Welcome to St. Michael Catholic Church!smsebree.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/11/11-26-17.pdf ·...

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Transcript of Welcome to St. Michael Catholic Church!smsebree.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/11/11-26-17.pdf ·...

Welcome to St. Michael Catholic Church!

We’re glad to have you! If you’re new, welcome to the St. Michael’s Parish Family!

If you haven’t been here in awhile, welcome back!

St. Michael’s is a small, close-knit parish family, always open to new & returning

members. There’s no formal “registration” process; once you come here we consider

you part of the family!

If you’d like to get involved in parish life or receive communications from the parish, feel free to talk to Patti or visit our website

www.smsebree.org to find out more.

Need some Quiet in your Life? You are always welcome to come sit in

Jesus' presence any time at St. Michael’s. Our church remains open 24 hours a day,

365 days a year.

There are free reflection books with daily readings and brochures for you to take as

well as CDs with dynamic Catholic speakers available to take with you for a

small donation.

Mass Intentions Available: If you would like to have a mass said for a loved one (living or deceased) you can put

an envelope with the intention and date requested in the collection or in the mail (the suggested donation per mass is $5)

Parish Mission Statement St. Michael's Catholic Church, a people of diverse cultures and backgrounds, are brought together by God through the Gospel and the teachings of the Church. Our mission is to make disciples of Christ through:

-Prayer and frequent celebration of the Sacraments, especially the Eucharist -Sharing our faith and educating others about the Church -Living a life of continual conversion -Providing our children a strong Catholic upbringing -Giving comfort to those in need -Stewardship of our time, talent and treasure -Acting as the living presence of Christ in our world, building community and welcoming all -Empowering one another to share the Gospel through our words and by our actions

November 26, 2017 ~ Christ the King Sunday

Shoot us a text, email or give us a call! Pastor: Fr. Carmelo Jiménez, (270) 881-7737, email: frcarmelo@smsebree.org

Pastoral Associate: Patti Gutiérrez, (270) 302-2782, patti@smsebree.org; fax: 855-631-0319 Deacon Chris Gutiérrez: (270) 880-8018, chris@smsebree.org

Or visit us online at: www.smsebree.org www.facebook.com/smsebree

Connect with Us!

Thanks to those who Shared their Time & Talents This Week

Thanks to Linda Shelton and María Jose for cleaning the church and parish hall this week!

Your Offering to St. Michael’s Parish Family:

As a small, rural parish we very much appreciate everyone’s generosity! Each of you play an integral role in helping our Parish Family fulfill our mission! If you would like St. Michael’s to keep track of your giving you may use a personal check or give securely and easily online at www.smsebree.org/online-giving/. Don’t forget to set up Online Giving before going on vacation! We also mail packets with personalized weekly & special collection envelopes to those that request them, simply text or email your name and mailing address to Patti.

Holy Name School Families: You may place your Holy Name envelope in any collection at St. Michael’s and we will forward it (unopened) to Holy Name for them to count your attendance and receive your offering.

For info on all ministry opportunities & to sign-up visit: www.smsebree.org/get-involved/

Upcoming Ministry Opportunities The youth of the parish are in need of more adults who are able to be part of the youth group meetings on Thursdays from 3:30-5pm to help keep the small groups on task. There are also opportunities to help transport & chaperone the youth at upcoming outings, retreats & service projects.

Ongoing Ministry Opportunities Liturgical Music Committee: Expectation: Meets with Kay Beth every 4-6 weeks to give input on the musical selections for mass. Time: Stay after 10:30am mass for about 30 minutes. Gifts Needed: interest in liturgy and music, able to give feed-back and constructive criticism, be familiar with hymns.

Ministry of Prayer Please pray for the sick members and friends of this parish, especially Tony Bess, Raye Ann Blakely, Larry Branson, Charles Buchanan; Julie Clouse, Scott Coffman, L.V & Lois Dant, Leo Dickens, Luke Dickens, Ernie Duncan, David Ferriell, Anna Filbert, Dan Hawkins, Jackie Hill, Anna Hobbs, Billy Howell, Patti Jenkins, Tony Kraus, Mac Lacer, Brea Meadows, Paul Nord, Carmen & Daryl Periard, Carter Powell, Al Prough, Kathy Prough, Steve Raley, Clayton Roberts, Veronica Spink, Burnetta Springfield, Luann Stiles, Vickie Tichenor, Lynda & Tracy Trogden, Richard Vowels, Doris Vowels, Johnny Wahl, Louise Welch, Tony Whitledge, Dwayne Wilson, Terry Yancy. To see all of the prayer requests, make a new one, give an update, take someone off the list or sign up to receive urgent prayer requests visit www.smsebree.org/get-involved/prayer/ or let Patti know.

Thanks for Your Financial Generosity! Offering 11/19/17 $ 1,142.70 Weekly Goal $ 1,442.31 Total Offering as of 11/19/17 $ 32,509.83

Annual Goal for Offerings (July-June) $75,000.00

Ministry Schedule - THIS Weekend Nov. 25th 5pm Sacristan: Connie Caldwell Nov. 26th 10:30am Sacristan Charles Buchanan Eucharistic Min. Knights of Columbus Hospitality Knights of Columbus Lector Knights of Columbus Altar Server Knights of Columbus Week of Nov. 26-Dec 2 Money Counters Janice Sellers/April Church Cleaners Team 3: Glenn, & Yancy Families

Ministry Schedule - NEXT Weekend Dec. 2nd 5pm Sacristan: Charles Buchanan Dec. 3rd 10:30am Sacristan Mary Jane Hawkins Eucharistic Min. Bobby Blanford Eucharistic Min. Linda Frederick Hospitality Donna Kenney Lector Lea Ann Sugg Altar Server Mary Jane Hawkins Week of Dec. 3-9 Money Counters Jeanie Davis/Patti Church Cleaners Team 4: Baltazar Rafael, (church), Otero Sanchez Family (hall)

Go Deeper This Week! Consider this:

CHECK OUT THE READINGS FOR THE WEEK: www.usccb.org/readings

Monday: Dn 1:1-6, 8-20; Dn 3:52-56; Lk 21:1-4 Tuesday: Dn 2:31-45; Dn 3:57-61; Lk 21:5-11 Wednesday: Dn 5:1-6, 13-14, 16-17, 23-28; Dn 3:62-67; Lk 21:12-19 Thursday: Rom 10:9-18; Ps 19:8-11; Mt 4:18-22 Friday: Dn 7:2-14; Dn 3:75-81; Lk 21:29-33 Saturday: Dn 7:15-27; Dn 3:82-87; Lk 21:34-36 Sunday: Is 63:16b-17, 19b; 64:2-7; Ps 80:2-3, 15-16, 18-19; 1 Cor 1:3-9; Mk 13:33-37

WORD OF LIFE “By focusing on the most vulnerable members of society, we strengthen the entire fabric of society to protect the rights of all.”

~ Archbishop William E. Lori, Chair Ad Hoc Committee for Religious Liberty

“Solidarity at the Service of All People in the Middle East,” https://goo.gl/nAUXNQ



By our Pastor, Fr. Carmelo Jiménez With the solemnity of Christ the King we have come to the end of the liturgical year. A year in which we have

celebrated, shared and lived our Christian faith. Something that surprised me when I received a video from my Archbishop Fabio Martínez was that I learned that the solemnity of Christ the King came about thanks to the Bishops of Mexico. They consecrated Mexico to the Sacred Heart of Jesus in 1914 and with that began the construction of a Shrine in Silao Guanajuato to Christ the King. In 1925 Pope Pius XI established it as a solemnity for the entire Church. The first reading says: “I myself will look after and tend my sheep.” (Ez 34:11) This reading is an oracle of hope, because the God of Israel loves his people in exile deeply. The prophet Ezekiel presents the alternative to the leaders of the people, to the kings, priests and the dominating class: the Lord will be a true shepherd; a shepherd who looks for each one of his sheep, cares for them and cures them if necessary. “Christ has been raised from the dead, the first fruits of those who have fallen asleep. For since death came through man, the resurrection of the dead came also through man.” (1 Cor 15: 20-21) The key to this reading is in the resurrection of the dead. If we continue reading this chapter we will find a precious explanation about the resurrected bodies. “But someone may say, ‘How are the dead raised? With what kind of body will they come back?’ It is sown corruptible; it is raised incorruptible.” (1 Cor 15: 35. 42b) Saint Paul thinks and believes, with all his heart and soul, that if it were not so, not even Christ would have been able to rise from the dead, because he was a man and our faith would make no sense. God, first through Christ, has revealed that his creation is so positive that we will never fall into nothing, even if we have to pass through death - “sister death” as Saint Francis would say – brings us to the life that the Creator gives us. "When the Son of Man comes in his glory, and all the angels with him, he will sit upon his glorious throne.” (Mt 25:31) The theology of the evangelist is trying to present a cosmic, universal dimension, to the action of the Lord. The entire world, all of history, are under the saving and redeeming action of the Lord. This is the key point of this celebration: the glory and redemption that Christ brings to the entire world. “Come, you who are blessed by my Father. Inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world.” (Mt 25: 35) Jesus identifies with each one of the smallest and most unprotected people. It is not a comparison, it is a radical identification, to the point that we can see Jesus in the humblest people. The saving criteria for Christians and believers is the love and mercy of our brothers and sisters. This is the only divine and evangelical criteria for salvation and future happiness: charity and helping the poor, the hungry, the disinherited, the sick and the imprisoned. The divine judgment does not have laws that benefit some and harm others, like sometimes happens with our human way of judging. The great question that Jesus will ask us is: did you love or not? Christ is the king of the universe, because his justice is the aspiration of every heart. May our hope inspire us to love and serve Christ in our brothers and sisters.

THE MYSTERY OF FAITH: A Study of the Structural Elements

of the Order of the Mass by Lawrence J. Johnson.

(LITURGY OF THE WORD), #12. First Reading. The presence of the Old Testament reading manifests the Church’s firm conviction that all Scripture is the word of God. There

is a continuity between the two Testaments: both lead the congregation to Jesus Christ. As St. Augustine (354- 430) so succinctly stated it, “In the Old Testa-ment the New is hidden, in the New Testament the Old appears.” And according to St. Irenaeus, Bishop of Lyons (c.130-c.200), “The writings of Moses are the words of Christ.” [reprinted with permission FDLC]

Solemnity of Christ the King, November 26, 2017 “Amen I say to you, whatever you did for one of the

least brothers of mine, you did for me.” By virtue of our Baptism, we are all called to imi-

tate Christ’s self-giving sacrificial love. Each of us is called to serve in a way unique to our personal vocation. If you feel that God is calling you to

share the hope and consolation of the Gospel with others as a Catholic Priest, contact the Diocese of Owensboro Office of Vocations: 270-683-1545,

www.owensborovocations.com or jason.mcclure@pastoral.org

Entire Parish Calendar is Online at: www.smsebree.org/calendar/

Nov. 25th Sebree Christmas Parade 7pm Dec. 3rd: Advent Holy Hour, 2-3pm

Dec 6th: Advent Penance Service, 6pm Dec. 8th: Immaculate Conception Masses 12pm, 6pm

Dec. 24th: Christmas Eve Mass 5pm English, 7:30pm Spanish Dec. 25th: Christmas Day Bilingual Mass, 12pm

Follow us on Facebook: www.facebook.com/smsebree


If you need to make an appointment, set up a pastoral visit for someone who is sick or hospitalized, get more infor-

mation about sacraments, religious education for children or just need someone to talk to, feel free to contact Fr. Carmelo,

Deacon Chris or Patti via text, call, email or our website!

PARISH EVENTS & MEETINGS Sunday, November 26th Deacons coming 9:30am Confessions available 11:30am Donut Sunday 1:30pm Hispanic Committee Monday, November 27th 7:30am Community Meeting Wednesday, November 29th 5:30pm Religious Education (K-6th) Thursday, November 30th 11am Eucharistic Adoration 3:30pm Youth Group Saturday, December 2nd 4pm Confessions available 6pm Prayer Vigil Sunday, December 3rd First Sunday of Advent 9:30am Confessions available 2pm Advent Holy Hour

HAPPY BIRTHDAY 11/26—Nosbely Lucas 11/27 – Rosie Edwards, Dannya Perez 11/28 - Luz Clarisa Rivera, Lupita Barco 11/29 – Helen Romain 12/1 – Cale Thompson

Here’s What’s Happening: This Week at St. Michael’s:

HAPPY ANNIVERSARY 11/27/1999 Benjamin & Jeana Otero Sanchez 11/27/1999 Michael & Nancy Coomes

Sat. Nov. 25 English 5pm Jose Jacinto

Sun. Nov. 26 English 10:30am People of the Parish

Spanish 12pm Barco Family

Spanish 7:30pm Jose Jacinto

Mon. Nov. 27 English 9am Jose Jacinto

Tues. Nov. 28 English 9am Jose Jacinto

Nursing Home 10am Justin Brown

Wed. Nov. 29 Spanish 12pm Jose Jacinto

Thurs. Nov. 30 Spanish 12pm Jose Jacinto

Sat. Dec. 2 English 5pm Jose Jacinto

Sun. Dec. 3 English 10:30am Butch Adams

Spanish 12pm People of the Parish

Spanish 7:30pm Jose Jacinto

Our Parish Family Encountering Jesus in Prayer: Sunday, Dec. 3rd, 2-3pm across the Diocese. St. Michael’s is joining Bishop Medley & the other parishes in having a Holy Hour on the First Sun-day of Advent. All are welcome to come have an encounter with Jesus in the Most Blessed Sacrament and pray together for an outpouring of the Holy Spirit on our parish and the entire Diocese. Lots of great, new CDs available! Check out our display for dynamic talks by Catholic presenters for only a suggested donation of $3 each. Titles like “What’s So Great about Be-ing Catholic?” “Meet Your Mother” “Prove it, God...and He did!” “Religionless Spirituality: Why we need the Church” and “I’m Not Being Fed”. Consider them for gifts. Thanks for your generosity to the Disciples Response Fund this year! The St. Michael’s family target was $1,718 and we pledged $3,505 and already paid $2,442. Thanks for being part of the important mission of the Diocese of Owensboro! Parish Council Elections: Each year two members of the Parish Council rotate off. Thanks to Jimmy Frederick and Peggy Howell for their three years of service in leadership of our parish! Please consider if you would like to serve in this role or who you would like to nominate on Nov. 26th & Dec. 3rd. Anyone who attends mass at St. Michael’s is eligible and two people will be chosen by lot on Dec. 10th. The Dec. 4th, 6pm Parish Council meeting will be an open meeting for anyone to attend.

Our Faith Family A Lifeline for Marriage – Retrouvaille (pronounced retro-vi with a long i) helps couples through difficult times in their marriages. It is designed to provide the tools to help get your marriage back on track. It will give you the opportunity to rediscover each other and examine your lives together in a new and positive way. This program has helped thousands of couples experiencing marital difficulty at all levels. For con-fidential information about or to register for the January pro-gram beginning with a weekend on Jan 12, 2018, call 270-852-8346 or email: felliott3232@yahoo.com or visit the web site at www.retrouvaille.org Registration deadline Jan 5, 2018. Men’s Discernment Retreat for men ages 18-25 who are seri-ously thinking about their vocation and who have the desire to courageously give their lives to Christ. This retreat is an oppor-tunity to set some time out in silence to listen to the voice of God in your life; receive guidance for the discernment process; learn the tools of discernment, and sharpen your discerning skills. There will be time for prayer, reflection, and rest. The Men’s Discernment Retreat will be held on December 8-10 at St. Meinrad. There is no cost but registration is necessary. Reg-istration deadline is Dec. 6th. To register online: 270-683-1545, jason.mcclure@pastoral.org, www.owensborovocations.com