer pressure, the media, we have learned that it is not ok to be happy. Hence the expression "misery loves


So breathe deeply, with each inhale feel a sense of wellness and happiness

fill your body. With each breathe allow a feeling of happiness into your body

more deeply than you ever thought possible and take a minute to answer these key happiness questions.

Overall, on a scale of 1 - 10 how happy are you about your life right now?

Do you have a spiritual practice that brings you peace?

Close friends who bring you joy, love and uplift you?

Rewarding work or hobbies where you feel a sense of being inspired and "in the flow" while you complete the daily tasks?

Are you participating in activities where you feel you are "of service" to the world or humanity?

If you feel any resistance to any of these questions, don't worry about it

simply breathe through it.

Pamela Vandervoort Copyright © 2011 www.DatingForTrueLove.com


Day 9: How Loving Are You?

Today you will fully embrace being a living expression of your

true nature- Love.

What does being loving really mean? Does being loving mean being a

pushover? Does being loving mean setting yourself up for hurt, ridicule

and possible rejection?

What Being Loving is:

Speaking your truth to another without blaming or judging them as

wrong. Following your heart and intuition, even if it seems challenging or

difficult. Knowing what you need in a relationship and asking for it in a positive

way. Allowing others to communicate what they need in a relationship

without being defensive.

Expressing your gratitude and appreciation for people in your life.

"What, if anything, is the difference between love and loving?

Love is What is...Loving is its Expression..."

~ Drs. H. Ronald Hulnick and Mary R. Hulnick

What Being Loving is NOT:

Giving in to someone else out of fear that they will get mad at you or

not like you. Manipulating others to get your needs met.

Making someone else responsible for your happiness. Keeping score in relationships and giving to others solely to get your

own needs me. Being Self conscious and worrying about what others think of you,

instead of focusing making the other person feel comfortable.

So breathe deeply, with each inhale allow a feeling of love to fill your body.

With each breath allow this feeling of love into your body more deeply than you ever thought possible.

Being loving starts with YOU. The more you are able to be loving and compassionate with yourself, the more you are able to forgive and

love yourself, the more you will be able to love others and allow

others to love you in return.

When you learn how to take care of yourself with loving kindness and

compassion, the fear of being a pushover simply disappears. And you will instinctively not allow anything but love into your personal space.

If you feel any resistance to this, don't worry about it simply breathe

through it.

Pamela Vandervoort Copyright © 2011 www.DatingForTrueLove.com


Day 10: How Forgiving Are You?

Today you will free yourself from

any hurt or resentments from the

past that is standing in the way of True Love.

Forgiveness is necessary for

your personal freedom. Through forgiveness we affirm our life

and our choice to be free. When we forgive others we forgive for

ourselves, our loved ones and take back our power.

Think about this... if you ended a

relationship with someone because it was not healthy for you or was not contributing to the betterment of your life but you still think about that

person frequently or have strong feelings about them- is that relationship

truly over?

If you have moved on from the other person, but are still feeling bad about yourself, how you may have behaved or what you may have "put up with" in

that relationship aren't you still holding yourself hostage to the past?

Have you heard the famous quote from George Santayana "Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it." This is actually a

total myth. The quote should really be "those who cannot let go of the past and forgive are condemned to repeat it".

Every time you think or feel upset or angry about the past you are

recreating it again in your present.

"Sincere forgiveness isn't colored with expectations that the other person apologize or change.Don't worry whether or not they finally understand you. Love them and release them.

Life feeds back truth to people in its own way and time."

~ Sara Paddison

"When you hold resentment toward another, you are bound to that person or condition by an emotional link that is stronger than steel. Forgiveness is

the only way to dissolve that link and get free." Catherine Ponder

So breathe deeply, with each inhale allow a feeling of forgiveness to fill your body. With each breathe allow this feeling of forgiveness into your body

more deeply than you ever thought possible.

Truly forgiving others and yourself frees you from ever having to experience that again!

When you totally forgive yourself and others with loving kindness and

compassion, the fear of "making another mistake" simply disappears. You are able to trust yourself, trust others and know you will allow only love and

respect into your life.

If you feel any resistance to this, don't worry about it simply breathe

through it.


Day 10: How Forgiving Are You?

Today you will free yourself from

any hurt or resentments from the past that is standing in the way of

True Love.

Forgiveness is necessary for your personal freedom. Through

forgiveness we affirm our life and our choice to be free. When

we forgive others we forgive for ourselves, our loved ones and

take back our power.

Think about this... if you ended a relationship with someone because it was not healthy for you or was not contributing to the betterment of your life but

you still think about that person frequently or have strong feelings about them- is that relationship truly over?

If you have moved on from the other person, but are still feeling bad about

yourself, how you may have behaved or what you may have "put up with" in that relationship aren't you still holding yourself hostage to the past?

Have you heard the famous quote from George Santayana "Those who

cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it." This is actually a total myth. The quote should really be "those who cannot let go of the past

and forgive are condemned to repeat it".

Every time you think or feel upset or angry about the past you are

recreating it again in your present.

"Sincere forgiveness isn't colored with expectations that the other person apologize or change. Don't worry whether or not they finally understand you. Love them and release

them. Life feeds back truth to people in its own way and time."

~ Sara Paddison

"When you hold resentment toward another, you are bound to that person or condition by an emotional link that is stronger than steel. Forgiveness is

the only way to dissolve that link and get free." Catherine Ponder

So breathe deeply, with each inhale allow a feeling of forgiveness to fill your body. With each breathe allow this feeling of forgiveness into your body

more deeply than you ever thought possible.

Truly forgiving others and yourself frees you from ever having to experience that again!

When you totally forgive yourself and others with loving kindness and

compassion, the fear of "making another mistake" simply disappears. You are able to trust yourself, trust others and know you will allow only love and

respect into your life.

If you feel any resistance to this, don't worry about it simply breathe

through it.

Pamela Vandervoort Copyright © 2011 www.DatingForTrueLove.com


Day 11: How Committed Are You?

What is commitment and when

do we commit?

The Cambridge British Dictionary

defines commitment as "when you are willing to give your time and

energy to something that you believe in, or a promise or firm

decision to do something."

This definition is compelling because it addresses the

circumstances with which you commit. You commit to give your

valuable resources, time and energy, to something you believe in. Then as a result, you make promises or agreements about how to utilize those

resources. In a love relationship, you become committed when both people

make agreements or promises to each other about the relationship. Examples of these agreements are exclusivity from dating others, how

money will be spent, and how much time you will spend together.

Do you take the time to set up agreements in your relationships? Or do you avoid making agreements from fear of being demanding or

losing the other person?

If someone is not willing to make agreements or give their time and energy to you, is this relationship of value to them? According to this definition no!

"Commitment unlocks the doors of imagination, allows vision, and

gives us the "right stuff" to turn our dreams into reality."

~ James Womack

It is important to be selective about who you share your valuable resources


How committed are you to achieving a True Love relationship as opposed to what one dating expert calls the 80% relationship- a relationship of

comfortable roommates or worse an unhappy relationship where you are settling just to avoid being alone.

In order to achieve true commitment in a relationship, you must first

be committed to yourself.

If you want a True Love relationship, it is important to take the time and energy to identify your relationship requirements and commit to never

settling for less.

If you cannot keep promises that you make to yourself and if you are not

willing to give yourself, your well being and your dreams the valuable resources of your energy and time, how can you expect someone else to

commit their valued resources, their time and energy to you?

So breathe deeply, with each inhale allow a feeling of committing to yourself fill your body. With each breathe allow this feeling of commitment into your

body more deeply than you ever thought possible.

Commitment is the ultimate expression of love and value that you have for your life and yourself.

When you commit to keeping your promises to yourself and commit to loving

and valuing yourself and your precious resources of time and energy, you attract others who are want to share their valuable resources with you too.

If you feel any resistance to this, don't worry about it simply breathe through it.

Pamela Vandervoort Copyright © 2011 www.DatingForTrueLove.com


Day 12: How Generous Are You?

In the past have you felt like you were in a relationship where you did a lot of

giving and did not receive much back in return? This is what some people call

being an "over-giver"

Here are just a few ways to recognize if you are an "over-


You rarely made time for self care.

You resonate with the words over-worked and under-appreciated.

The relationship was unsatisfactory and unrewarding.

You felt misunderstood and resentful.

Does being an "over-giver" make you a generous person? Actually no, being

an over-giver makes you a martyr and martyrs are some of the stingiest

people alive.

You can tell when you are giving without generosity if you feel

cheated or let down. If you give and it does not feel good, or leaves you feeling tired or burnt out, this is sure sign to stop giving.

"There is overwhelming evidence that the higher the level of self-esteem, the more likely one will be to treat others with respect, kindness, and generosity."

~ Nathaniel Branden

When you give hoping for something in return, whether it is more love,

attention or connection you are making a statement that you are not valuable or worthy. When you martyr yourself for someone else giving

because you think they "need" you, you are making a statement that the other person is inept and incompetent.

How do you know if you are generous?

Generous people are energized by giving.

Generous people celebrate other's successes no matter what is going

on their own lives.

Generous people give for the joy of giving and expect nothing in


Generous people trust the person or cause that they give to.

So breathe deeply, with each inhale allow a feeling of generosity to fill your body. With each breathe allow this feeling of generosity to fill your body

more deeply than you ever thought possible.

When you give love generously for the joy of giving, you feel

renewed and revitalized. You trust your partner to receive your generosity and use it wisely. When you love generously, you want

your partner to flourish, grow and be successful without feeling intimidated or worried that the relationship will be threatened.

Pamela Vandervoort Copyright © 2011 www.DatingForTrueLove.com


Day 13: How Trusting Are You?

Many times the thing we most want is also the thing we most


Recently one of my "stuck" clients

who had been single for many years told me that she was actually afraid

to fall in love again. In the past, she had felt so out of control and had

been hurt so badly. She no longer trusted herself and she did not

know if she could trust others. As a result, she was constantly making

life choices and choosing behaviors to "keep her safe" but they were

also keeping her stuck.

Do you long for a loving committed relationship, but you are afraid

you cannot trust yourself to get there?

Do you ever think that you are not quite ready, that there is something more to do before you can have True Love? Do you think that once you

finish graduate school, complete more therapy, or lose ten pounds than you will be ready?

Whenever you think that there is "something more to do" or that

"you are not quite ready" you are playing it "safe". But what is really happening is that your fear is keeping you stuck.

"We're never so vulnerable than when we trust someone - but paradoxically, if we cannot trust, neither can we find love or joy"

~ Walter Anderson

Relationships can bring out the best in you and the worst, especially if you

entered into a past relationship unconsciously or if the relationship was co-dependent and triggered past hurts or insecurities. Your intuition may also

have been telling you that something is not right but if you moved into fear or attachment instead of listening to your intuition, it may have been difficult

to interpret those warning signs.

So now, as a result of these past experiences, without even knowing it, you are making choices, to "stay safe". And these choices are blocking you from

connecting with love that you are capable of experiencing.

Each of us has access to our own divine wisdom that is always present and available. When you learn to listen to your divine

wisdom, you will strengthen your trust in yourself. As a result you will attract more love and make more self-loving choices and


If you are one of those people who had past relationship trauma or are

feeling really stuck get help. Finding a relationship coach or therapist will provide you with the support and guidance you need to feel safe and move

through your unconscious patterns so that you are free to love again.

So breathe deeply, with each inhale allow a feeling of trust and safety to fill your body. With each breathe allow this feeling of love and safety into your

body more deeply than you ever thought possible.

If you feel any resistance to this, don't worry about it simply breathe through it.

Pamela Vandervoort Copyright © 2011 www.DatingForTrueLove.com


Day 14: How Ready Are You?

Are you ready for love?

Since you are doing this meditation you know that you WANT to receive

True Love into your Life.

But wanting and being ready are two different things.

Here is the good news- After today

you will have completed 14 Days of the Receiving True Love Meditation.

After today, you will have set the foundation to receive your true love

into your life!

What makes someone ready for true love?

Are they more spiritually evolved than you? Are they more healed in their

relationships than you? Are all their limiting beliefs cleared and all doubts totally eliminated? No, no and no!

You receive True Love when you make just enough space within your

consciousness to allow the expression of true love to manifest in your life.

All it takes is one moment, one opening of your heart to the love that is

already there, already within you, just waiting for an opportunity to be expressed.

"Love is but the discovery of ourselves in others, and the delight in the recognition."

~ Alexander Smith

Does a True Love relationship develop overnight? No, in fact a True Love

relationship keeps growing, evolving, and never stops developing and deepening. That is what makes it so special. True Love is never stagnant. A

True Love relationship is like the ocean, with its ebbs and flows and unexplored depths and mysteries continually being discovered and revealed.

A True love relationship is constantly growing and evolving to even greater experiences to be shared by two people.

So breathe deeply, with each inhale allow true love to fill your body. With each breathe allow this feeling of true love to fill your body more deeply

than you ever thought possible.

You may be thinking that you have never had a True Love

relationship or even seen one, so how will you experience it?

Because you have already experienced True Love in your life- Guaranteed.

Maybe it was kissing a baby, or a beloved pet. Not only that, even in your most challenging relationship I guarantee there was at least one moment

when you experienced true love.

If you feel any resistance to this, don't worry about it simply breathe through it.

Pamela Vandervoort Copyright © 2011 www.DatingForTrueLove.com


Day 15: Connecting to Your True Love: Your Vision for True Love

Congratulations! You've just finished 14 Days of the Receiving

True Love meditation.

The first week was all about activating within you the 7 True Love energies of

Love, Light, Beauty, Sensuality, Joy, Gratitude and Responsibility. These

energies are a part of you and are available to you at any moment and

with every breath.

Last week during the meditations you actually transformed your relationship

blue print. You released your old way of being in a relationship, past

relationship trauma, uncovered and transformed limiting beliefs, and released relationship fears! All these things were in your subconscious

blocking you from love. You then created a new blue print for a conscious, true love relationship. Which is what you will manifest this week!

This week you will create the relationship of your dreams!

IMPORTANT!!!: As you do the meditations for this week, be sure to

keep a journal by your bed and record the insights you received from your meditations. So today, after the meditation, record your

insights in your journal. What came forward for you? What awareness did you have? And most importantly what is your vision

for your True Love.

"Somewhere there is someone who dreams of your smile, and finds in your presence that life is worthwhile, so when you are lonely

remember it's true, someone somewhere is thinking of you."

~ Unknown

Give yourself permission to embrace this relationship in your life in the

present right now. When you feel your True Love like it is here right now- that becomes your reality.

This week allow your deepest relationship desires to come forward and really

embrace your True Love.

So breathe deeply, with each inhale allow the knowing that your True Love is on the way to fill your body. With each breathe allow this feeling of knowing

and faith to fill your body more deeply than you ever thought possible.

When you think about your True Love, what do you want to experience in this relationship? Do you want to experience laughter, companionship,

intimacy, and joy? Do you want to make a difference in the world? How do you want to feel when you are together?

"Her soulmate was out there somewhere, wasn't he? He was so strong, that she had created an image of him, in dreams, in hallucinations, in sleep. He

was here to show her he existed, that he was waiting for her. "First I have to ask," she said softly. "Right? First I have to ask."

The moon smiled at her. As she leaned out, her heart opened, connecting

her with the moon, on a tenuous, shimmering thread. Then, with a shaky voice and an open heart, Althea Brecht asked something of the universe,

and at her words, the moon grew, expanding as if it was an enormous canvas waiting for the colors of her newest creation." - Karen M.

Black, in Moondance

If you feel any resistance to this, don't worry about it simply breathe through it.

Pamela Vandervoort Copyright © 2011 www.DatingForTrueLove.com


Day 16: Experiencing Your True

Love: A Day with Your True Love

Today you will experience a day in

your new life with your True Love.

There is a fundamental principle in the

Law of Attraction that basically states

"wanting only produces more

wanting". When your attention

continually returns to your lack of

relationship or the experience of

wanting you attract more experiences

of wanting.

In Arielle Ford's book, The Soulmate Secret: Manifest the Love of Your Life with the Law of Attraction, she discusses a concept called Living as If.

Arielle states that "Living as if means stepping outside of your current reality and stepping into the reality you wish to be true."

Today you will live as if.

Today you will experience a typical day in your life married to your True


So really allow yourself to have the experience of sharing your life,

sharing your day with your True Love.

So breathe deeply, with each inhale allow the knowing that soon every day

will be a day with your True Love. With each breathe allow this feeling of

knowing and faith to fill your body more deeply than you ever thought


If you feel any resistance to this, don't worry about it simply breathe

through it.

"I love you, not only for what you are, but for what I am when I am with you."

~ Roy Croft

PS. I want you all to know that these exercises really work! I have done

these with all my private clients and literally 80% of them are engaged or

married and 10% are in a serious relationship. So relax, enjoy and

experience your True Love.

Pamela Vandervoort Copyright © 2011 www.DatingForTrueLove.com


Day 17: Connecting to Your True Love: Your Creation with Your

True Love

Today is the day to let your imagination soar!

A true love relationship is not just

about the emotional experience between two people. It is also about

creating a life together.

What type of life do you want to

create with your True Love.

Scott and Bea Johnson She was an artist and he an eco-business consultant. They both shared a passion for

the environment when she felt compelled to totally eliminated trash from their home. They worked together to find replacements for almost all of the

household items, like using glass jars for meat instead of purchasing packaged meat at the store. They both wanted to create an eco-friendly

home and make world a better place for their children.

Kathryn Alice and her husband wanted to live a traveling lifestyle. They spent several years living in different countries for a month or two at a time

with their three sons. While traveling, she became a best selling author and grew her on-line coaching business while experiencing many beautiful places

in the world.

So breathe deeply, with each inhale allow the knowing that you and your

True Love can create the life of your dreams. Allow this knowing to fill your body. With each breathe allow this feeling of knowing and faith to fill your

body more deeply than you ever thought possible.

"Life has taught us that love does not consist in gazing at each other,

but in looking outward together in the same direction."

~ Antoine de Saint-Exupery

Picture the life you want to create with your true love.

Do you want to live on the beach, have children and teach them to surf? Do you want to have a home in the country and grow your own vegetables? Or

do you want to lead an alternative lifestyle, traveling the world?

"Dreams are like the paints of a great artist. Your dreams are your paints, the world is your canvas. Believing, is the brush that converts your dreams

into a masterpiece of reality". Unknown

If you feel any resistance to this, don't worry about it simply breathe through it.

Pamela Vandervoort Copyright © 2011 DatingForTrueLove.com


Day 18: Experiencing Your True

Love: A Vacation with Your True Love

Today you will experience the

vacation of your dreams in your new life with your True Love.

As you go through the meditations this

week, visualizing and creating a life with your True Love, do not be concerned that

are you in some way limiting yourself to

what you visualize in your meditations.

At the University of Santa Monica (USM) where I received my Master's Degree in

Spiritual Psychology as part of our curriculum we completed Ideal Scenes, written descriptions of what we

wanted to create in lives. At the bottom of every ideal scene we wrote "This or Something Better for the Highest Good of All Concerned"

In these meditations, you are allowing your imagination and your heart to

open up to all possibilities that you and your true love will create together. Through music, relaxation techniques and other exercises you are

experiencing these possibilities in your life right now.

By feeling good, feeling happy, feeling love, feeling joy, and really

feeling these emotions through your meditations you are making this your reality. And you continue to create more of this reality in

your life.

But know that you are not limited to the experiences in these visualizations. Through your imagination, you are opening the door to the life of love and

joy that you are going to experience with your true love.

"For every beauty there is an eye somewhere to see it. For every truth there is an ear somewhere to hear it. For every love there is a heart somewhere to receive it."

~ Ivan Panin

So remember, this or something better for the highest good of you, your true love, your life together and the world!

Today you will experience your ideal vacation with your True Love.

So breathe deeply, with each inhale allow yourself to feel the love, fun and

joy of experiencing a vacation with your True Love. With each breathe allow this feeling of fun, love and joy to fill your body more deeply than you ever

thought possible.

When you create the fun, excitement and joyful emotions within you, that's when things really start to happen in your life.

So really allow yourself to feel completely the experience of sharing your

dream vacation with your True Love.

If you feel any resistance to this, don't worry about it simply breathe

through it.

Pamela Vandervoort Copyright © 2011 www.DatingForTrueLove.com


Day 19: Connecting to Your True

Love: Your Values with Your True


Identifying and understanding your key relationship values are critical to

attracting and creating a true love relationship. You carry these values

with you throughout your life and you will not be happy and fulfilled in a

relationship without these values being present. Even when your life

circumstances change your key relationship values remain the same.

Many people think their key values

are determined by external things, such as physical beauty, success or

money. These things are transient in nature. People can have money one year and lose it all the next, or be without money and become wealthy

overnight. Physical attractiveness changes with age while true beauty only grows over time.

Identifying your relationship values enables you to attract and create true

love with someone who shares those same values.

What are your relationship values?

Commitment and trust maybe relationship values for you.

Open and honest communication may also be relationship values, however remember that your values apply to yourself as well. So you must also be

able to receive open and honest communication.

"Find arms that will hold you at your weakest, eyes that will see you at your ugliest,

lips that will kiss you in both instances, and a heart that will love you at your worst.

Only then will you have found your true love.

~ Unknown

Being connected to God or a higher power maybe a relationship value for


Being committed to personal growth may also be a relationship value for you.

So breathe deeply, with each inhale allow the knowing that you and your

True Love share the same key relationship values. Allow this knowing to fill your body. With each breathe allow this feeling of knowing and faith to fill

your body more deeply than you ever thought possible.

When you are clear about your relationship values you cannot help but attract people who share your values. And you can relax and

trust in the knowledge that you will never again share your life with anyone who does not value you.

If you feel any resistance to this, don't worry about it simply breathe through it.

IMPORTANT: Don't forget to journal after the meditation. What were

your insights? What realizations did you have? What are your relationship values and what values do you want to share with your

true love?

Pamela Vandervoort Copyright © 2011 www.DatingForTrueLove.com


Day 20: Experiencing Your True

Love: Your Future with Your True


Today will experience your future

life with your True Love.

Again remember, the purpose of this meditation is to allow your

imagination and your heart to open up

to all possibilities that you and your true love will create together.

In today's uncertain world it is

reassuring to know that you can create a love that will last a lifetime.

A true love relationship that will stand the test of time.

Know that your love will only grow stronger in time rather than fade over


Know that you both will become greater than you ever thought possible, create more than you ever thought possible, experience more together than

you ever thought possible.

You develop positive relationship patterns that create structure and stability

giving you a solid foundation from which to grow and flourish.

You develop good habits creating a life of health and vitality allowing you the strength and energy to create your heart's desires.

"The most wonderful of all things in life is the discovery of another human being with

whom one's relationship has a growing depth, beauty and joy as the years increase. This

inner progressiveness of love between two human beings is a most marvelous thing."

~ Sir Hugh Walpole

~ Unknown

You experience deep love and trust allowing you to nurture yourself, each

other and others in the world.

Together with your True Love, the sky is the limit, anything is possible when you create a conscious, true love relationship.

Today you will experience your future with your True Love.

So breathe deeply, with each inhale allow yourself to feel your future of

unlimited possibilities with your True Love. With each breathe allow this feeling of life’s joyful possibilities fill you even more deeply than you ever

thought possible.

So really allow yourself to dream big! Allow yourself to create the future you have dreamed of with your True Love.

If you feel any resistance to this, don't worry about it simply breathe through it.

Pamela Vandervoort Copyright © 2011 www.DatingForTrueLove.com


Day 21: Connecting to Your True

Love: Your Divine Plan with Your True Love

There is a direct correlation

between being in a True Love relationship and living your life's


When you meet your True Love you

feel so blessed that you want to share your blessings with others. You find

yourself wanting to work together to make the world a better place. This is

a physical expression of the True Love qualities of light, joy, gratitude and


Remember Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie. They both share a deep desire to help the less fortunate children of the world. They are famous for adopting

children from impoverished countries as well as donating their time, influence and substantial sums of money for children's causes. While people

may question how they came together, the truth is their mutual desire to

make a difference and share in these experiences caused them to come together. As a couple they are possibly two of the most influential people in

humanitarian causes in the world today.

So breathe deeply, with each inhale allow the knowing that your True Love is here and know that together you will fulfill your lives' purpose. With each

breathe allow this feeling of knowing and faith to fill your body more deeply than you ever thought possible.

"The way you get meaning into your life is to devote yourself to

loving others, devote yourself to your community around you, and devote

yourself to creating something that gives you purpose and meaning."

~ Mitch Albom

How do you want to be of service to the world? Do you want to do

charity work together? Do you want to rescue animals? Start a retreat center? Experience greater wealth and financial abundance? Help others

accomplish physical fitness and wellness? Help others' experience True Love in their lives? What is your passion?

"Every great dream begins with a dreamer. Always remember, you have

within you the strength, the patience, and the passion to reach for the stars to change the world." Harriet Tubman

And I know your true love shares your passion too!

Remember "This or something better for the highest good of all concerned".

If you feel any resistance to this, don't worry about it simply breathe

through it.

IMPORTANT!!: Before you begin this meditation, review your journal!

Review your insights from this last week of meditations. What did you write about your vision with your true love? What did you write

that you want to create with your True Love? What are your relationship values? What are the values you share with your true

love? Take a minute to review these before beginning this meditation.

Pamela Vandervoort Copyright © 2011 www.DatingForTrueLove.com


Congratulations, you have successfully completed the Receiving True Love 21 Day Meditation.

You have taken a huge and crucial step toward manifesting true love into

your life.

This meditation has been a very powerful process for you. Many of you have seen results immediately and more results will continue to show up in your

life. In fact, this meditation was so deep and that you may be clearing for several more weeks.

The seeds that you have planted will continue to grow and manifest

even more of your True Love's vision, creation and life purpose for the rest of your life.

You may now be wondering what next?

As a result of this meditation, you will be feeling, if not now, then in the very near future, a profound amount of energy and a desire to take action.

"Enthusiasm means there is a deep enjoyment in what you do plus the

added element of a goal or a vision that you work toward." Eckhart Tolle, A New Earth.

Warning: be sure to use this energy and enthusiasm wisely.

You may be wondering what is the next step toward experiencing true love?

You may have yet to meet your true love, don't worry that is right around the corner.

You may have someone in your life and want to create a true love


Whatever your situation, we can help. We would like to offer you a

complimentary "True Love's Next Step Discovery Session" to help you capitalize on this energy and get clear on the next action step you need for

your True Love relationship.

During the Receiving True Love Meditation we activated your Divine Wisdom, the guidance that is within you and is always available to you. Take a

minute to place your hand on your heart and ask your Divine Wisdom: "What is my next step, how do I use this energy and enthusiasm to

move me toward my goal of true love?"

Remember, your True Love is here, in this world right now, sharing your vision and desire to live your purpose and create an ideal life with you too.

Much Love,

Ps. Don't waste the energy and enthusiasm that's available to you now. If you are not clear on your next step for experiencing true love, please set up a "True Love's Next Step Discovery Session" today, we can help. Get it


Pamela Vandervoort Copyright © 2011 www.DatingForTrueLove.com